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Friday, November 03, 2006

Matt-Man makes the Grade

Hail and well met

Well it is finally official with no signs of them changing their minds or trying to call do over. I am a Federal employee in the Post Office. WOW it only took me almost a year.

Oh I should clarify something. They did try and pull something similar to last time. In short I thought I was hired by Matteson since they kept in touch with me and communicated. What a concept. Well I get almost done with orientation and I get paper word that indicates that I am Rural Carrier Associate in Crete. I asked and they once again said that was the information that they had on hand.

Not willing to make the same mistake I got hold of Carmen at the Matteson Post Offcie and told her the story. She called the Bedford park office and left a message for the person in charge. I went home pending her calling me back once she got the call back and the information. I wasn't home more then 25 minutes when Crete calls wanting to know what up. I asked the lady if they had hired me and she said yes. Well that was the first I had heard of it but since I wanted the job and now that I knew I took it. I mean it is better money and a real job. So after several calls it was all straightened out and I go to carrier collage (or academy which ever is in favor right now) starting next Monday thru Wednesday in Lemont Illinois. Then I start at Crete.

Ok well that is out of the way. I am employed and that is the big hurdle.

Of course good news is always followed by bad, it is just the way of this imperfect world. Wednesday I learned that following a series of events between Jen and the people she is living with she is/was going to return home. It is tearing her and Ben to pieces cause they really love each other. I can relate in some small way with the situation with Terri. But being the kind of guy that I am I had to try and think of a solution. I had some ideas but they needed outside input before I could offer them.

So after calling Terri and talking to her last night telling her all about the situation she came to the same conclusion that I did. She is looking for a roommate and has a available vehicle that could be used. Thus I am trying to get a hold of Jen or Ben to get the ball rolling cause there is a lot of details that must be covered before this either is shelved or becomes reality. So if anyone reads this and can get a hold of Jen PLEASE DO. This is important and if it wasn't for my lack of gas and my desperate need for it next week I would just make a run out the loft. DAMN GAS EATING CARS!

Ok well in other news I am working on a couple of ideas concerning my WOD adventure that I lost when my comp crashed and my hard drive got fried. There are some rather interesting coincidences with my research. But anyway I do hope to run it some time. First I have to get some better idea of the social ecosystem of the early 1900's. If anyone has a simple resource that I could look at with my mind like a really smart and talented bowl of rancid banana pudding that used to be deviled ham please let me know where it is.

Ok well I am going to be posting a couple surveys here and on myspace soon. I have been a little remiss as far as my written adventures of Matt-Man on my myspace blog so maybe I will script one of those today...Oh yeah you don't know. I am off since I don't need to know how to drive one of those funky postal trucks, I am driving my own vehicle. Yeah for unclunky minivan with radio and CD playing ability.

That about raps it up for this installment. Not much more damage I can do around this popsicle stand.

Again if anyone knows how to get a hold of Ben or Jen PLEASE DO SO AND TELL THEM TO CONTACT ME ANYWAY POSSIBLE.
My cell phone (or my really complex pager) 312-320-0839
My home phone (which is my internet connection so call my cell first so I can get off line)
My email is,
comments on this blog work as do messages to myspace.

I am out of here.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regard to your WoD game, email me (this is Joe). I may not be able to replicate the early nineties club scene, but I was pretty goddamn familiar with the LATE nineties club scene, iof that helps. If I were running a game similar to the one you mentioned, I'd just replace E with cocaine to do the early nineties.

I actually started a novel a while ago on the subject, so I can send you excerpts or summaries, however you prefer.