Hail and well met
I have not been excited about movies much lately. Nothing seems to be coming out that I really can get behind. I have been scouting out films that are coming out and really just yawning. Yes there is the approach of The Watchmen and after reading the comic I must admit to a little interest but not excitement. Okay there is the release next year of Star Trek by J.J. Abrams which looks good but it is just another Star Trek film (I wonder what number it is so I can tell if its going to be good).
Fanboys is on the docket but after, what is it now two years of waiting it has lost its zing. Ok I will give you this little gem that just came on the radar Aliens VS Monsters, a little animated ditty. It looks funny and has Seth Rogen doing voice work.
Oh and please don't mention Underworld 3, cause I do not believe in cruliety to animals let along beating a DEAD HORSE. I must aside here..
What is the never ending pursuit of making films that predate the first ones? What is the point? Did Lucas really believe that telling us the story would be entertaining? WE ALREADY KNEW THE ENDING!!!!! For all that truth not one single director or writer has ever decided to pull a curve ball out and creatively show how one could have perceived the facts the way it is in the earlier movies but in reality (movie reality that is) things are completely different. Or here is an idea and I am just spit balling here, FILM THE PREQUEL FIRST!!!!!! You know the idea of telling a story from beginning to end. What a concept! Of course that would require some guttsy little thing called imagination, why use that when we can just take a story and reverse engineer a story from it. Okay that is not fair to every prequel out there, some were thought of before the first films were made, they just couldn't get the first story filmed. But come on people at some point just say no.
Sorry for that but it has been building for some time, now back to my original post.
So movies coming out that don't really get my blood pumping, yeah that would be most of them. Maybe I am just not getting into the mood for other reasons. All I do know is that things are not shaping up to be box office anytime soon. Oh well more time for the internet (no I don't mean porn...mostly), reading (again not porn...at all), painting (yeah try and fit porn into that one) and working on my games (No I don't mean sex games...well there is sex like material in them but they are not about sex...mostly...I am going to shut up now).
May the Force be with you
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Matt-Man Sees Celuloid!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!
Hail and well met
I had to take the time to stop and tell the world about all of this. While working on my game for tonight I stumbled across a fact that will shake the world. Nay it shall destroy the world the recreate then shake it like a evil British nanny on uppers!
Long ago I was foraging for something to watch. While braving the steamy aisles of Hollywood video I stumbled across a film that only a few have appreciated as much as I did. It was a gentle breeze in the desert of mind numbing films based on realism and factual data. It freed me from the chains of substantive plots and things.
That wondrous modern marvel that did so much for film making. What did it do for film making, you ask? It made advancements in film making, that's what it did! That film is known as...

This film was amazing but I thought it a fluke...I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
After so many years I have stumbled on a truth like stumbling on a child's tricycle in the rain after a bad day at work cause someone decided to mail order toilets and you had to deliver them in the rain and cold only to find they are not home and because they requested "Signature Confirmation" you cannot just leave them on the stinking porch and have to lug them back into your van to take back to the stupid office, only to arrive and get yelled at cause the customer showed up at the office to pick them up even though you said it was a better idea to leave them there but were told it was your job to take them by your boss who is now yelling at you cause you took them....sorry I had a flash back there...What was I saying? OH truth...yeah right...well the truth is they made a SEQUEL.....

What happy days! Another movie filled with awesome bad acting (and on purpose too!!!) even worse special effects and all the bad jokes one could want in a film.
But even better then that was discovering that the production company of these films has chosen to take up the heavy mantle of making even more bad horror/sic-fi/thriller movies! Just listen to some of these titles!
Dark and Stormy Night!!!
The Trail of the Screaming Forehead!!!
The Restroom!!!
Voyage to the Planet of Space!!!
Oh the glee I feel. I am giddy as a school girl...boy I meant boy...although those skirts are quite freeing...Um well if any of you are as psyched as I am just visit this website for more info.
I just don't know what to do with my self...oh wait I was supposed to be prepping for tonight's game,
May the Farce be with you (yeah its a play on words so what)
I had to take the time to stop and tell the world about all of this. While working on my game for tonight I stumbled across a fact that will shake the world. Nay it shall destroy the world the recreate then shake it like a evil British nanny on uppers!
Long ago I was foraging for something to watch. While braving the steamy aisles of Hollywood video I stumbled across a film that only a few have appreciated as much as I did. It was a gentle breeze in the desert of mind numbing films based on realism and factual data. It freed me from the chains of substantive plots and things.
That wondrous modern marvel that did so much for film making. What did it do for film making, you ask? It made advancements in film making, that's what it did! That film is known as...

This film was amazing but I thought it a fluke...I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
After so many years I have stumbled on a truth like stumbling on a child's tricycle in the rain after a bad day at work cause someone decided to mail order toilets and you had to deliver them in the rain and cold only to find they are not home and because they requested "Signature Confirmation" you cannot just leave them on the stinking porch and have to lug them back into your van to take back to the stupid office, only to arrive and get yelled at cause the customer showed up at the office to pick them up even though you said it was a better idea to leave them there but were told it was your job to take them by your boss who is now yelling at you cause you took them....sorry I had a flash back there...What was I saying? OH truth...yeah right...well the truth is they made a SEQUEL.....

What happy days! Another movie filled with awesome bad acting (and on purpose too!!!) even worse special effects and all the bad jokes one could want in a film.
But even better then that was discovering that the production company of these films has chosen to take up the heavy mantle of making even more bad horror/sic-fi/thriller movies! Just listen to some of these titles!
Dark and Stormy Night!!!
The Trail of the Screaming Forehead!!!
The Restroom!!!
Voyage to the Planet of Space!!!
Oh the glee I feel. I am giddy as a school girl...boy I meant boy...although those skirts are quite freeing...Um well if any of you are as psyched as I am just visit this website for more info.
I just don't know what to do with my self...oh wait I was supposed to be prepping for tonight's game,
May the Farce be with you (yeah its a play on words so what)
Friday, December 05, 2008
Matt-Man Faces the Great Tentacled Menace
Hail and well met
Well I have been keeping busy looking for work and selling off parts of my past on Ebay (Mmm cash for childhood memories). Whilst doing that I often find time to bounce around and see many strange things on this marvel call the Interblag...no wait that is the Enterblog...Err what is it called? Oh yes the Internet! Anyway here is one thing I found and had to laugh at.
I should mention that if you are not a gamer or have any experience with H.P. Lovecraft's works then you probably won't think it is funny...So read a book!
Well that was fun. Some people are wondering what I have been up to and I really had to think hard about how to answer that. At first I thought I was doing well but that was self delusion. After some self realizations I found I was scared to a dark place that I had thrown away my only chance for success...working for someone else. Which brought up the fact that I am not really made to be a cog in someones machine. The freedom I enjoyed as the owner and manager of Gameopolis is like a drug. Once you have had it you really want it back. That feeling of getting up and doing what you want (yes I had to show up to the store but once there I was able to do things I wanted to) is amazing. Now while working for the Post Office there was little of that but I needed that as a stabilizing factor. The loss of the store hit me hard and I need something stable so I could recover. Unfortunately I fell into a small trap and got comfortable being a drone (please don't get upset at that term but metaphorically that is what I was). Well comfortable is the wrong word because even though I was there I did want something more, I just didn't do anything about it. Ah complacent is the word. Yes I was complacent and it cost me. Well I am not complacent any more which sucks since now I must be patient while things work out.
Where was I? Oh yes I was not fine, had fears to face and things to adjust to but the worst part was the evident withdrawal into my shell.
What shell you ask? Oh come on people you all know me well enough to know I have a real thick shell and I can crawl into it and lose...like years. In fact I am sure I have lost a few recently as well as a few relationships. So what do I have to do? Ha that is obvious, open my mouth, stretch my fingers and communicate with people.
So I know what I have to do and I am going to do it. Of course wanting to get my games produced is vying for a ton of my attention and then there is this stupid thing called online TV shows..like entire seasons of shows I wanted to see but missed. They keep sucking me in.
Like now I am stuck on Bleach, an anime. I liked it to start but now it is just becoming a variation on Dragonball (insert random letter here) with nothing but fights for the sake of fights and every episode the main character gets his ass kicked (and by that I mean nearly killed, sheezh this guy has had more come backs then Brett Favre...Oh Jesus is calling, he wants his gimmick back) only to make some self discovery and PRESTO he turns it around and kicks ass. Then next episode or so it happens again. I liked the story but it is getting harder and harder to follow it between the bloody "I don't want to die. I have to save Rukia." I mean this guy makes Anikin Skywalker look like Chuck Norris. Anyway I am almost done with available episodes, cause I get hooked watching, so I should be able to wean myself away from it. At least until the next season is posted Ha Ha.
Ok well this turned out to be more then I wanted to type but it feels good to be shouting out again. I will talk/type to many soon.
May the Force be with you
Well I have been keeping busy looking for work and selling off parts of my past on Ebay (Mmm cash for childhood memories). Whilst doing that I often find time to bounce around and see many strange things on this marvel call the Interblag...no wait that is the Enterblog...Err what is it called? Oh yes the Internet! Anyway here is one thing I found and had to laugh at.
I should mention that if you are not a gamer or have any experience with H.P. Lovecraft's works then you probably won't think it is funny...So read a book!
Well that was fun. Some people are wondering what I have been up to and I really had to think hard about how to answer that. At first I thought I was doing well but that was self delusion. After some self realizations I found I was scared to a dark place that I had thrown away my only chance for success...working for someone else. Which brought up the fact that I am not really made to be a cog in someones machine. The freedom I enjoyed as the owner and manager of Gameopolis is like a drug. Once you have had it you really want it back. That feeling of getting up and doing what you want (yes I had to show up to the store but once there I was able to do things I wanted to) is amazing. Now while working for the Post Office there was little of that but I needed that as a stabilizing factor. The loss of the store hit me hard and I need something stable so I could recover. Unfortunately I fell into a small trap and got comfortable being a drone (please don't get upset at that term but metaphorically that is what I was). Well comfortable is the wrong word because even though I was there I did want something more, I just didn't do anything about it. Ah complacent is the word. Yes I was complacent and it cost me. Well I am not complacent any more which sucks since now I must be patient while things work out.
Where was I? Oh yes I was not fine, had fears to face and things to adjust to but the worst part was the evident withdrawal into my shell.
What shell you ask? Oh come on people you all know me well enough to know I have a real thick shell and I can crawl into it and lose...like years. In fact I am sure I have lost a few recently as well as a few relationships. So what do I have to do? Ha that is obvious, open my mouth, stretch my fingers and communicate with people.
So I know what I have to do and I am going to do it. Of course wanting to get my games produced is vying for a ton of my attention and then there is this stupid thing called online TV shows..like entire seasons of shows I wanted to see but missed. They keep sucking me in.
Like now I am stuck on Bleach, an anime. I liked it to start but now it is just becoming a variation on Dragonball (insert random letter here) with nothing but fights for the sake of fights and every episode the main character gets his ass kicked (and by that I mean nearly killed, sheezh this guy has had more come backs then Brett Favre...Oh Jesus is calling, he wants his gimmick back) only to make some self discovery and PRESTO he turns it around and kicks ass. Then next episode or so it happens again. I liked the story but it is getting harder and harder to follow it between the bloody "I don't want to die. I have to save Rukia." I mean this guy makes Anikin Skywalker look like Chuck Norris. Anyway I am almost done with available episodes, cause I get hooked watching, so I should be able to wean myself away from it. At least until the next season is posted Ha Ha.
Ok well this turned out to be more then I wanted to type but it feels good to be shouting out again. I will talk/type to many soon.
May the Force be with you
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