Hail and well met
Had to share that one with everyone.
Ok someone asked me when the show is Saturday. It is around 10 in the evening and there are three bands playing. So it is going to be a late night for anyone coming out. Still haven't gotten a solid price so figure around 10 dollars should make sure you are covered (again I can spot if needed)It is at a bar..Oh wait that shouldn't be a problem anymore, YIPPEEE!
Ok well not much else to report. I need to get my ass in gear on several things so I can move forward. I cannot just sit here wasting time (no I am not referring to doing this blog either it is important).
I can be successful
I will be successful
I am successful.
I am siting behind my desk in my office of my game company. I am rolling in money and things are amazing. I have the car of my dreams (1969 GTO with the paint from XXX) and I have a fully full on relationship with Terri.
Oh that? That is just an exercise in visualizing what I want and where I am going to be. Long story short it is putting the form to the universe so it can take shape in the future (not as far off as you would think). I mean what good is it to be a super hero if you don't flex those powers once and a while.
Consider it a discipline of the mind which puts the spirit over it. Cause to my mind I am nowhere near that vision, but I do believe it and will act on it every day. How does Qui Gon Jin put it in Episode 1.
"Your focus determines you reality."
That is either a exact quote or a close proximity.
Oh yes I am still on that path as well. Kind of funny how they seem to work so well together. Never would have thought it was possible but they dove tail rather well.
OK so that is about it for now. I have to go and take of some things.
May the Force be with you
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