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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Matt-Man VS Vampires

Hail and well met

So I finally did it. I sat down and watched the horror stories that are Twilight and New Moon. You may ask why and I will answer. I have always said that you shouldn't really condemn something you know nothing about. So now that I have watched them I have the right and ability to say with out a doubt....

They weren't that bad.

Woah had to duck there to avoid flying books and other detritus. No they are not going to make me swoon and I am not going to read the books but they were ok for what they were. You see in that lies the problem. If you are going to see a vampire movie then do not watch them. If you want to see teen angst and pathetically thin romance novels made into movies then they are for you. People it is real simple, there are only like 13 stories in the world that just keep getting rewritten with different names and places. This is the classic girl meets boy. If you removed the vampire/werewolf mythos and made it gang/gang it would be set in an inner city and bang Spike Lee would be directing.

Although I do have to say one thing. I get the whole glitter thing. When I saw it I though of seeing sunlight glinting off of ice on a car. No I don't like glitter vampires but I can see it.

Woops had to duck again.

So to save my head and all this ducking I will change the subject. Well sort of. I have been kind of thinking on vampires and shape-changers as of late. I have this idea of the Children of the wild (shape-changers) and Children of the Blood (vampires). I am also seeing Tribes of the Dark and Clans of the Moon. I don't know details but I they are formulating. Could be interesting.

Well I have to get to bed sometime.

May the Force be with you


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