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Friday, April 13, 2007

Matt-Man and the Something

Hail and well met

Yeah it has been kinda strange as of late. Not really sure what is up in the mind and heart of Matt-Man but it is out of whack. At first I thought I was getting depressed but I know what that feels like and it ain't like that. It could be apathy but I want to figure it out and either accept it or deal with it so I don't buy into that one either.

Here is what is going on. I have the thoughts about making my games and other stuff but find that when I try and work on them I lose all energy. I mean it really drains me to even try and work on them for even a little bit. It has gotten to the point that I can almost put myself to sleep working on them for too long.

What is up with that? It is starting to affect my mind set as I almost want to avoid working on them because of the way I feel when I do. But believe me when I say that my thoughts and desires are strong and I won't let go of this so easily.

Is most confusing.

Well other then that little problem everything is going well. I trained on a new route this week so I can be of more use to the office. Which would mean more hours except that I learned that they just hired new RCA substitutes which will give us a full compliment and leave no route uncovered. That could drastically reduce my hours which is a REAL bad thing. All that said I know the life expectancy of more RCA's in that office and it should prove interesting to see how long it takes for the first one to walk.

Yeah have to say that things have been strange for me as of late. Not sure that I am dealing with it well but I am dealing with it. Sometimes you just have to say "Fuck the bullshit, where's the Hostess?" (the snack cake brand not a female host). Yeah there is a quote from my heady days of youth. Remembering those as of late. Not missing them or pining for them just remembering them. Was I ever that young?

Hey James, don't know if you make it around this blog anymore but if you do, what was I talking about and why? I cannot for the life of me remember. Maybe I will drop you a line and ask.

Oh on a side note saw two movies as of late.

The first is Grindhouse. That movie was FUCKING AWESOME!!! I loved every minute of it and am looking forward to seeing it again at least two or three more times. Yeah I cannot even begin to explain how it was awesome just take my word for it and go see it if you haven't already. If you have then see it again and call me when you do. Now that said I should state that it is no drama or serious piece of cinimatic art. But it does capture the feel of the 70's bad double feature but delivers it with the panache of Tarintino and Rodriguez action and dialog. The trailers in the begining and the middle were amazing, funny and totally over the top. I cannot say enough about the film.

The second is TMNT the new movie. I had heard from some friends that saw it that it sucked. Well I have to put my two cents in. No it did not suck. Did it follow the preconceived notion of where the turtles and April would be in the future? No. Did it try and cover two much ground whilst reliving the same inner struggle that exists in between the 4 ninja? Maybe. Did it leave information out that would have answered all the questions I have raised? Yes.

But the most important question that needs to be asked is: Did the movie feel like a comic book? Yes it did. I have many of the turtles original comic compilations as well as issue #2 in great condition. I have recently read some of them and to tell you the truth it felt like watching a issue of the comic book.

Ok I will say that Casey seemed a little pussy whipped, but lets face it most hard core guys end up that way when they find a woman. Oh and April being a bad ass? Come on after dealing with Shredder, the mousers (not in the movies but in the comic books, alien invasions and the advent of supernatural creatures every other week one is bound to feel the need to 1) get out of a job that has you running into those situations when you should run out and 2) develop those survival skills needed in such situations. As far as being like Tomb Raider I have to admit that they did little to properly explain that. Although it could be noted that with her investigation skills it would be a good lead into a job of finding what people want, not just 3000 year old statues.

All in all I enjoyed the movie and hope they do make more. Maybe they could go back and fix the ASS LOAD of problems with the first two movies (No do not mention that there was more then two films, cause to any TMNT fan there was not, the second one was bad enough). I personally would like to see the Triceritons and the T.G.R.I aliens story lines.

Well enough of my rambling. I must get ready for the rest of the day.

May the Force be with you.



Anonymous said...

Do you mean games you're running or games you're designing?

In either case, that kind of burnout means you probably need to not game for a while. The trying and failing is probably getting to you. It might be best to quit for a facto, if not de jure.


dnomlas said...

Dude...I keep up with your blog weekly, if not daily. That phrase "Cut/Fuck the Bullshit...where's the hostess?!?" You came up with that when we were on one of our road trips (I don't remember if we were actually out of town or if just happen to be running around). We stopped at a gas station and we were looking for a snack. We couldn't find any hostess snacks at all and you just blurted that out.

I don't remember laughing right then and there but I know I have used those words to describe any moment I feel frustrated after looking for something important.