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Friday, June 29, 2007

Matt-Man is Bust

Hail and well met

Well as the title says I am bust, broke, nearly penniless. I just got paid and after making sure I have gas money for the next two weeks to get to and from work I have not much left. I have had to push off paying some bills and just got an email from Stand Up about my account being past due.

Yeah it sucks and I am feeling a little down on myself at the moment. I mean what good is it to be employed if you still are broke and unable to cover your bills.

Meh I really don't want to get into that here. I did it years ago and basically bored myself and everyone else to tears. Life sucks and that is that.

I could go on for hours and pages on my view of the world right now. Again it is pointless and futile.

Well the real suck news is that I will have to curtail most of my trips to Lansing. So you won't be seeing me for the next couple of weeks. I do plan on making it out to Supers on Sunday and I am going to squeak out getting to Transformers on Monday, after that I will be going to work and then sitting home.

Yup that is my life in a nutshell. Just like my father before me. Work, eat, sleep. Yes just live to work for someone else. As far as dreaming is concerned I am going to take a hint from my sleep and quit it. What is the point. In my experience they are good for is wasting a lot of time and effort to try and make them real only to have them ripped away and torn to shreds in front of you by bastards that don't deserve to breath let alone live.

Damn it I wasn't going to rant. Sorry but I am going to let it stand. Forgive me for wasting you time.


1 comment:

Ben said...

Hey Matt, don't get down on yourself. I know how it is, I've been stuck in this crap job waaaay to long. It feels like every time I try to quit something comes out of left field and wallops me across the head. Sounds like you need to sit down and get some crap off your chest and I'm here for you if you do. Phone, e-mail, or just stop by.

Don't stop dreaming, because dreams are the only things in your life that will lead to goals, and trust me, you need goals in your life if you want to achieve anything.

BTW if you're worried about gas your always welcome to crash at my place for a day or two. I don't know if that'll help out with your work schedule or anything, but the offers there.