Hail and well met
This is a post in the interim between me getting my room fixed up and my computer getting fixed. And I have a load to cover so lets get started.
First of all I have to comment on the Hand-fasting. It was the most beautiful ceremony/ritual that I have had the pleasure to see let alone be apart in. Mel's dress was perfect. Val was dashing. The weather was comfortable. The fellowship was strong. I cannot say enough about it. The vows spoken between them was moving in a way that still stirs me when I think about it. Ok I have to also say that getting a sword was pretty cool but it pales in comparison to the beauty of the moment. At least it serve as a constant reminder of that day.
Now I will talk about Lothlorian. I had no idea that a place like it existed in this world. It is a place of peace and power. I know that I have not spoken about my walk as a Jedi in awhile and I am sure that some of you had hoped that I had quit that childish shit. TOO BAD. If I have ever been in a place that made me feel closer to the Force I cannot think of it. It was settling for my sport and healing for my soul. Not that it was in bad shape but it still had wounds from years ago. I had accepted them and just learned to deal with the pain or numbness. But enough about me.
The land itself is raw and unfinished. The people are friendly and open. It is a place I could spend many a day just communing with many things. I know that many pagans call it home away from home but I hope they can deal with a non-pagan making regular trips cause I am definitely signing up and going back. I have never slept so well nor drempt so strongly before. Even with being on the ground I didn't feel on tich of stiffness or soreness. Of couse getting to sleep the second night was more difficult then the first. Damn forest noises...;)
I have heard that it is difficult going back to the "mundane" world after being there. I must be dumb or out of touch cause I didn't feel any different then I did. Maybe I am not really getting it, or maybe I already felt the "mundane" world before I arrived so it was just going back to what I am accustom to. Who knows. I do understand the concept of not being able to talk about things like you could there. Hell I have that here with my living conditions. Do you think for one minute that I could ever tell my P's that I am walking the path of the Jedi? OH HELL NO! Can you say intervention? Cause I would be in one faster then a zealot can burn a book...wait wasn't that the Nazi's? Oh yeah that is right they both do it, the zealots just claim that their God told them to do it while the Nazi's said Hitler told them to do it.
Why can't we all just take responsibility for our stupidity and stop trying to blame someone or something else? Oh well I ain't going to start on that rant right now. Too much else to talk about.
So I am back here in the burbs. I haven't seen my lady in FAR too long. That will be fixed this weekend Friday when I see her after the party at Jen's. Then we have the party Saturday and all day Sunday to be together. With breaks to eat and talk and stuff :) I am so bad. But seriously I will be spending some quality time with her. I was planning on heading back home Tuesday with a lunch stop at her office but there is a snag...
I have a second interview with the Crete Post Office!!!!!!!!!!! Oh hell yes!
I know I shouldn't get my hopes but believe me I have a sixth sense about things and I know that I am going to work for the Post Office, it is just a matter of being patient.
So how do I feel right now? Well frustrated is a good place to start. You see I was working on a special project for Terri for her birthday. Well lets just say it fell apart in my hands just over an hour ago. I am not giving up but there is no way that I can hope to finish it by Saturday. It is just a matter of time and there is not enough of it right now. Things take time to dry and harden so it will have to wait. I wanted to have it all done for this weekend but I will have to settle for giving her what I have done so far. Oh well it happens. I will finish it and give it to her later. (oh darn I will have to see her again...Yeah what a shame:)
That is what is up. I know that I am missing stuff but it will have to wait until I have a chance to entangle the thoughts from my head. I know that some are having a difficult time out there, don't hesitate to call me any hour of the day or night. My cell is currently out of time but it works great as a pager and I will call back. My ear is available and my heart is open.
Ok well that is it I am out of here for now.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Matt-Man 's a Pirate Matey ARRRR!!!
Hail and well met ARRRR!
Well it be talk like a pirate day me hardy. So here there be pirate talk ARRRR!
It also be the day one fine lass was put apon this here earth. That be Terri Miller ARRR!
So happy Birthday LOVE ARRRR!
And before I be forgetting it here is what my pirate monicker would be if I had one
My pirate name is:
Iron James Rackham

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network
So it be matey. I expects to be see all of ya when ye make port in Lake Villa at the fine establishment of Terri Miller. Don't be late or we'll keelhaul ya ARRRR!
So may the Force be with ye ARRRR!
Well it be talk like a pirate day me hardy. So here there be pirate talk ARRRR!
It also be the day one fine lass was put apon this here earth. That be Terri Miller ARRR!
So happy Birthday LOVE ARRRR!
And before I be forgetting it here is what my pirate monicker would be if I had one
My pirate name is:
Iron James Rackham

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network
So it be matey. I expects to be see all of ya when ye make port in Lake Villa at the fine establishment of Terri Miller. Don't be late or we'll keelhaul ya ARRRR!
So may the Force be with ye ARRRR!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Matt-Man Takes Off!
Hail and well met
Well the time has come. I am all packed and ready to head out once I have done a couple of last minute things. Like shave and shower LOL.
I won't be posting for a couple of days after I get back as I will be tearing my room apart and with that goes the room to run the computer and such. So feel free to call or something but just don't go sending me an important email cause I ain't gonna get it.
I hope to see everyone at the hand fasting and those that I don't know that my thoughts are with you as well.
Oh hell who am I kidding...Terri I am gonna miss you something terrible. I wish that things were different but they are what they are. I am soooo looking forward to next weekend when I get to see you again. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS SO GOOD!!!!
Ok well that is all I have to say right now. No wait don't anyone forget about next weekend either. I expect to at least hear from people if no see them.
Ok now I am done.
May the Force be with you
Well the time has come. I am all packed and ready to head out once I have done a couple of last minute things. Like shave and shower LOL.
I won't be posting for a couple of days after I get back as I will be tearing my room apart and with that goes the room to run the computer and such. So feel free to call or something but just don't go sending me an important email cause I ain't gonna get it.
I hope to see everyone at the hand fasting and those that I don't know that my thoughts are with you as well.
Oh hell who am I kidding...Terri I am gonna miss you something terrible. I wish that things were different but they are what they are. I am soooo looking forward to next weekend when I get to see you again. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS SO GOOD!!!!
Ok well that is all I have to say right now. No wait don't anyone forget about next weekend either. I expect to at least hear from people if no see them.
Ok now I am done.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Matt-Man Ponders
Hail and well met
What am I pondering?
What to ware. Oh yes it is the eleventh hour and I am still not sure what I am going to ware to Val's and Mel's handfasting. Oh I know that I have been told to ware anything but this is special and I want to dress accordingly. I was working on a special piece of clothing but due to time constraints and my rusty sewing skills I was unable to finish.
I don't know. I am struggling with a great many things I guess and this is but the projected crux of my dilemma.
I really want a good job. I want to find a way to be with my most beautiful girlfriend and keep parts of my life down here. I want to make my games a reality that I can sell and hopefully make a career out of. I want a lot of things but nothing seems to be working out in that area of my life. I don't know what I should do or how I should do the things that will make this happen.
Worst of all... I am getting tired, weary. Down right exhausted. My life is becoming more burden then anything else. As I try and use all the wisdom that I have gleaned over the last few years I am avoiding depression but still it is getting difficult to walk the walk everyday.
Something out there is waiting for something from me. Or at least that is what it feels like. I keep looking over my shoulder expecting to find someone there waiting with a briefcase or something. Or walk into a room that I find and there sits someone behind a desk and says "It took you long enough we have been waiting for you to walk through that damn door forever".
Ha for all of this I know that on a shallow level I am stalling from facing the real problem. No it is not some earth shattering revelation it is much simpler then that. It is this question.
What should I ware to Val and Mel's handfasting?
Yup that is all that it is.
Well with the miracle of modern technology I know that it is supposed to be in the mid to upper 70's this Friday and Saturday and lower 80's on Sunday. So warmer but not really shorts weather. So I can pack for this weekend at least.
Oooooooooo I almost forgot while I was whining. Terri took me out to dinner! Yeah it was awesome! We went to this place called Bob Chin's Crab House. It is a really nice place. Mai tai's were amazing and really strong. Mmmmm booze. The dinner was incredible. A whole lobster and a steak with potatoes, wow it was so good. Although cracking the lobster legs and claws was rather difficult and the sound was somewhat disturbing. But with succulent lobster waiting to be consumed WHO CARES HOW IT SOUNDS!
Thanks again beautiful. I loved it and I love you, you sexy beast!
Ok well there is enough time spent stalling so off to pack for this weekend I go.
May the Force be with you
What am I pondering?
What to ware. Oh yes it is the eleventh hour and I am still not sure what I am going to ware to Val's and Mel's handfasting. Oh I know that I have been told to ware anything but this is special and I want to dress accordingly. I was working on a special piece of clothing but due to time constraints and my rusty sewing skills I was unable to finish.
I don't know. I am struggling with a great many things I guess and this is but the projected crux of my dilemma.
I really want a good job. I want to find a way to be with my most beautiful girlfriend and keep parts of my life down here. I want to make my games a reality that I can sell and hopefully make a career out of. I want a lot of things but nothing seems to be working out in that area of my life. I don't know what I should do or how I should do the things that will make this happen.
Worst of all... I am getting tired, weary. Down right exhausted. My life is becoming more burden then anything else. As I try and use all the wisdom that I have gleaned over the last few years I am avoiding depression but still it is getting difficult to walk the walk everyday.
Something out there is waiting for something from me. Or at least that is what it feels like. I keep looking over my shoulder expecting to find someone there waiting with a briefcase or something. Or walk into a room that I find and there sits someone behind a desk and says "It took you long enough we have been waiting for you to walk through that damn door forever".
Ha for all of this I know that on a shallow level I am stalling from facing the real problem. No it is not some earth shattering revelation it is much simpler then that. It is this question.
What should I ware to Val and Mel's handfasting?
Yup that is all that it is.
Well with the miracle of modern technology I know that it is supposed to be in the mid to upper 70's this Friday and Saturday and lower 80's on Sunday. So warmer but not really shorts weather. So I can pack for this weekend at least.
Oooooooooo I almost forgot while I was whining. Terri took me out to dinner! Yeah it was awesome! We went to this place called Bob Chin's Crab House. It is a really nice place. Mai tai's were amazing and really strong. Mmmmm booze. The dinner was incredible. A whole lobster and a steak with potatoes, wow it was so good. Although cracking the lobster legs and claws was rather difficult and the sound was somewhat disturbing. But with succulent lobster waiting to be consumed WHO CARES HOW IT SOUNDS!
Thanks again beautiful. I loved it and I love you, you sexy beast!
Ok well there is enough time spent stalling so off to pack for this weekend I go.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Matt-Man Soul Search
Hail and well met
Ok so the titles sounds ominous and something like the old days of my posting. Trust me it is not. A friend had this on their blog and I tried it out. Nothing more or less to it then that. So here is the result...
Ok so on to other things. I am going to be heading to the Handfasting and plan on spending the night. That being said I will need to ride with someone cause the Matt-mobile is not really up to a trip of that magnitude at this moment. Nothing wrong but I ain't tempting fate. So anyone that reads this and is going and is planning on spending the night let me know cause I am willing to ride along. Hell I will even throw some witty banter in the deal. Oh did I mention that I also yodel? No I actually meant help drive. I can also throw some small amount towards gas and I do mean little with the current lack of funds and being unemployed and all. So let me know and I will go from there.
Now onto the following weekend and the party up in Lake Villa. If anyone needs a ride let me know cause I am leaving on that Saturday (probably that is) but here is the catch. I probably won't be leaving until Monday or Tuesday. So if I take you up you are going to need a way back down. The train station is nearby so you could do that. Also if you want to take the train up just let me know when you plan on getting in and I will pick you up. As far as directions are concerned...I am working on them. Both a direct route and a less regular path but one that keeps you off the dreaded 294! Which save you somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 bucks with tolls these days.
Please bring any food and booze (Hmmmmm booze) for the party you feel the need or desire to. Entertainment is also up to you. I posted in my last journal about how musical instruments are welcome as well as any flicks or games you all want to play. Of course there will be carousing and if all is dry a fire in the back yard (barring the state of our drunkenness as well).
If you are drinking then know that you are not driving! Period! Tents in the backyard, two couches, a futon and plenty of floor space are available to sleep it off.
Ok well that is all I have to say for now. I will see all one way or another in the next couple of weeks.
May the Force be with you
Ok so the titles sounds ominous and something like the old days of my posting. Trust me it is not. A friend had this on their blog and I tried it out. Nothing more or less to it then that. So here is the result...
You Are a Prophet Soul |
![]() You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappointment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
Ok so on to other things. I am going to be heading to the Handfasting and plan on spending the night. That being said I will need to ride with someone cause the Matt-mobile is not really up to a trip of that magnitude at this moment. Nothing wrong but I ain't tempting fate. So anyone that reads this and is going and is planning on spending the night let me know cause I am willing to ride along. Hell I will even throw some witty banter in the deal. Oh did I mention that I also yodel? No I actually meant help drive. I can also throw some small amount towards gas and I do mean little with the current lack of funds and being unemployed and all. So let me know and I will go from there.
Now onto the following weekend and the party up in Lake Villa. If anyone needs a ride let me know cause I am leaving on that Saturday (probably that is) but here is the catch. I probably won't be leaving until Monday or Tuesday. So if I take you up you are going to need a way back down. The train station is nearby so you could do that. Also if you want to take the train up just let me know when you plan on getting in and I will pick you up. As far as directions are concerned...I am working on them. Both a direct route and a less regular path but one that keeps you off the dreaded 294! Which save you somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 bucks with tolls these days.
Please bring any food and booze (Hmmmmm booze) for the party you feel the need or desire to. Entertainment is also up to you. I posted in my last journal about how musical instruments are welcome as well as any flicks or games you all want to play. Of course there will be carousing and if all is dry a fire in the back yard (barring the state of our drunkenness as well).
If you are drinking then know that you are not driving! Period! Tents in the backyard, two couches, a futon and plenty of floor space are available to sleep it off.
Ok well that is all I have to say for now. I will see all one way or another in the next couple of weeks.
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Matt-Man makes it quick
Hail and well met
Ok here it is in a nutshell. This weekend was amazing. I helped my friend Mike move into his absolutely gorgeous house. Man it is a amazing.
I make the trek up to see my beautiful lady Saturday night and am leaving in just a little bit.
The Ren Fair was cool. Ran into my friend Paul and his wife as well as a few friends. That was nice.
Terri got a migraine which sucked. Not so much that we left but that she was out of it and I could sense the amount of pain she was in.
The party for the 23rd is a go. We will have some food but feel free to bring anything you wish. booze is also something you might want to bring and plan on sharing (it is our birthdays after all) entertainment is up to all of you, musical instruments are welcome but not the loud obnoxious kind (Yeah no bag pipes for me...DAMN). Accommodations are available either in the form of the couches, futon or tents in the backyard. The party starts around 7 in the PM and will continue late into the night, or morning and through Sunday if need be. If someone needs help with transportation please feel free to ask me about it, I am going to be making the drive up so I will have some space for passengers. I am also willing to be the lead for a train if needed or can give directions concerning the trains and will pick anyone up that needs it.
And for those that are 400 miles south don't despair plans are in the works for a road tour sometime in the future. So just hold on to all that party animalism until then. More to come on that as information becomes available.
Ok glad this was a short one. See all soon.
May the Force be with you
Ok here it is in a nutshell. This weekend was amazing. I helped my friend Mike move into his absolutely gorgeous house. Man it is a amazing.
I make the trek up to see my beautiful lady Saturday night and am leaving in just a little bit.
The Ren Fair was cool. Ran into my friend Paul and his wife as well as a few friends. That was nice.
Terri got a migraine which sucked. Not so much that we left but that she was out of it and I could sense the amount of pain she was in.
The party for the 23rd is a go. We will have some food but feel free to bring anything you wish. booze is also something you might want to bring and plan on sharing (it is our birthdays after all) entertainment is up to all of you, musical instruments are welcome but not the loud obnoxious kind (Yeah no bag pipes for me...DAMN). Accommodations are available either in the form of the couches, futon or tents in the backyard. The party starts around 7 in the PM and will continue late into the night, or morning and through Sunday if need be. If someone needs help with transportation please feel free to ask me about it, I am going to be making the drive up so I will have some space for passengers. I am also willing to be the lead for a train if needed or can give directions concerning the trains and will pick anyone up that needs it.
And for those that are 400 miles south don't despair plans are in the works for a road tour sometime in the future. So just hold on to all that party animalism until then. More to come on that as information becomes available.
Ok glad this was a short one. See all soon.
May the Force be with you
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