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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Matt-Man Gives the Skinny...Buzz...Citrep

Ok here is the address where the ceremony and reception are taking place and respective times.

The Sherwood Room (Garden Manor)
4722 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago IL 60639

Ceremony starts at 4:00 (Doors will be closed) ends at 4:30 with everyone leaving the room so it can be set up for the reception that starts at 5:00.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Matt-Man Mellows Out

Hail and well met

I just re-read my last post and WOW, I was just a little pissed. Well things are much mellower now. I am in the process of working a whole week for my regular, babying my van along while trying to locate a new vehicle that fits in my price range (meaning free). Next week is GenCon and I am going (YIPPEEEEEE!!! does a little dance) albeit for only 1 and a half days but I am going. Right now it appears that Neil is going with me which will help defray some of the costs as well as hooking up with Miles and Kristen (sorry if I misspelled the name).

Yup even though people might think I was doing badly and should be stressed, I am not. Well part of me is trying to be but I just won't let it. Things are fine, things are going to be fine and that is that. Maybe delusional but it works for those people that we all see and say "I wish I could live in their world", so I am trying it.

Starting the Supers game and it is going well. SAS (Silver Age Sentinels) is a great system that I wish I had discovered years ago. I am getting into the grove of GM'ing again which feels good. I am also loving making villains, some truly evil while others are crazy and some are just sad...evil but sadly so. Oh and lets not forget the lame ones cause we all know what fun they are. I mean really a guy in a robot chicken suit that can fly is amazing...yeah I know chickens can't fly but just try and tell him that while he is crowing at you.

So looking forward to GenCon and Kirby's wedding, which I am standing in (Woooo). Looking forward to parties and seeing people. I may need to ask for some help with rides to some up coming events just so I can limit the miles on the old van, until I get a new one cause I am! It is out there waiting for me to see it and walk up and ask for it. I know it is going to work out.

Well that appears to be enough of my ramblings for now. Talk or type to everyone soon.

May the Force be with you
