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Monday, December 25, 2006

Matt-Man and the countdown

Hail and well met

Well it is Christmas day. I have to say that it has been a good day with some addendum's but that is not for this person to say online (personal and private and involve the bathroom). My Parents gave me a copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matrix: Revolutions. Yeah we all bitch about that film but I still want to watch it sometimes.

Well in just about 2 and a half yours I am going to be getting ready to go to work for two hours. Then I am grabbing my stuff and heading up to see Terri for a couple of days. I am really looking forward to seeing her. It is one of the hardest things to do when I have to leave and come back here.

I don't know what I am going to do. I am not going to say it here but something is troubling me. I only hope I can figure out what I am supposed to do and which path I am supposed to take.

Now on to more interesting things. The Christmas party was GREAT. I received a present from both Ben and Neil. Which threw me cause I thought the whole idea of the not so secret Santa was to alleviate us from buying something for everyone. Oh well it just means that I have to stealthily buy stuff over the next year and surprise all of you..HA!

On a downer note I screwed up and misread something which lead me to buy a...not bad gift but superfluous gift which was re-gifted back to me. Not what I had planned in the least little bit and it really ticked me off. No it was not his fault nor was I pissed off at him, I was pissed off at myself for not remembering that he got it last year and for not reading the post correctly. It was just awkward and to be honest, shameful.

Yes I know that YOU said it was ok. I know that you don't care about those kind of things. It just bothers me.

but fear not quaint citizen I do not speak of dispair or depression. No I have a PLAN (be afraid be very afraid Matt has a plan!)

Oh yes I will redeem myself for my faux pas (Yes it may be French but I like this one so it can stay, besides I just look at it as...French Canadian so it is harmless) and it will be GLORIOUS!!!

Oh my it appears that time has flown again whilst I type away. Have so much to do I must away with myself and pack for this amazing trip. Oh did I mention I get presents again...oh um well that can be taken in a couple of ways...AND I PLAN TO!!!!

I am sooooo naughty! I love it


May the Force be with you


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