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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Matt-Man: A minus 4 days

Hail and well met.

In four days I am off to Atlanta for a week to ten days. I am so psyched for this trip. My buddy Bill and I are leaving Friday night around midnight. So yes everyone that reads this there will be Iron Kingdoms that night, just not the following Friday night as I won't be back. Which is amazing since I get to have one of the greatest role-playing experiences and then spend an 11 hour road trip with one of friends on the way to seeing one of my other friends. It just doesn't get any better then this...Or does it?

Yeah I was informed that there is a side jaunt in the works. It appears that my friend James is not content with hanging around his new house for that week, so he and Bill have discussed a trip...TO FLORIDA! Oh hell yeah! Not only will I be spending time with people that I haven't for the longest time, but we will be visiting a state that I have never been in before. I am so geeked over this trip I cannot put it into words.

I have never seen the sea. I bet its beautiful.

Kudos to anyone that gets that line. Oh man I get to swim in the sea! Awesome is just not a word that covers it right now.

Ok well still waiting for the test results, but that is no big surprise. I have been working hard on a story for the Star Wars game over the summer. Trying to keep it simple and short so we can cover it all in the time allowed. I am suspending Iron Kingdoms for the summer so Friday nights are free for it or anything else we decide to do. Other then Star wars I am still thinking of running a special short game that I have been working on, it still needs some work but if I can get it ready I will run it.

I really am looking forward to running Star Wars. It should be interesting. I am positive that it won't end up like last time. I am keeping things closer to my plan and not making things so rigid that you, the players, can't do what you want. The story may be important but you guys make the story.

Ok well I have to get stuff done off-line so I will type at everyone later.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This may hurt.

I am accustomed to pain.

Let's you know you're alive!