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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Matt-Man Comes Back From The Brink!

Hail and well met

It has been a short time since I last posted, ha that word holds new meaning now doesn't it. In fact I have been posting every day just not here but in Crete and I have been posting mail. HA I slay myself sometimes. Ok enough of the bad plays on words.

In fact I have been working almost every day up and including today. Which was by far the hardest day I have had so far, well not so much in the day itself but the lead up to it. Let me explain.

Shortly after I started my leadership support group went on vacation. The primary carrier went on vacation Tuesday of last week and just got back yesterday, my supervisor was gone since Wednesday till yesterday and the Post Master is still on vacation. So as I was in training I had little feedback from up above letting me know if I was doing a good job or not. I was left to stew in my own mind, which is never a good place to be. All of my life I have always held myself to a higher standard then those that were over me and this was no different. When Sue and my supervisor came back yesterday I was expecting to be told "Thanks for nothing have a good day" or at least get a good talking to because in my opinion I had done a lousy job. I didn't think that I was fast enough and was forgetting tons of important things.

Well no big surprise they were ok with the job I had done. Today I was to do the entire route with Sue riding with me to evaluate me. That stressed me so much. Driving for me is something I take seriously especially when someone else is in my car, cause it isn't just my life but theirs as well. Now I know I am a good driver but driving on the left side of the car is totally new so yeah it stressed me a lot. I also had my doubts about my in car routine and that it would be ok.

Well as you should know and by now I should as well, everything went great. Sue was happy with the way I did everything and said that she didn't see much that I could do to improve other then gaining experience. So starting Saturday I will be running the route on my own. So I have planned to take some small amount of time to recover and get into the flow before I jump into a new route but I am on my way.

The really strange part about all of this has been that for all my stressing I didn't get overly depressed. I teetered on the edge of despair but something was there to give me both hope and strength to pull through. That would be my more wonderful lady, Terri. Baby I love you so much. I hope I tell you enough that you mean the world to me. Thank you for being there for me and I hope that I am returning the favor (If not then hit me in the head or kick me in the ass cause I am falling down on the job).

So now that I am past all that stupid stressing I can hunker down and prep for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What is happening on those days you ask? Well Friday is the return of the most awesome campaign I have had the pleasure to run; Iron Kingdoms! Oh yes boys this Friday begins the return to the Roaring Goat. I am getting geeked! Oh man it is in like my pinky!!!!

Saturday and Sunday I am heading up north to visit my lady. Oh baby I'm coming for you! (oops that could be naughty if you take it the wrong way...;) I love you and I am counting the minutes!

So that is all I have to say, oh wait. I get paid Friday! YEAH I get paid!

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

dnomlas said...

" is in like my pinky!!!!" I haven't heard that phrase in years!!! Didn't we come up with that after watching the Karate Kid II or III?!? Congrats on the good evaluation! I never had a doubt! Tell your folks I said Hey!!!