Hail and well met
Well much has happened since I last posted. First of all you should wonder why I am back typing on my computer when I am supposed to be in Carbondale. Well that is the crux of this post so I will get to it.
First of all the trip down was boring as usual. I left around 12:30-1ish and arrived around 5:30. Went to Joe's place for a minute before we headed off to role play where I got to play a cameo as a multi personality rogue. It was a blast and I had a lot of fun. Then we broke early so Josh could get to bed for work in the morning.
Nicky took me back to Chris's apartment where I would be staying. It was a nice apartment with ample space to live in, I was impressed. The guys (Nick and Joe) were cool and I appreciated their hospitality. I mean Chris had to put up with me cause Nicky would probably have gotten upset (I kid I am a kidder). No all of them showed me kindness that I was starting to think was absent from the world on a whole. Anyway the next day I was left to fend for myself, with the only hitch being I was sequestered in the apartment building since no one (Nicky) left me a key. No biggie I made my self busy by reading some stuff and then doing some cleaning, mostly vacuuming the floor and the dishes. Then I watched some West Wing, AMAZING show. Anyway had a good day and went to bed with the idea that Joe would have his paper/presentation finished and we could spend the day together.
Woke up and as habit checked my phone. First mistake (if you care to look at it like that). There was a phone call from Crete. I cringed and had to make a split second decision. I could have ignored the call and just gone about my day (really tempting but there was the possibility that I could lose my job for such an action) or I could do the responsible thing and call back.
Damn my ethics cause I called.
Yup I had to come in to work. Which meant I had to pack and run right then and there. I was somewhat pissed (although I must admit now that as I look back at it I was more acting pissed then really being pissed, the word that best fits my feeling is disappointed) So ran upstairs to the room packed my stuff (forgetting my phone charger damnit) and made a mad dash for Crete.
So here I sit typing and really not pissed off at all. Everything happens for a reason and I think I am starting to really live by that mantra. I had to come back up here for something. Don't know and really don't care. The universe is quite capable of taking care of itself so if whatever it is didn't happen don't blame me.
Well I am going to jump off line, call Terri, change my clothes and head over to the gym. Then grab some lunch and go to the loft and paint. Maybe see a movie tonight or maybe not. Who knows I don't.
May the Force be with you
Friday, March 30, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Matt-Man and the Long Walk
Err I mean drive.
Hail and well met!
Yeah I am getting the final things put in order so I can head out of here tomorrow to Carbondale to see everyone.
Not much to say. Had an amazing weekend at Terri's (well except for Grizzly barking all of last night keeping me up). Yeah apparently her neighbors kids or friends of theirs or evil henchmen of some new megalomaniac super villian have been sneaking around her house for nefarious reasons and agitating Grizzly. It made for an interesting evening and a very long day.
Other then that not much to report. The gig is the gig. I am well and healthy. Yup not a whole lot new.
So enough of typing for the sake of typing I will talk to all sooner or later. Love to all of you.
May the Force be with you
Hail and well met!
Yeah I am getting the final things put in order so I can head out of here tomorrow to Carbondale to see everyone.
Not much to say. Had an amazing weekend at Terri's (well except for Grizzly barking all of last night keeping me up). Yeah apparently her neighbors kids or friends of theirs or evil henchmen of some new megalomaniac super villian have been sneaking around her house for nefarious reasons and agitating Grizzly. It made for an interesting evening and a very long day.
Other then that not much to report. The gig is the gig. I am well and healthy. Yup not a whole lot new.
So enough of typing for the sake of typing I will talk to all sooner or later. Love to all of you.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Matt-Man VS.The Darkness
Darkness comes
Darkness spreads
Darkness lives
Darkness grows
All those that face it find only dread
Why it is so powerful no one knows
That is the way it has always been is what they say
but I don't believe it is that way
It only get stronger if we fail
To shine as bright as we can
not flicker pale.
So do not despair
and your hope do not loose
Raise you spirit up and the light you must choose.
Hail and well met
Well not the best of my compositions but it just seemed to roll out. I have been combating the darkness of late. Yeah like you couldn't figure that out by my lack of postings. Seems that I don't want to dump my self endulgent crap here anymore. Besides all it does is fuel it.
What I need is a fresh perspective. I have to give the creator a chance to give me his message and direction. I have found the source of this chance and I will endeavor to avail myself of it.
All in all life is going well. Work is going good, in fact they allowed me to take off to Carbondale next week as I had hoped to. Well almost, I didn't get Saturday off but with the loss of regulars and lack of subs it was impossible to cover all routes. Which is something I can understand. That may be why they like me so much over there. I am not selfishly looking out for my interests only, but seeking to co-exist with them and in the process getting what we all want.
Terri is as amazing as always. I love her so much that it hurts sometimes. I am going to see her this weekend. In fact it is going to be a busy week for me. Leave Saturday for Terri's, stay there till Monday then coming home doing washings and packing. Then Tuesday off to Carbondale till Friday when it is back here to work on Saturday. Wow it is quite overwhelming when you look at it like that.
But I need to get away (yeah who doesn't).
I am looking forward to the refreshing of the spirit and mind by spending time with good friends in good places making for good times. The only thing missing will be Terri. God I wish she could go with. Oh well we will have to see about the wedding.
Hmmm that about wraps it up for me right now. I will hopefully see everyone in the next couple of weeks.
May the Force be with you
Darkness spreads
Darkness lives
Darkness grows
All those that face it find only dread
Why it is so powerful no one knows
That is the way it has always been is what they say
but I don't believe it is that way
It only get stronger if we fail
To shine as bright as we can
not flicker pale.
So do not despair
and your hope do not loose
Raise you spirit up and the light you must choose.
Hail and well met
Well not the best of my compositions but it just seemed to roll out. I have been combating the darkness of late. Yeah like you couldn't figure that out by my lack of postings. Seems that I don't want to dump my self endulgent crap here anymore. Besides all it does is fuel it.
What I need is a fresh perspective. I have to give the creator a chance to give me his message and direction. I have found the source of this chance and I will endeavor to avail myself of it.
All in all life is going well. Work is going good, in fact they allowed me to take off to Carbondale next week as I had hoped to. Well almost, I didn't get Saturday off but with the loss of regulars and lack of subs it was impossible to cover all routes. Which is something I can understand. That may be why they like me so much over there. I am not selfishly looking out for my interests only, but seeking to co-exist with them and in the process getting what we all want.
Terri is as amazing as always. I love her so much that it hurts sometimes. I am going to see her this weekend. In fact it is going to be a busy week for me. Leave Saturday for Terri's, stay there till Monday then coming home doing washings and packing. Then Tuesday off to Carbondale till Friday when it is back here to work on Saturday. Wow it is quite overwhelming when you look at it like that.
But I need to get away (yeah who doesn't).
I am looking forward to the refreshing of the spirit and mind by spending time with good friends in good places making for good times. The only thing missing will be Terri. God I wish she could go with. Oh well we will have to see about the wedding.
Hmmm that about wraps it up for me right now. I will hopefully see everyone in the next couple of weeks.
May the Force be with you
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Matt-Man and The Trans Axle of Destiniy
Hail and well met
Five days have passed since I last posted and to be honest I just haven't known what to post about. Well that and I have been working so much that by the time I could post I was so tired that I couldn't form a complete sentence if I tried.
Well current events are a good place to start. Work is going FINE (as in fucked up insecure neurotic and emotional). Now that is not to say that I am feeling FINE cause I am not, no it is the rest of that office that needs a good healthy dose of reality.
In the gruff voice of a man that has smoked filter-less cigarettes since he was 2 years old
In a world were drama runs rampant only one thing can relieve the pain and annoyance.
Take a dose of reality, the anti-drama.
Warning : side effects include situations that are really drama and not make believe including but not exclusive to: pregnancy, love, hate, loss of job, loss of significant other, possible loss of job and other real life shit.
voice fades away
Yup I find it rather funny when I am not there to think of all the childish shit that is going on. As I usually do I tried to not fall into the rumors believing them to be the total truth, cause they never really are most of the time. Well in this case they are closer then most but there are a lot of other problems in that office.
The biggest is the other carriers. So many of them are of the opinion (which I have found to be common among union workers that have lost the perspective of reality) that things are their right, when in fact those things are a privilege. Something that has to be earned and maintained. Now based on this misconception they run around with expectations that are impossible in the real world and as such they end up being pissed off all the time or close to it. So every day that I am there I get to listen to the latest rant on how things are not right or fair or whatever.
Get over it and do the damn job! I mean for me the reality is still less then a year away. Being unemployed, broke, worthless (well in the eyes of the world, stupid world)all of these things were all too real and the pain that went with them. Apparently they don't remember or have never felt them.
I guess the other biggest thing is that I just don't understand the mentality of "I really don't like my job at all but instead of doing one damn thing about it I am just going to do it badly and bitch about it".
Just realize that you have the power to change things if you want but that choice is fraught with difficulty cause change is never easy. It is often worth the effort though.
If you choose to not change things then accept you choice and do what needs to be done. You will find that life is more enjoyable and things smooth out when you accept those things you choose not to change.
Again it is not easy to change but don't bitch about that fact. That is like bitching about the fact that you will get a sunburn if you stay out in the sun with out taking precautions.
Will this change my plans for the future? Well maybe a little. I like the area and the routes are not bad. I really prefer the true rural routes to those that are more in the suburbs. Which makes the future a interesting place cause if I plan on moving in with Terri in some form or another I have to find a place that fills my needs.
Well this rant has gone on long enough. It seems that I got away from current events and indulged in a soapbox rant.
I will just have to post again sooner then later so I can get everything updated.
There is just one thing that needs saying...
a terrible grin crosses his face and his eyes get shifty
Sorry I just couldn't resist. Still haven't seen that film...yet!
Ok that is all for now.
May the Force be with you
Five days have passed since I last posted and to be honest I just haven't known what to post about. Well that and I have been working so much that by the time I could post I was so tired that I couldn't form a complete sentence if I tried.
Well current events are a good place to start. Work is going FINE (as in fucked up insecure neurotic and emotional). Now that is not to say that I am feeling FINE cause I am not, no it is the rest of that office that needs a good healthy dose of reality.
In the gruff voice of a man that has smoked filter-less cigarettes since he was 2 years old
In a world were drama runs rampant only one thing can relieve the pain and annoyance.
Take a dose of reality, the anti-drama.
Warning : side effects include situations that are really drama and not make believe including but not exclusive to: pregnancy, love, hate, loss of job, loss of significant other, possible loss of job and other real life shit.
voice fades away
Yup I find it rather funny when I am not there to think of all the childish shit that is going on. As I usually do I tried to not fall into the rumors believing them to be the total truth, cause they never really are most of the time. Well in this case they are closer then most but there are a lot of other problems in that office.
The biggest is the other carriers. So many of them are of the opinion (which I have found to be common among union workers that have lost the perspective of reality) that things are their right, when in fact those things are a privilege. Something that has to be earned and maintained. Now based on this misconception they run around with expectations that are impossible in the real world and as such they end up being pissed off all the time or close to it. So every day that I am there I get to listen to the latest rant on how things are not right or fair or whatever.
Get over it and do the damn job! I mean for me the reality is still less then a year away. Being unemployed, broke, worthless (well in the eyes of the world, stupid world)all of these things were all too real and the pain that went with them. Apparently they don't remember or have never felt them.
I guess the other biggest thing is that I just don't understand the mentality of "I really don't like my job at all but instead of doing one damn thing about it I am just going to do it badly and bitch about it".
Just realize that you have the power to change things if you want but that choice is fraught with difficulty cause change is never easy. It is often worth the effort though.
If you choose to not change things then accept you choice and do what needs to be done. You will find that life is more enjoyable and things smooth out when you accept those things you choose not to change.
Again it is not easy to change but don't bitch about that fact. That is like bitching about the fact that you will get a sunburn if you stay out in the sun with out taking precautions.
Will this change my plans for the future? Well maybe a little. I like the area and the routes are not bad. I really prefer the true rural routes to those that are more in the suburbs. Which makes the future a interesting place cause if I plan on moving in with Terri in some form or another I have to find a place that fills my needs.
Well this rant has gone on long enough. It seems that I got away from current events and indulged in a soapbox rant.
I will just have to post again sooner then later so I can get everything updated.
There is just one thing that needs saying...
a terrible grin crosses his face and his eyes get shifty
Sorry I just couldn't resist. Still haven't seen that film...yet!
Ok that is all for now.
May the Force be with you
Monday, March 12, 2007
Matt-Man and the Phantom Post
Hail and well met
Well I thought I had posted on Saturday whilst at the loft...but it appears that I am mistaken cause there is not such post anywhere here. Well no biggie just hoping that this one makes it.
Truthfully I don't have much to post about. Saturday was awesome. Nicky had fun getting well her 21st birthday on. Drinks flowed free for all. Fun was had by all.
I broke away from the party around 12ish and headed over to Terri's. We grabbed some sleep and got up in time to head over to her parents for Corned beef and cabbage (love corn beef but not so much the cabbage cuz it gives me gas)Then off to the game it was. The Wolves won, YEAH. I was worried because it was looking that I was bad luck. Every game I have gone to with the exception of last night they had lost. But that is all behind me.
Then we headed back to her house and I grabbed a nap while she made dinner. Then it was goodbyes and tears and I was back on my down here. Yeah it was a lot of driving but she is more then worth it.
So now I sit here typing and as soon as this is done I am heading over to Lansing to hang out. Tomorrow will be more of the same. Yeah not the most exciting life but then again that can get annoying.
I love you Terri!
May the Force be with you
Well I thought I had posted on Saturday whilst at the loft...but it appears that I am mistaken cause there is not such post anywhere here. Well no biggie just hoping that this one makes it.
Truthfully I don't have much to post about. Saturday was awesome. Nicky had fun getting well her 21st birthday on. Drinks flowed free for all. Fun was had by all.
I broke away from the party around 12ish and headed over to Terri's. We grabbed some sleep and got up in time to head over to her parents for Corned beef and cabbage (love corn beef but not so much the cabbage cuz it gives me gas)Then off to the game it was. The Wolves won, YEAH. I was worried because it was looking that I was bad luck. Every game I have gone to with the exception of last night they had lost. But that is all behind me.
Then we headed back to her house and I grabbed a nap while she made dinner. Then it was goodbyes and tears and I was back on my down here. Yeah it was a lot of driving but she is more then worth it.
So now I sit here typing and as soon as this is done I am heading over to Lansing to hang out. Tomorrow will be more of the same. Yeah not the most exciting life but then again that can get annoying.
I love you Terri!
May the Force be with you
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Matt-Man does a BoneHead Manuver but Terri Belle steps in to save the day
Hail and well met
It is a long title but it is appropriate to the situation. I am referring to this weekends festivities.
You see I managed to get my head wrapped around something that someone said and of course the dread captain Oblivious stepped in and blinded me the complete picture.
In a nutshell someone mentioned your birthday and celebrating it last weekend, which of course was not possible cause you weren't here. So logically I should have filed that under things to come and stamped this weekend with a question mark. Nope I filed it under things that have happened or things that didn't happen and moved on. Well that means that all this work to get everyone up to see Khaos Theory and Terri has been counter productive to everyone partying with Nicky for her birthday. When I finally kicked oblivious out of my office and looked at things I felt rather crappy.
Now of course everyone is going to say it is ok, no harm no foul (well most of you...some? Thank you sir in the back I appre...Oh the bathroom is the second on the right). Nicky I am sorry for forgetting about your birthday celebration.
I mean it is your 21st and you only get one of those.
Well Terri and I talked. I love that woman so much. I was ready to go up and see the band with just her and then she blind sides me. And I wanted to cause I said I would and the band kicks ass and all that jazz, but down deep I was going to be pissed that I missed your party. She told me to stay down here and celebrate, that seeing her is important and so is seeing my friends. She is the one that said the line "you only get one 21st birthday". She is so amazing. I just wish she was able to come down here.
So Nicky if you will have me at your celebration I would like to come.
What can I say I am love struck. She blinded me with ...well we will leave that blank for now (don't want to get slapped).
No it is all my doing. Not a biggie but if I don't nip it in the bud it will blossom into a damn lemon tree. don't need anymore of those.
Ok well that is all I really have time for now I will talk to everyone later, some in person some in print and some by the powers of my mind!!!
May the Force be with you
It is a long title but it is appropriate to the situation. I am referring to this weekends festivities.
You see I managed to get my head wrapped around something that someone said and of course the dread captain Oblivious stepped in and blinded me the complete picture.
In a nutshell someone mentioned your birthday and celebrating it last weekend, which of course was not possible cause you weren't here. So logically I should have filed that under things to come and stamped this weekend with a question mark. Nope I filed it under things that have happened or things that didn't happen and moved on. Well that means that all this work to get everyone up to see Khaos Theory and Terri has been counter productive to everyone partying with Nicky for her birthday. When I finally kicked oblivious out of my office and looked at things I felt rather crappy.
Now of course everyone is going to say it is ok, no harm no foul (well most of you...some? Thank you sir in the back I appre...Oh the bathroom is the second on the right). Nicky I am sorry for forgetting about your birthday celebration.
I mean it is your 21st and you only get one of those.
Well Terri and I talked. I love that woman so much. I was ready to go up and see the band with just her and then she blind sides me. And I wanted to cause I said I would and the band kicks ass and all that jazz, but down deep I was going to be pissed that I missed your party. She told me to stay down here and celebrate, that seeing her is important and so is seeing my friends. She is the one that said the line "you only get one 21st birthday". She is so amazing. I just wish she was able to come down here.
So Nicky if you will have me at your celebration I would like to come.
What can I say I am love struck. She blinded me with ...well we will leave that blank for now (don't want to get slapped).
No it is all my doing. Not a biggie but if I don't nip it in the bud it will blossom into a damn lemon tree. don't need anymore of those.
Ok well that is all I really have time for now I will talk to everyone later, some in person some in print and some by the powers of my mind!!!
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Matt-Man..Who Else?

Hail and well met
Had to share that one with everyone.
Ok someone asked me when the show is Saturday. It is around 10 in the evening and there are three bands playing. So it is going to be a late night for anyone coming out. Still haven't gotten a solid price so figure around 10 dollars should make sure you are covered (again I can spot if needed)It is at a bar..Oh wait that shouldn't be a problem anymore, YIPPEEE!
Ok well not much else to report. I need to get my ass in gear on several things so I can move forward. I cannot just sit here wasting time (no I am not referring to doing this blog either it is important).
I can be successful
I will be successful
I am successful.
I am siting behind my desk in my office of my game company. I am rolling in money and things are amazing. I have the car of my dreams (1969 GTO with the paint from XXX) and I have a fully full on relationship with Terri.
Oh that? That is just an exercise in visualizing what I want and where I am going to be. Long story short it is putting the form to the universe so it can take shape in the future (not as far off as you would think). I mean what good is it to be a super hero if you don't flex those powers once and a while.
Consider it a discipline of the mind which puts the spirit over it. Cause to my mind I am nowhere near that vision, but I do believe it and will act on it every day. How does Qui Gon Jin put it in Episode 1.
"Your focus determines you reality."
That is either a exact quote or a close proximity.
Oh yes I am still on that path as well. Kind of funny how they seem to work so well together. Never would have thought it was possible but they dove tail rather well.
OK so that is about it for now. I have to go and take of some things.
May the Force be with you
Monday, March 05, 2007
Matt-Man finally gets conected
Hail and well met
Well it took almost an half an hour to get blogger up and running. I just love dial up. Well not much to report on as of right now.
Gamed over the weekend and it was fantastic. Friday saw the long awaited return of Iron Kingdoms and Saturday Quinlan made his return to Grey company lite.
Sunday Todd and myself went to see "Pan's Labyrinth". To put it in words I was stunned. I was expecting a good movie not a life experience. To simply say it was good would be a disservice to the movie. I will probably see it when it comes out on DVD so I can stop it and really get a good look at the sets and costumes. I also look forward to the commentary from Guillermo del Toro. It was moving and deep and rich, there are just not words that really do it justice. So to say it was worth going to see is an understatement. If you haven't seen it and you have the chance. do it. Just be ready for a heavy movie experience.
Well this weekend I am heading up to see Terri via Ye Olde Town Inn for a Khaos Theory show. We are going to meet there and head up after the show. Val and Mel are going as well (Yippieee) as well some of the other 37 inch gamers. If you are interested let me know. I believe it is a 6 or 7 dollar show (if that is a problem I should be able to cover a couple of people). To make a day of it I am planning on going up earlier to stop at Games Plus (a real kick ass game store just across the tracks from the venue). Again anyone interested let me know and we will go from there.
Not much else to report. Working a lot of hours which is a good thing. Just have to make sure to make the time to work on all the things that need to be done.
May the Force be with you
Well it took almost an half an hour to get blogger up and running. I just love dial up. Well not much to report on as of right now.
Gamed over the weekend and it was fantastic. Friday saw the long awaited return of Iron Kingdoms and Saturday Quinlan made his return to Grey company lite.
Sunday Todd and myself went to see "Pan's Labyrinth". To put it in words I was stunned. I was expecting a good movie not a life experience. To simply say it was good would be a disservice to the movie. I will probably see it when it comes out on DVD so I can stop it and really get a good look at the sets and costumes. I also look forward to the commentary from Guillermo del Toro. It was moving and deep and rich, there are just not words that really do it justice. So to say it was worth going to see is an understatement. If you haven't seen it and you have the chance. do it. Just be ready for a heavy movie experience.
Well this weekend I am heading up to see Terri via Ye Olde Town Inn for a Khaos Theory show. We are going to meet there and head up after the show. Val and Mel are going as well (Yippieee) as well some of the other 37 inch gamers. If you are interested let me know. I believe it is a 6 or 7 dollar show (if that is a problem I should be able to cover a couple of people). To make a day of it I am planning on going up earlier to stop at Games Plus (a real kick ass game store just across the tracks from the venue). Again anyone interested let me know and we will go from there.
Not much else to report. Working a lot of hours which is a good thing. Just have to make sure to make the time to work on all the things that need to be done.
May the Force be with you
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