Hail and well met
Just dropping in for a quick post.
The "service engine soon" light came back on. So there is still a ghost in the system.
Other then that nothing to report. Role played tonight for the first time in too many months. It felt good and I realized how much I missed it. I also really want to get back to painting and playing. Just don't feel right unless I am tossing pewter and dice on a table.
Ok well that about ends it.
May the Force be with you
Saturday, October 28, 2006
It's 3:30, Do You Know Where Your Matt-Man Is?
Hail and well met
Just sitting here waiting for the Matt-Top to finish updating. Stupid Microsoft!
I wouldn't wait but I have to keep an eye on it otherwise it does dumb things. Like randomly deciding to disconnect whilst in the middle of the update, or these little windows open up by the veritable thousands and cause a system crash.
So here I sit. I want to go to sleep. Ah well.
May the Force be with you
P.S. Oh by the way the car is all fixed up. For those that have riden in the Matt-Mobile this will mean something. The "check engine light" is finally off. Yeah and there was joy!
Just sitting here waiting for the Matt-Top to finish updating. Stupid Microsoft!
I wouldn't wait but I have to keep an eye on it otherwise it does dumb things. Like randomly deciding to disconnect whilst in the middle of the update, or these little windows open up by the veritable thousands and cause a system crash.
So here I sit. I want to go to sleep. Ah well.
May the Force be with you
P.S. Oh by the way the car is all fixed up. For those that have riden in the Matt-Mobile this will mean something. The "check engine light" is finally off. Yeah and there was joy!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Matt-Man Falls Down, But Gets Up With Help From Father
Hail and well met
The title sound somewhat more dramatic then it really is.
This morning I was supposed to give my father a lift from the mechanics shop back home. Well my alarm clock did not work correctly and I didn't get up on time. When I did he was still home and I, being half asleep hurriedly got dressed and ran down to let him know that I was still going to do it. He had just left so I followed him, rushing as a half asleep idiot would.
Now let me say that I didn't get in an accident or get hurt. Just thought I would clear that up before anyone got the wrong idea.
As I was speeding down the street I came to a stop light and as I started to accelerate from it the Matt-mobile started to vibrate. I knew that feeling from when I had the Pinto. I had lost a cylinder. Now there are several reasons for that to happen but at the time I was not thinking best case scenario. I was just pissed that it had happened less then 24 hours after getting my notice. Between the feeling of letting my father down and the car starting to have trouble I was in a sorry state. But I digress, I got to the mechanics place only to find that my father had gotten a ride from one of the employees. This only managed to infuriate me as now I felt that none of this would have gone wrong if he had just left me a note.
So this in mind I struggled home with the car wobbling all the way. As I pulled in my father was sitting in his other van getting ready to take off. I pulled in and he got out. I lost all semblance of composure. I asked him if the heard the car, screaming all the way. He said yes. I responded, still in 5 year old mode that it had just started and told him thanks. I turned and headed up to the house. Now I figured that he took off as the last thing I saw was him returning to his van.
I hit the porch and tried to get the key in the lock. I was shaking so that was more then I was capable of doing. I slammed the keys on the porch and ended up kneeling on the steps sobbing. To say I had broken down was a bit of a under statement. Everything was crashing in. The hopes of the new job were slipping away. My future was moving past the horizon and the darkness was creeping in. I was ready to just give up. Which is a big deal for me. I remember asking no one in particular one question "What more do you want from me?".
Then my father put his hand on my shoulder and told me to stand up. Not in an authoritative "do or else" kind of way but in a way that I have not heard from him in a long time. We went back to his van and he took me to breakfast. I don't remember much of the trip there. He told me that we were going to take the car over to the mechanics and get it fixed. I would have to arrange some kind of payment plan but knowing our mechanic that would not be a problem. He seemed positive and supportive. I don't know if I have ever seen that from him like that. I cannot begin to express how it my feeling about him change.
Well not wanting to go into that I will say that my car is almost done and I will be picking it up soon. I will make it to the orientation on Monday and I will be working by next Saturday.
I just had to put this in here so it was on public record.
My Father has re-earned my respect.
I love you Dad!
Thanks for being there for me when I fell down.
May the Force be with all of you
The title sound somewhat more dramatic then it really is.
This morning I was supposed to give my father a lift from the mechanics shop back home. Well my alarm clock did not work correctly and I didn't get up on time. When I did he was still home and I, being half asleep hurriedly got dressed and ran down to let him know that I was still going to do it. He had just left so I followed him, rushing as a half asleep idiot would.
Now let me say that I didn't get in an accident or get hurt. Just thought I would clear that up before anyone got the wrong idea.
As I was speeding down the street I came to a stop light and as I started to accelerate from it the Matt-mobile started to vibrate. I knew that feeling from when I had the Pinto. I had lost a cylinder. Now there are several reasons for that to happen but at the time I was not thinking best case scenario. I was just pissed that it had happened less then 24 hours after getting my notice. Between the feeling of letting my father down and the car starting to have trouble I was in a sorry state. But I digress, I got to the mechanics place only to find that my father had gotten a ride from one of the employees. This only managed to infuriate me as now I felt that none of this would have gone wrong if he had just left me a note.
So this in mind I struggled home with the car wobbling all the way. As I pulled in my father was sitting in his other van getting ready to take off. I pulled in and he got out. I lost all semblance of composure. I asked him if the heard the car, screaming all the way. He said yes. I responded, still in 5 year old mode that it had just started and told him thanks. I turned and headed up to the house. Now I figured that he took off as the last thing I saw was him returning to his van.
I hit the porch and tried to get the key in the lock. I was shaking so that was more then I was capable of doing. I slammed the keys on the porch and ended up kneeling on the steps sobbing. To say I had broken down was a bit of a under statement. Everything was crashing in. The hopes of the new job were slipping away. My future was moving past the horizon and the darkness was creeping in. I was ready to just give up. Which is a big deal for me. I remember asking no one in particular one question "What more do you want from me?".
Then my father put his hand on my shoulder and told me to stand up. Not in an authoritative "do or else" kind of way but in a way that I have not heard from him in a long time. We went back to his van and he took me to breakfast. I don't remember much of the trip there. He told me that we were going to take the car over to the mechanics and get it fixed. I would have to arrange some kind of payment plan but knowing our mechanic that would not be a problem. He seemed positive and supportive. I don't know if I have ever seen that from him like that. I cannot begin to express how it my feeling about him change.
Well not wanting to go into that I will say that my car is almost done and I will be picking it up soon. I will make it to the orientation on Monday and I will be working by next Saturday.
I just had to put this in here so it was on public record.
My Father has re-earned my respect.
I love you Dad!
Thanks for being there for me when I fell down.
May the Force be with all of you
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Matt-Man Gets the Notice
Hail and well met one and all
As you can tell I am in a real good mood. Well I should be I just got the notice that I start orientation at the Bedford Park facility next Monday and I will start working at the Mateson post office the following Saturday. WOOOOT!!!!!!!
It seems that I didn't need to take another drug test so I was immediately put in the queue for orientation. I am so happy to be no longer among the ranks of the unemployed.
I have had to put so much of my life on hold while worked this out that now I find that I don't now what to start with. Well I will have to make a list and start with the first thing and work my way through them one at a time.
But first I plan on celebrating this turn of excellent events. I don't know when or where but you can bet you bottom that you are all invited to this most excellent party.
As soon as I have any idea what I plan on doing I will let one and all know right here on this blog. So stay tuned for updates.
Well that is all I have right now. Not much else since I last posted. I keep hearing that there might be problems starting up Iron Kingdoms...HA I say to all of you! I will not be deterred (especially not now when I am on a indescribable high)
Oh and I should mention that I have the most wonderful woman in the world standing by my side during all of this!
Terri I love you!!! You sexy kitten you!
Without your love and support I would not have remained sane during this trial. You have been the true light at the end of my tunnel. I don't know if you can understand how much you mean to me but know this I am never giving up on making a life with you. The road to our future starts now.
I am listening to an album given to me by Nicky, whom I believe got it from Joe(or vice versa). Right now I am listening to DJ Markski's version of "You spin me right round". I know now that feeling that is described in the lyrics, cause I feel that way about you Terri. There are a number of other songs that I could reference that express the way you make me feel but I will save those for a more personal message between the two of us.
Oh and I don't care if everyone reads this cause I want them to know I how I feel about you. If they don't like it they can go shove their heads in a can of rancid lard...But I know that my friends, most of them will smile and say "Good for him" or "I am happy for him, other will shake their heads saying "Man has he got it bad".
Maybe I do but if this is bad then baby dress me in black and call me Darth Matticus! Dark side all the way baby!
Ok well now I have said all I can say except for...
May the Force be with you all
As you can tell I am in a real good mood. Well I should be I just got the notice that I start orientation at the Bedford Park facility next Monday and I will start working at the Mateson post office the following Saturday. WOOOOT!!!!!!!
It seems that I didn't need to take another drug test so I was immediately put in the queue for orientation. I am so happy to be no longer among the ranks of the unemployed.
I have had to put so much of my life on hold while worked this out that now I find that I don't now what to start with. Well I will have to make a list and start with the first thing and work my way through them one at a time.
But first I plan on celebrating this turn of excellent events. I don't know when or where but you can bet you bottom that you are all invited to this most excellent party.
As soon as I have any idea what I plan on doing I will let one and all know right here on this blog. So stay tuned for updates.
Well that is all I have right now. Not much else since I last posted. I keep hearing that there might be problems starting up Iron Kingdoms...HA I say to all of you! I will not be deterred (especially not now when I am on a indescribable high)
Oh and I should mention that I have the most wonderful woman in the world standing by my side during all of this!
Terri I love you!!! You sexy kitten you!
Without your love and support I would not have remained sane during this trial. You have been the true light at the end of my tunnel. I don't know if you can understand how much you mean to me but know this I am never giving up on making a life with you. The road to our future starts now.
I am listening to an album given to me by Nicky, whom I believe got it from Joe(or vice versa). Right now I am listening to DJ Markski's version of "You spin me right round". I know now that feeling that is described in the lyrics, cause I feel that way about you Terri. There are a number of other songs that I could reference that express the way you make me feel but I will save those for a more personal message between the two of us.
Oh and I don't care if everyone reads this cause I want them to know I how I feel about you. If they don't like it they can go shove their heads in a can of rancid lard...But I know that my friends, most of them will smile and say "Good for him" or "I am happy for him, other will shake their heads saying "Man has he got it bad".
Maybe I do but if this is bad then baby dress me in black and call me Darth Matticus! Dark side all the way baby!
Ok well now I have said all I can say except for...
May the Force be with you all
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Matt-Man Returns...Again!
Hail and well met!
Well I have finally come back to Blog! Can you SMELL WHAT MATT-MAN IS COOKING!!!
.........Wait....OH DAMN I left the stove on!!!
Ha lol that was good. I just had to do it.
Ok well it should be obvious that I am in a good mood. Well mostly but I may get to that if I choose to.
The week with Terri was in a word AMAZING!!! (Props to Ace)
We did a whole lot of stuff together (wink wink nudge say no more). No silly it was a lot of stuff around her house that needed to be done. Well it also included two concerts. Again I will get to those later. We also helped the Jaycees with their scene for the Lyndenhurst Haunted trails which was fun, although it rained it out. I got to spend a load of quality time with both my lady and Grizzly, you know her dog. (god you people have sick minds).
OH yeah we also spent some time splitting wood....For her fireplace! (people please get you mind out of the gutter)that was fun as I had not done it for several years. In fact it was up at the cabin in northern Michigan in the early or mid 80's. So yeah a "few" years. HA
Well I am back now and here is where things stand.
I am going to be working for the Matteson Post Office in a few weeks. All that I am waiting on is for them to reschedule me to take a drug test (God that is the third one so far and I am sick of waiting for an hour or two to pee in a cup)since they only last for 30 days in the system. Once that is done I have to wait for them to reschedule me for orientation...Yes I have to take it again. Woopie! Three more days of running up to Bedford Park to do everything I have already done. I think I may sit in the back of the class this time and catch up on my sleep. I mean really people I just went through it less then three months ago. Have they totally redesigned it in that time? I don't think so! Oh well at least I get paid.
On a more personal note I am going to be starting up my Iron Kingdoms campaign again this Saturday if possible. I have found some notes and can reconstruct most of what was lost when the computer went down. So get ready cause the Roaring Goat is about to reopen for business...And business is GOOD!
Ok so about he concerts. The first on was on Tuesday at the Riviera. It was awesome. Their opening band was called Revelation Theory and they rocked. I like bands that involve the audience and openly admit that they are there because the fans come out. It is nice to see stars with humility. Anyway it was a real good time...Well except for the cost of parking. Try 30 freaking dollars! What the frell is that! The Tickets didn't cost that much. It really bothered me cause Terri had to cover it. I know that it bothered her but we had a good time anyway. I still feel bad about it though. All in all it was a good time and I would do it again. Amy Lee is an excellent performer and I didn't know that she plays the piano. Oh yeah one other thing I like concerts that I can understand the singing (well mostly) and that I don't leave with hearing damage.
Now the second one was the Iron Maiden concert at the All State arena. Ah remembering the days of wrestling shows. I had just been there for the Wolves game on Saturday. It was fun but not a huge hockey fan. Anyway got there and found our seat after passing the souvenir stand...STICKER SHOCK! It seemed like yesterday that concert tees cost something like 20 or 25 dollars...Oh wait it was yesterday at the other concert. The cheapest tee was something like 35 dollars and went up to 50. So we got to our seats and heard the last song from the opening band Bullet For My Valentine. Glad that we missed them cause they did nothing for me. Not saying they were bad but not for me. Then Iron Maiden came out and sang every song from their new album, not exactly what I was expecting. I mean I like them but I had not really heard the new album so I had a hard time following the songs. I understand the logic in it as they wanted to give the fans the new stuff. I just didn't get excited until they started the second set of six songs from their old stuff. Well that and when Eddie made his appearance. For those that don't know Eddie is their mascot of sorts. He is the center piece of their album art a some what dead looking guy in various states of existence. I won't go into all of it but just take a look at the albums too see what he looks like. All in all it was fun and I had a good time hanging with my lady.
Ok so I also mentioned that I am slightly bummed. I don't want to go into it in any detail but I will sum up. I am bothered by the fact that I now live two lives. The one that I have down here with all my friends and the one that I have with Terri. I have to find a way to reconcile them and make them one. The problem is that right now I don't see how that is possible. Terri keeps telling me that it will take time and I know that she is right. Thank God for her cause it wouldn't take much for me to fall into depression over this. I just have to be patient and let everything fall into place. It is just not cool. I want to be with her, but if I walk away from everything down here then I will not be the same person that I am right now. Like I said it is just weighing on my mind a soul right now.
Ok well that is all I have to say right now. I am working on a new project and when it is ready I will share it will all. I am also going to be doing some heavy work with the guys in Missouri in the hopes of getting my games made and out there.
Hope to see all sooner or later. Also hope that all is well with everyone. Thanks for being my friends and being their for me. I only hope that I am their for you as well.
May the Force be with you all
Well I have finally come back to Blog! Can you SMELL WHAT MATT-MAN IS COOKING!!!
.........Wait....OH DAMN I left the stove on!!!
Ha lol that was good. I just had to do it.
Ok well it should be obvious that I am in a good mood. Well mostly but I may get to that if I choose to.
The week with Terri was in a word AMAZING!!! (Props to Ace)
We did a whole lot of stuff together (wink wink nudge say no more). No silly it was a lot of stuff around her house that needed to be done. Well it also included two concerts. Again I will get to those later. We also helped the Jaycees with their scene for the Lyndenhurst Haunted trails which was fun, although it rained it out. I got to spend a load of quality time with both my lady and Grizzly, you know her dog. (god you people have sick minds).
OH yeah we also spent some time splitting wood....For her fireplace! (people please get you mind out of the gutter)that was fun as I had not done it for several years. In fact it was up at the cabin in northern Michigan in the early or mid 80's. So yeah a "few" years. HA
Well I am back now and here is where things stand.
I am going to be working for the Matteson Post Office in a few weeks. All that I am waiting on is for them to reschedule me to take a drug test (God that is the third one so far and I am sick of waiting for an hour or two to pee in a cup)since they only last for 30 days in the system. Once that is done I have to wait for them to reschedule me for orientation...Yes I have to take it again. Woopie! Three more days of running up to Bedford Park to do everything I have already done. I think I may sit in the back of the class this time and catch up on my sleep. I mean really people I just went through it less then three months ago. Have they totally redesigned it in that time? I don't think so! Oh well at least I get paid.
On a more personal note I am going to be starting up my Iron Kingdoms campaign again this Saturday if possible. I have found some notes and can reconstruct most of what was lost when the computer went down. So get ready cause the Roaring Goat is about to reopen for business...And business is GOOD!
Ok so about he concerts. The first on was on Tuesday at the Riviera. It was awesome. Their opening band was called Revelation Theory and they rocked. I like bands that involve the audience and openly admit that they are there because the fans come out. It is nice to see stars with humility. Anyway it was a real good time...Well except for the cost of parking. Try 30 freaking dollars! What the frell is that! The Tickets didn't cost that much. It really bothered me cause Terri had to cover it. I know that it bothered her but we had a good time anyway. I still feel bad about it though. All in all it was a good time and I would do it again. Amy Lee is an excellent performer and I didn't know that she plays the piano. Oh yeah one other thing I like concerts that I can understand the singing (well mostly) and that I don't leave with hearing damage.
Now the second one was the Iron Maiden concert at the All State arena. Ah remembering the days of wrestling shows. I had just been there for the Wolves game on Saturday. It was fun but not a huge hockey fan. Anyway got there and found our seat after passing the souvenir stand...STICKER SHOCK! It seemed like yesterday that concert tees cost something like 20 or 25 dollars...Oh wait it was yesterday at the other concert. The cheapest tee was something like 35 dollars and went up to 50. So we got to our seats and heard the last song from the opening band Bullet For My Valentine. Glad that we missed them cause they did nothing for me. Not saying they were bad but not for me. Then Iron Maiden came out and sang every song from their new album, not exactly what I was expecting. I mean I like them but I had not really heard the new album so I had a hard time following the songs. I understand the logic in it as they wanted to give the fans the new stuff. I just didn't get excited until they started the second set of six songs from their old stuff. Well that and when Eddie made his appearance. For those that don't know Eddie is their mascot of sorts. He is the center piece of their album art a some what dead looking guy in various states of existence. I won't go into all of it but just take a look at the albums too see what he looks like. All in all it was fun and I had a good time hanging with my lady.
Ok so I also mentioned that I am slightly bummed. I don't want to go into it in any detail but I will sum up. I am bothered by the fact that I now live two lives. The one that I have down here with all my friends and the one that I have with Terri. I have to find a way to reconcile them and make them one. The problem is that right now I don't see how that is possible. Terri keeps telling me that it will take time and I know that she is right. Thank God for her cause it wouldn't take much for me to fall into depression over this. I just have to be patient and let everything fall into place. It is just not cool. I want to be with her, but if I walk away from everything down here then I will not be the same person that I am right now. Like I said it is just weighing on my mind a soul right now.
Ok well that is all I have to say right now. I am working on a new project and when it is ready I will share it will all. I am also going to be doing some heavy work with the guys in Missouri in the hopes of getting my games made and out there.
Hope to see all sooner or later. Also hope that all is well with everyone. Thanks for being my friends and being their for me. I only hope that I am their for you as well.
May the Force be with you all
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Matt-Man Elaborates
Hail and well met
To respond to my previous posts single comment. The Matt-Top is the lap top that Matt-Man uses. It is a marvelous piece of technology. Ah technology, without it we would all be eaten by the predators (thanks Jack for that bit of whimsy logic).
Oh and Joe I do respond to my Emails. But when you ask me for something that I used in the days of 3D and given that I just remodeled the Matt-Cave (my room for Joe) it is going to require an act of God to find that particular piece of paper. Now as I know you don't have the time to fill out the needed papers in triplicate to have God step in and make it appear I am working on recreating it. So be patient.
Oh yeah and since I had to reformat the Matt-Top yet again cut me some slack. I hate viruses. Especially the one called "Klone". Cause it is the cause of this reformat. Nothing I could do would get rid of it and it was killing my laptop.
The real pain is that with the slow as connection that I have trying to update windows is almost impossible. By the time it even comes close to completing an update I already have something eating at my system. GAH it is so damn frustrating!
Oh and don't even mention "Service Pack 2". I don't have 14 hours for it to down load. What a bright idea. Lets make an important update that anyone using anything less then high speed greesed lightning conection cannot upload without devoting have a day or so. SCHMUUCKS!
OH well it is just the same for cassetes. Yeah I know that some of you are going "What are those?". Trust me one day your kids will be shoving chips in their brains and you will remember CD's and DVD's with fond memories. Yeah and you will feel old too. HA!
So I have also been trying to update Terri's old comptuer. It is a HP Pavillion 4530 with Windows 98 on it. Well the BIOS is not APCI or ACPI or AICP compatible so I cannot put Windows 2ooo pro on it. I tried to find an updated BIOS but no luck. So left with that I tried to load Windows Office 2000 but something went wrong and I don't know if it was just the computer or if they are not compatible. Either way it would be nothing more then a glorified word processor with its whoping 4 gig hard drive. Yeah remember when that was HUGE? Damnit I feel so damn old. I can remember when 3.5 floppy's were the new kid on the block.
So what is this post about? Well just venting some steam over the waste of a day trying to improve my technological state.
Oh well I have the joy of knowing that several of the collage bound 37 inchers will be in town tomorrow and I will be spending most of the day at the loft painting. Then Saturday I go up to see Terri, her dad and a wolves game. Then spend a week or more there while she is on vacation.
Ah I am so looking forward to that.
Ok well I am looking at the time and I need to go to sleep. I will post again tomorrow since I will have access to the Ben-tron 10000 (Bens computer at the loft Joe). I may try and up load a picutre or two if I can get things to work.
May the Force be with you
PS Joe I will be sending you my best recreation of that thingy soon.
To respond to my previous posts single comment. The Matt-Top is the lap top that Matt-Man uses. It is a marvelous piece of technology. Ah technology, without it we would all be eaten by the predators (thanks Jack for that bit of whimsy logic).
Oh and Joe I do respond to my Emails. But when you ask me for something that I used in the days of 3D and given that I just remodeled the Matt-Cave (my room for Joe) it is going to require an act of God to find that particular piece of paper. Now as I know you don't have the time to fill out the needed papers in triplicate to have God step in and make it appear I am working on recreating it. So be patient.
Oh yeah and since I had to reformat the Matt-Top yet again cut me some slack. I hate viruses. Especially the one called "Klone". Cause it is the cause of this reformat. Nothing I could do would get rid of it and it was killing my laptop.
The real pain is that with the slow as connection that I have trying to update windows is almost impossible. By the time it even comes close to completing an update I already have something eating at my system. GAH it is so damn frustrating!
Oh and don't even mention "Service Pack 2". I don't have 14 hours for it to down load. What a bright idea. Lets make an important update that anyone using anything less then high speed greesed lightning conection cannot upload without devoting have a day or so. SCHMUUCKS!
OH well it is just the same for cassetes. Yeah I know that some of you are going "What are those?". Trust me one day your kids will be shoving chips in their brains and you will remember CD's and DVD's with fond memories. Yeah and you will feel old too. HA!
So I have also been trying to update Terri's old comptuer. It is a HP Pavillion 4530 with Windows 98 on it. Well the BIOS is not APCI or ACPI or AICP compatible so I cannot put Windows 2ooo pro on it. I tried to find an updated BIOS but no luck. So left with that I tried to load Windows Office 2000 but something went wrong and I don't know if it was just the computer or if they are not compatible. Either way it would be nothing more then a glorified word processor with its whoping 4 gig hard drive. Yeah remember when that was HUGE? Damnit I feel so damn old. I can remember when 3.5 floppy's were the new kid on the block.
So what is this post about? Well just venting some steam over the waste of a day trying to improve my technological state.
Oh well I have the joy of knowing that several of the collage bound 37 inchers will be in town tomorrow and I will be spending most of the day at the loft painting. Then Saturday I go up to see Terri, her dad and a wolves game. Then spend a week or more there while she is on vacation.
Ah I am so looking forward to that.
Ok well I am looking at the time and I need to go to sleep. I will post again tomorrow since I will have access to the Ben-tron 10000 (Bens computer at the loft Joe). I may try and up load a picutre or two if I can get things to work.
May the Force be with you
PS Joe I will be sending you my best recreation of that thingy soon.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Matt-Cave is reborn
Hail and well met!
Well it is mostly finished. After two weeks of grueling, nerve racking effort it has come together.
I will post pictures as soon as I get the Matt-Comp back online. The Matt-Top just doesn't like the picture software.
For all those that have been looking for me I apologize for my absence, but it was unavoidable. I had to focus on finishing this project or it would have ended up like so many others, half done. It is a personality trait that I intend to fix. This is just the beginning and the next thing on the list is less functional and more fun. I intend to get my painting done. I have a TON of figures that I have to finish so that I can return to playing Warmachine and start playing Hordes. And since I don't have a job yet it means that I should be able to get caught up before I do get one and start buying new figures again (ah the lovely cycle of the miniature gamer).
I also have to get cracking on my games again, although it will pick up when I have the Matt-Comp back again.
I have mentioned that twice. Sorry I don't mean to seem to harp on it. In fact when I see Ben I intend to thank him once more for all the effort he has given in fixing it. I know that he is doing it in his free time and using his personal resources.
Ah well it is just as well that I don't have it back or I would spend way to much time online doing blogs and things for Myspace. Damn internet being all distracting and fun!
Well I have also mentioned that I am still employment challenged. I am still in the system with the Post Office and things are looking good, it is just taking so long that by the time the get around to hiring me I may be...Dead. Yeesh. Well if I don't hear anything by this weekend I will do some calling around to see if I can get a handle on what is up.
Ah that brings up an important point. I am going to be up at Terri's next week. She has some vacation time and we are going to be doing some work around her place. We are also taking in some concerts, two to be exact. Evanescence on Tuesday and Iron Maiden on Wednesday. OH and I am attending my first hockey game this Saturday with her and her father. Yes I know that I will be yet again missing Val's game and believe me it is killing me but I really want to spend time with Terri. Oh it is a terrible conflict and since I know that Terri will read this I will say this.
I am choosing to take the time to be with you. Yes my friends are important and I do care about spending time with them, but somehow if I didn't see you when the chance arose I think they would smack me in the head or worse. I love you and you matter to me. Spending time with you is important. I appreciate you caring about me enough to want me to spend time with my friends and being willing to sacrifice our time together to allow that. I promise I will spend time with them, but you come first.
Ok well I think I have jumped the tracks here and the train derailed. So I will let this stand on its own and I should be posting a little more regularly as I can get to the Matt-Top a little easier.
May the Force be with you
Well it is mostly finished. After two weeks of grueling, nerve racking effort it has come together.
I will post pictures as soon as I get the Matt-Comp back online. The Matt-Top just doesn't like the picture software.
For all those that have been looking for me I apologize for my absence, but it was unavoidable. I had to focus on finishing this project or it would have ended up like so many others, half done. It is a personality trait that I intend to fix. This is just the beginning and the next thing on the list is less functional and more fun. I intend to get my painting done. I have a TON of figures that I have to finish so that I can return to playing Warmachine and start playing Hordes. And since I don't have a job yet it means that I should be able to get caught up before I do get one and start buying new figures again (ah the lovely cycle of the miniature gamer).
I also have to get cracking on my games again, although it will pick up when I have the Matt-Comp back again.
I have mentioned that twice. Sorry I don't mean to seem to harp on it. In fact when I see Ben I intend to thank him once more for all the effort he has given in fixing it. I know that he is doing it in his free time and using his personal resources.
Ah well it is just as well that I don't have it back or I would spend way to much time online doing blogs and things for Myspace. Damn internet being all distracting and fun!
Well I have also mentioned that I am still employment challenged. I am still in the system with the Post Office and things are looking good, it is just taking so long that by the time the get around to hiring me I may be...Dead. Yeesh. Well if I don't hear anything by this weekend I will do some calling around to see if I can get a handle on what is up.
Ah that brings up an important point. I am going to be up at Terri's next week. She has some vacation time and we are going to be doing some work around her place. We are also taking in some concerts, two to be exact. Evanescence on Tuesday and Iron Maiden on Wednesday. OH and I am attending my first hockey game this Saturday with her and her father. Yes I know that I will be yet again missing Val's game and believe me it is killing me but I really want to spend time with Terri. Oh it is a terrible conflict and since I know that Terri will read this I will say this.
I am choosing to take the time to be with you. Yes my friends are important and I do care about spending time with them, but somehow if I didn't see you when the chance arose I think they would smack me in the head or worse. I love you and you matter to me. Spending time with you is important. I appreciate you caring about me enough to want me to spend time with my friends and being willing to sacrifice our time together to allow that. I promise I will spend time with them, but you come first.
Ok well I think I have jumped the tracks here and the train derailed. So I will let this stand on its own and I should be posting a little more regularly as I can get to the Matt-Top a little easier.
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Matt-Man Takes to the Keys
Hail and well met
Well not much to post at this moment. Alive and well...Ok so a little under the weather, but who isn't in weather like this.
The room is progressing well. About half done. I like it.
The post office is a exercise in patients.
I am 2 hours away from the love of my life...But that is just relative.
Not depressed but defiantly bummed.
Meh so what.
Just want it to stop raining.
May the Force be with you all
Well not much to post at this moment. Alive and well...Ok so a little under the weather, but who isn't in weather like this.
The room is progressing well. About half done. I like it.
The post office is a exercise in patients.
I am 2 hours away from the love of my life...But that is just relative.
Not depressed but defiantly bummed.
Meh so what.
Just want it to stop raining.
May the Force be with you all
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