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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Matt-Man Recieves His Orders

Hail and well met

Ok so today I finished up Carrier Academy. I am now qualified to sort and deliver mail. Woot!

I start working next Wednesday at 7:00 AM. I should be in for three days of on the job training and after that I am on my own. Now according to the instructors we should not be surprised if we work only our one day. It is complicated but there are different routes and some of then only have one day off every two weeks while others are every week and some even have no days off. Sucks for them. As far as I know Crete has the one day a week routes mostly. So I will have at least one day a week. Now understand that I am fine with that to begin with so I can ease into the process. But believe me that once I get the hang of doing the sorting at the office and get to know the area I am going to be learning my two other routes as soon as possible and as soon as possible after that I am going to be offering my services to several other Post Offices. If I play my cards right I will be able to pull down four or five days a week. The great thing is this I ONLY HAVE TO WORK DAYS MY PRIMARY CARRIER IS OFF OR SICK OR ON VACATION.
That means that unless they are calling me in for him/her I can refuse with no problem. I can control my work schedule and that is something I have to say makes me happy. Now I am in control and it feels good again.

So I am off till next Wednesday and I will know more from there.

I have a ton of things lined up for me to get done between now and then. It seems funny that I had all that time to get things done but not until this was resolved could I seem to be able to do most of it without getting a splitting headache and stomach pains. Must have to do something with my Subconscious or some other hidden part of my sick little mind.

Ok well this is just a sort of quick post to let every one know where I stand. I will post again soon and maybe even try out a little fiction.

I SAID FICTION NOT FRICTION!....What a buch of sickos. Yeesh!

May the Force be with you



Anonymous said...

Hey yo, is the PO hourly or salary for pay?

Todd M. Stephanuik said...
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Todd M. Stephanuik said...

What I meant to say was, it was not directed at you in one bit. It was directed at no one in particular, just sometimes when someone doesn't hang around as much we forget to call them when they are around, like me on weekends. Just frustrating, and we're all guilty of it. But, when we all do hang it's fantastic!