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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Matt-man's Roots

Hail and well met

As you have noticed by now there is a new graphic on my blog. That is the Hamilton Clan Crest with the Clan motto "Through". I have always known about my Scottish heritage and I love it. The problem was never being able to find a decent picture of the crest or motto to put here. Of course if I had really used my head I would have realized that there was something called Google on the internet and I could search for it. There are times when I really have to wonder where my head is at. Ah well there it is for all to see.

Speaking of missing something rather obvious, my friend Jim and I were talking about me getting a hold of John Poskin the Post Master at the Momence Office. I have been trying to track down his phone number so I can call him about a job. Well Jim suggested that I go to the Post Offcie sight and get the phone number for the Momence Office and call him there, what a concept! Again if I could be any more oblivious to the obvious I would be Legalos. The Crete Office has turned out to be a wretched. hive of scum and villainy so I said screw it. I am going to call tomorrow and speak to him. So things seem to be progressing forward and for the better.

I am still on track to head down to Carbondale this weekend and I look forward to it. I have much to do whilst there and I hope to procure the needed information to facilitate my co-habitation over the summer. There is a twist though. As I have said before I am looking to find a room-mate to share the expense and be there all the time while I travel back and forth. The twist is that I may end up having two places of my own. One down there and one up here. I was talking to Kirby and he is thinking of getting out of his current situation as well. We know that we can stand each other and like enough of the same things that we won't get on each others nerves to much. All in all I may be out of my sleep cave and on my own in two different places. Which is strange since when I talked to my mom a couple of months ago about me moving to Carbondale she told me a dream she had about me and she saw two houses and I lived in both.

Anyway I am doing as well as can be expected. Still working out steady and it is showing. Mikey thinks I should lay off the weights, but I am doing what seems to be working for me. I just think that he doesn't want me to show him up, which is stupid. I am 36 with a Scottish and German background, I was born to be big (well as far as muscle and body are concerned GRRRRRRR!)
Whoops sorry for the TMI.

Well that is all I have to say right now so I will see all later or this weekend. Oh and by the way thanks for the comments, I was beginning to wonder if everyone had stopped reading. Well even if everyone had I would still be here. I have always been here and I always will be.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Matthew Endicott said...

Um no I didn't since I wrote this before I came over and saw you. So NYAH!!!!!!!!!!>:P