Hail and well met
Ok so I am going to put it all here.
My parents are on the verge of being evited. Dad has been unable to get work in a steady enough flow to provide for the costs of living. I don't know what they are doing. I don't know what to do.
That is the major reason for my moving out. About four and a half months ago my Dad sat me down and informed me that at that point we (I was still living there) were three months behind on rent (technicly called carring charges). I was somewhat pissed off that he had waited to inform me of this situation and made the decision to move out.
The fact of the matter is that if not for the generocity and patience of my good friend Bill I would have been up shit creek to move out. I don't make enough at the Post Office to support myself. It makes me feel so useless and such a loser.
Now they are even closer to being kicked out and still I don't have any way to help. Not even an idea or avenue for them to get help. The only thing that keeps me sane is my Aunt Rebecca. She has made it clear that if worse comes to worse she will help them out. That means they will be going to Texas. At least they have that.
My hopes of getting my games produced are starting to look like pipe dreams. My job is starting to look like a dead end. If anything happens I am screwed. I know Bill would be nice but I cannot expect him to tolerate having no money coming from me. If things fall apart any more then they are right now I have nowhere to go and nothing to fall back on.
I am my Fathers son.
I don't want to be depressed but I don't know how to avoid it. That damned roaring abyss of darkness has creeped back in my gut.
Oh and there is Terri. No nothing is wrong. Well nothing except that I cannot be there for her. I don't have a stable job to allow me to be with her. There is little I can do to support her. All I have is the love I feel for her. Whoever said that love is enough needs to live in the real world for a couple of years. Cause as far as I can see love don't pay the bills or keep them from kicking you out.
I just don't know what to think or do anymore.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Matt-Man, Raise the Roof
Hail and well met
Ok quick post here. I am alive and well. Things are going well. I am finishing up my move out of the old house. It is kinda sad but things have to move forward.
I am still yearning to play....anything!
Well preferably a good RPG but I am willing to play almost anything.
I also desperately need to get back to painting.
Ok well I am off to do something. Hope to see everyone this weekend, oh I won't be making it to the concert cause I totally missed the fact that a ticket was required so I didn't get one. So I will be hanging around outside being all creepy and stuff till the party starts after. Oh yes I will be lurking.
Later all
May the Force be with you
Ok quick post here. I am alive and well. Things are going well. I am finishing up my move out of the old house. It is kinda sad but things have to move forward.
I am still yearning to play....anything!
Well preferably a good RPG but I am willing to play almost anything.
I also desperately need to get back to painting.
Ok well I am off to do something. Hope to see everyone this weekend, oh I won't be making it to the concert cause I totally missed the fact that a ticket was required so I didn't get one. So I will be hanging around outside being all creepy and stuff till the party starts after. Oh yes I will be lurking.
Later all
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Matt-Man and The Life
Hail and well met
I sit here realizing that I haven't posted for a number of days (more like a couple of weeks). In truth I have been a mix of busy and lazy. I have been working almost every day of the week. Again a lot of this has been short notice and has been driving me crazy.
I have been up to see Terri for the Wolves home opener and will be seeing her this coming weekend for the Haunted Trails. It is a trail in a forested park and several groups are allowed to create scenes that people then walk through. Our scene is about the "Wizard of Oz" but with a twist. I am playing the Tin-Man and have not been fully briefed on what the twisted part is. But my muse has been peaked and I have been furiously coming up with some ideas for a role play. I don't know the system but the story is getting really good. If anyone has any idea for what system to use let me know. I was thinking WOD since it kind of fits the mood of the story but I am open to suggestions.
Anyway I am also looking to get up to see Phantom of the Opera while it is in town. It is my hope to get to go with Terri. When I mentioned it she expressed an interest in seeing "Wicked" so I am looking into that.
I also really want to play something. I have been out of the gaming loop for way to damn long. Although I wouldn't mind some table top action I would also like to get some RPGing in as well.
I know many are away for school but I also know some home trips are coming up. Since the collapse of the super hero game this last summer I REALLY need to get a game going and finish it, or just give up on it altogether.
Well maybe not altogether but definitely pull back.
Nah who am I kidding? I love it way to much.
Anyway things are going well otherwise. The move has been halted while I am working so much. The next couple of days will see me off so I am hoping to make some strides in the direction of getting everything moved out.
I am still not fully adjusted to being out on my own...well sort of at least.
On other fronts I have heard from Ben in St.Louis and we are going to be starting up again. I am still considering my options as far as my games go but I still want to work with them. What sucks is that a trip down there would be the best way to get up to speed but with my out of control schedule that is not really possible.
But there is always the internet and phone calls. I am not giving up nor losing hope. I am alive and as long as there is life there is hope.
Yeah so looking forward to seeing Mel and Val tomorrow and the up coming Halloween party/concert. DAMN I need a costume! Wait maybe I can borrow the Tin-Man costume? I will have to look into that. Or I could get something together to be the infamous Matt-Man? Who knows.
So that wraps up things for now. I will hopefully see everyone soon or at least talk to them.
May the Force be with you
I sit here realizing that I haven't posted for a number of days (more like a couple of weeks). In truth I have been a mix of busy and lazy. I have been working almost every day of the week. Again a lot of this has been short notice and has been driving me crazy.
I have been up to see Terri for the Wolves home opener and will be seeing her this coming weekend for the Haunted Trails. It is a trail in a forested park and several groups are allowed to create scenes that people then walk through. Our scene is about the "Wizard of Oz" but with a twist. I am playing the Tin-Man and have not been fully briefed on what the twisted part is. But my muse has been peaked and I have been furiously coming up with some ideas for a role play. I don't know the system but the story is getting really good. If anyone has any idea for what system to use let me know. I was thinking WOD since it kind of fits the mood of the story but I am open to suggestions.
Anyway I am also looking to get up to see Phantom of the Opera while it is in town. It is my hope to get to go with Terri. When I mentioned it she expressed an interest in seeing "Wicked" so I am looking into that.
I also really want to play something. I have been out of the gaming loop for way to damn long. Although I wouldn't mind some table top action I would also like to get some RPGing in as well.
I know many are away for school but I also know some home trips are coming up. Since the collapse of the super hero game this last summer I REALLY need to get a game going and finish it, or just give up on it altogether.
Well maybe not altogether but definitely pull back.
Nah who am I kidding? I love it way to much.
Anyway things are going well otherwise. The move has been halted while I am working so much. The next couple of days will see me off so I am hoping to make some strides in the direction of getting everything moved out.
I am still not fully adjusted to being out on my own...well sort of at least.
On other fronts I have heard from Ben in St.Louis and we are going to be starting up again. I am still considering my options as far as my games go but I still want to work with them. What sucks is that a trip down there would be the best way to get up to speed but with my out of control schedule that is not really possible.
But there is always the internet and phone calls. I am not giving up nor losing hope. I am alive and as long as there is life there is hope.
Yeah so looking forward to seeing Mel and Val tomorrow and the up coming Halloween party/concert. DAMN I need a costume! Wait maybe I can borrow the Tin-Man costume? I will have to look into that. Or I could get something together to be the infamous Matt-Man? Who knows.
So that wraps up things for now. I will hopefully see everyone soon or at least talk to them.
May the Force be with you
Saturday, October 06, 2007
There and Back Again A Matt-Man Tale
Hail and well met
It has come to my attention that the Hollywood is yet again playing games with our hearts. I was working today and while placing mail in the case I came across Entertainment magazine. The cover announced that the Hobbit movie was going to be made and intimated veteran LoTR Director Peter Jackson would be doing it. Now I am not allowed to read other peoples magazines so I could not pop it open and get the real poop. I have done some online reading and it seems to contradict the assertions of the magazine.
The first problem was the fight over the rights to make the movie. I don't know the particulars but someone had the rights to make the film and would not give them up for New Line or any other studio to make a Hobbit movie.
Apparently that has been rectified. Thank the maker for that, cause I was getting ready to pop a industrial can of Matterocity on the subject.
Now I have come to understand that a conflict between Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema is keeping the man who was born to bring Tolkin's works to the silver screen. For those that don't know here it is in a nutshell (please read up on this for complete details and all the nuisances)
New Line Cinema is alleged to have doctored the books on the bottom line take on The Fellowship of the Ring DVD sales and in doing so stiffed Jackson money.
Again it is somewhat more complicated then that but that covers the basics.
Just make the damn movie and let Peter Jackson do what he was born to do.
Does New Line owe him money? I don't know and can't say.
All I do know is that I want a Hobbit movie!
Ok I am out of here for now.
Go and look up the Hobbit on IMDB.com for further information.
The Hobbit
May the Force be with you
It has come to my attention that the Hollywood is yet again playing games with our hearts. I was working today and while placing mail in the case I came across Entertainment magazine. The cover announced that the Hobbit movie was going to be made and intimated veteran LoTR Director Peter Jackson would be doing it. Now I am not allowed to read other peoples magazines so I could not pop it open and get the real poop. I have done some online reading and it seems to contradict the assertions of the magazine.
The first problem was the fight over the rights to make the movie. I don't know the particulars but someone had the rights to make the film and would not give them up for New Line or any other studio to make a Hobbit movie.
Apparently that has been rectified. Thank the maker for that, cause I was getting ready to pop a industrial can of Matterocity on the subject.
Now I have come to understand that a conflict between Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema is keeping the man who was born to bring Tolkin's works to the silver screen. For those that don't know here it is in a nutshell (please read up on this for complete details and all the nuisances)
New Line Cinema is alleged to have doctored the books on the bottom line take on The Fellowship of the Ring DVD sales and in doing so stiffed Jackson money.
Again it is somewhat more complicated then that but that covers the basics.
Just make the damn movie and let Peter Jackson do what he was born to do.
Does New Line owe him money? I don't know and can't say.
All I do know is that I want a Hobbit movie!
Ok I am out of here for now.
Go and look up the Hobbit on IMDB.com for further information.
The Hobbit
May the Force be with you
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Matt-Man Meets the Challenge
Hail and well met
I went blog hopping and found these on a friends blog. So here are my results.
66% Geek
381 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - Dating

$3140.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
It was fun and somewhat humbling. But who cares. I am Matt-Man!
May the Force be with you
I went blog hopping and found these on a friends blog. So here are my results.
66% Geek
Free Online Dating from JustSayHi
381 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - Dating
100% Free Personals from JustSayHi

Free Online Dating from JustSayHi
$3140.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
JustSayHi - Free Personals
Your Birthdate: September 16 |
![]() You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head. You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking. People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right. You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself. Your strength: Your original approach to thinking Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others Your power color: Pale blue Your power symbol: Wavy line Your power month: July |
It was fun and somewhat humbling. But who cares. I am Matt-Man!
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Matt-Man, You've Got It!
Hail and well met
It has been a little while since I posted. Mostly I have been working or recovering from work. There are a few things have happened, seeing Terri being the most notable.
I am in good spirits and health. The next two weeks will be telling as I am working for the majority of both of them. It is good news on the cash flow note but as far as free time goes it sucks. Ah well I am not one to complain...much. It is the same ole' soapbox. No set scheduling, being on call 24/6 (we all have Sunday off) and all the stress that comes from coming in to someone else's mess and cleaning it up. Now it has been rougher then usual as I have run afoul of my Post Master. It started with a simple mistake while recording my time on the card and then followed up later that week by a misunderstanding that was taken to far. I won't go into details as I am not sure where that dreaded boundary line is on what is privileged information and what is open to the public.
Today things seemed better but I know that the ugliness is just waiting under the surface to pop out and strike me. Unfortunately what they don't understand is the one fact that keeps me going with a smile on my face (albeit pained and strained at times) and that fact is ....
I am Matt-Man
No weapon formed against me shall prosper and any voice that rises up against me I shall condemn. If the attempt to come in like a flood, a standard shall be raised against them.
These are paraphrased verses from the bible (yes I still believe in and read it). So just let them try and destroy me and they will discover just how painful it feels to run into a solid brick wall (spiritually speaking that is).
Things are going well and I am looking forward to the next few months and the challenges that come along with them.
I hope this finds all well and if not then let me know about it. Give me a call, drop me a email or something. Come on people I am your friend and I care. I may not have the time or mental capacity to call I apologize but the communication road goes both ways.
Anyway enough for this post I am off to change my clothes, relax for a while and then maybe go see Resident Evil Extinction.
May the Force be with you all
It has been a little while since I posted. Mostly I have been working or recovering from work. There are a few things have happened, seeing Terri being the most notable.
I am in good spirits and health. The next two weeks will be telling as I am working for the majority of both of them. It is good news on the cash flow note but as far as free time goes it sucks. Ah well I am not one to complain...much. It is the same ole' soapbox. No set scheduling, being on call 24/6 (we all have Sunday off) and all the stress that comes from coming in to someone else's mess and cleaning it up. Now it has been rougher then usual as I have run afoul of my Post Master. It started with a simple mistake while recording my time on the card and then followed up later that week by a misunderstanding that was taken to far. I won't go into details as I am not sure where that dreaded boundary line is on what is privileged information and what is open to the public.
Today things seemed better but I know that the ugliness is just waiting under the surface to pop out and strike me. Unfortunately what they don't understand is the one fact that keeps me going with a smile on my face (albeit pained and strained at times) and that fact is ....
I am Matt-Man
No weapon formed against me shall prosper and any voice that rises up against me I shall condemn. If the attempt to come in like a flood, a standard shall be raised against them.
These are paraphrased verses from the bible (yes I still believe in and read it). So just let them try and destroy me and they will discover just how painful it feels to run into a solid brick wall (spiritually speaking that is).
Things are going well and I am looking forward to the next few months and the challenges that come along with them.
I hope this finds all well and if not then let me know about it. Give me a call, drop me a email or something. Come on people I am your friend and I care. I may not have the time or mental capacity to call I apologize but the communication road goes both ways.
Anyway enough for this post I am off to change my clothes, relax for a while and then maybe go see Resident Evil Extinction.
May the Force be with you all
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