Hail and well met
Well I have the most wonderful woman in the world loving me. I love her will all that I am, was or ever will be. I want to be with her more and more everyday.
I need a job so bad that it hurts. I am will to clean up shit if I can get paid for it. Come on people! What do I have a disease or something? I cannot even get a crappy place like wal-mart or target to hire me (yes I know they are names and should be capitalized but since they won't hire me FUCK THEM).
So here I sit typing on my laptop, cause I don't even have the ability to fix my own computer. I have to dump it on a guy that is in as bad a place as I am...No worse cause he don't have a good woman to keep him going.
I am not depressed but I as sure as hell am getting just a little tired. I don't know what is going on in the universe. I don't get where I am anymore. And certainly I have no clue what direction I am supposed to be going in cause it appears that I am doing little more then running in circles.
Hey I have my health and my car is running. So all in all I really ain't trying to complain just lay all my snakes in a row. I know that all thing come to those who wait but DAMN!
Terri I love you so much. I will make you proud of me, I promise. You are the number one thing in my life.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well time for updates. I am home as you can tell. I am heading back up to Terri's Sunday in preparation for our second trip to the Ren Fair on Monday. Anyone is welcome to come along but everything is regular price. Also you might need to arrange for your own rides as I am heading up early.
Next week is going to be full of re-applying to every little shit hole I have already applied at. I only hope this time someone bites or maybe I need to be the one doing the biting? I can see it now..
Ray Sinaleg member of the local K-905 said that such a thing is just what to expect from the Homo-sapien community. "We have to put up with infractions like this all the time. You would think that "Sapes"(Homo-sapiens) would figure out that WE are the ones with the biting contracts in this city. It just goes against the grain to have some two legger putting the chomp on another one of their kind. If the man in question had just checked at the local office I am sure that we could have hooked him up with a perfect fit for his biting needs. Now those lawyers have to get involved and we all know what cat-tastrophe that is going to be." Mr.Sinaleg also made referance to the mythical "Man Bites Dog" story that keeps circulating. "You see how it starts? Just some mutt trying for a gag and what happens? You get humans biting other humans for real, none of that sex stuff."
So there it is a bit of fun from the mind of a compete mad man...No wait that is supposed to be Matt-Man, yeah right that's the ticket.
OH yes there is one more bit of news.
More on this as soon as it is available. If you have any ideas yourself please make them known to Matt & Terri care of this blog or via emails if you have them. Of course calling still works (most of the time when I have minutes to use to answer my damn phone).
Ok well that is all the damage that I can do at this popsicle stand. Catch you later.
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Matt-Man and Epiphanies and Apologizes
Hail and well met
Well as the title says this post is about two different things. The epiphanies will come later for now it is time to apologize for something.
Ben, Val, Mel, Todd, Tadd, Kelsey and whom ever else is in Fading Suns I apologize for not being there last night. I also apologize for not calling anyone concerning my absence. It has been an difficult time up here, wrestling with issues that pertain to the future and the present. In all honesty even if I had come home I don’t know that I would have played simply because I have a lot to think about.
Firstly the post office has not called or written me. It is obvious that I am not getting hired. I don’t understand why this is but the truth is simply that it is. So when I get back in town I will swallow my pride and my hopes and apply at the retail hives of scum and villainy again. It will be just awesome to be working in retail again for a large company and in doing so be nothing more then a drone. OH JOY! All this and minimum wage too?! How can I contain myself? YEAH if you take any of that seriously then you need help. It was the last place that I wanted to work but it seems the only damn place that I will find work. OK so maybe not the only place but really who wants to see me in a pasty? Besides I don’t do poles so well anymore. Ha Ha!
No really it is just that any others jobs that I find that I might be able to do are both far away from my home and here. In the end I just don’t know if it is worth it to chuck everything I have just for a few bucks. Yes I know I have bills to pay and damnit I intend to pay them, but why cannot I also have a real job that helps me build a future as well? Is that some unwritten law? Ah what does it matter. I will do what has to be done and that is that. Hey what is the worst that can happen? Oh yeah that whole losing myself in the damn job thing…but the bills get paid so that is what is important…RIGHT.
Enough of that let me get down to the epiphanies that I spoke of earlier.
Ok so this week I have been watching far more TV that I usually do. Wow now I know why I don’t watch it much anymore. It just shows me how far we have really fallen. Ok for starters let me address the most worthless shows to embarres the little screen.
I have never liked them nor will I ever like them. They are a farce of Shakespearean proportions and only show off the worst that our society has to offer. The leading craptacular example of this is one of the first, Survivor. First off this show is a fraud. These people are in no real danger, cause right there is a fully operating film crew that sure as hell is not eating grubs…not that the contestants are eating grubs either. I am also sure that there is no lack of water or medical facilities on site either. So in the end what danger does our interped band of “Survivors” surviving? Oh right a set of physical challenges and getting voted off…PLEASE! What a load of crap-olla.
Well if I didn’t like the show now, I sure as hell think it has sunk to a new low. This season (which is already in the can in case you didn’t realize how TV works) will center around separating teams based on , get this….RACIAL LINES. Oh yeah what a brilliant idea this is. Oh I am sure that the producers loved the pitch which I can only see going something like this…”Well see we have all contestants there and for a social experiment we will have them take teams with people just like them, you know color and all that. It will be great cause we can increase viewer-ship among the racial motivated segment of society as well as the lagging Asian market not to mention the growing Mexican population. Isn’t it great? Oh what was that? No of course we shouldn’t worry about it stirring up racial tension in America. What are you thinking it is just TV. We don’t have that kind of power. We can’t start a war in our own streets over something as harmless as a TV show. Besides if it does cause riots just think of the publicity and viewer-ship from all the news coverage. What a bonus.”
Yes sir this is going to be so much fun. I just cannot wait for the first time at a water cooler someone make the mistake of saying anything derogatory about one of the winning personalities of a different racial background then the speaker. Even if the contestant in question is a jerk it won’t matter cause some over sensitized individual will jump up and scream “Racist”. The rest will be unemployment history.
This country is far too sensitive over that subject and the so-called leaders that speak “Tolerance” truly only seek to continue the trend. I mean let’s face it with out it would they be leaders anymore? More importantly wouldn’t they then have to turn to real problems and try and deal with them? Of course they would so no they are not going to get rid of their ace in the hole. Now when a real problem rears its ugly head they just jump up and scream “Racism” from the mountain tops and the masses jump with them and chant right along. Not to mention the contributions and fundraisers that go along with it. Enough with this rant and on to the next.
So the highly educated and certainly well paid astrological community got together this week and spent their collective brain power on a subject that will truly reshape the future of us all. They made a decision that has solved a problem that has plagued each and every one of us in our day to day lives.
The decided that Pluto is not a planet……….
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE IDIOTS! I mean are they that bored that they feel the need to pursue a serious discussion about whether a large hunk of rock that obits our sun and is not bound to another heavenly body is a planet or not? I thought that these people were working on figuring out how to transverse the vast distances between our world and others so we could colonize the galaxy. Nope they are sitting around having this discussion.
“Hey Bob what you doing?”
“Nothing Joe. Just watching the sky. You?”
“Same thing.”
“Yup this whole astronomy carrier is really full of excitement.”
“Yeah Joe I am sooo glad for all that time spent getting all these degrees so I could sit and watch the sky all day”
“OH and don’t forget that bull about how star gazers get the girls.”
“Yeah what a load of crap. I haven’t been laid since……DAMN I’VE NEVER BEEN LAID!!!!!”
“Dude I just had a though. We could figure out a way to travel through the galaxy and colonize every planet we find? Sounds cool right?”
“Wait I just had an idea. Why don’t we just sit here and do a whole lot of research to formulate an argument that Pluto is not really a planet? It would be fun.”
“Well I don’t know?”
“Oh come on Joe just think of all fun when we succeed and they have to change all the text book around the WORLD! I mean it isn’t like we won’t be making up most of the reasons cause any first grader knows that Pluto is a planet, so we will be pulling one over on the whole world. Oh and here is the kicker. In about 10 years of so…We turn around and make them change it back! Besides we will have to make like lecture tours and you know what that means…Young coed astronomy students.”
“OH God Bob that would be far more fun then anything really helpful to everyday life. And I can’t wait to start the lecture tour… come to me ladies. Let’s do it!”
Yes there it is. Just a prank set up by some over bored and under sexed astronomers. Please for the love of god will you ladies do the world a favor and shag an astronomer today so we can get the whole colonization of the galaxy thing underway? PLEASE!
So this is what our leaders in the field of Astronomy do with their time. I am so glad that we depend on them to let us know what is out there. I wouldn’t want to take their hours of looking at the sky as a sign of lax intelligence or sloth. But with breakthroughs like this how could I think that? God help us.
Ok well I am done for now. I will be home either Sunday or Monday of next week. The following weekend I am going to the Ren fair again so if anyone wants to join just grab your cash and come along…well let me know ahead of time as well.
I will see everyone or talk to everyone when I get back.
Again I am sorry for missing Fading Suns and for not calling. Please forgive me. PPPPLLLLEEEASEE!!!!!
May the Force be with you
Well as the title says this post is about two different things. The epiphanies will come later for now it is time to apologize for something.
Ben, Val, Mel, Todd, Tadd, Kelsey and whom ever else is in Fading Suns I apologize for not being there last night. I also apologize for not calling anyone concerning my absence. It has been an difficult time up here, wrestling with issues that pertain to the future and the present. In all honesty even if I had come home I don’t know that I would have played simply because I have a lot to think about.
Firstly the post office has not called or written me. It is obvious that I am not getting hired. I don’t understand why this is but the truth is simply that it is. So when I get back in town I will swallow my pride and my hopes and apply at the retail hives of scum and villainy again. It will be just awesome to be working in retail again for a large company and in doing so be nothing more then a drone. OH JOY! All this and minimum wage too?! How can I contain myself? YEAH if you take any of that seriously then you need help. It was the last place that I wanted to work but it seems the only damn place that I will find work. OK so maybe not the only place but really who wants to see me in a pasty? Besides I don’t do poles so well anymore. Ha Ha!
No really it is just that any others jobs that I find that I might be able to do are both far away from my home and here. In the end I just don’t know if it is worth it to chuck everything I have just for a few bucks. Yes I know I have bills to pay and damnit I intend to pay them, but why cannot I also have a real job that helps me build a future as well? Is that some unwritten law? Ah what does it matter. I will do what has to be done and that is that. Hey what is the worst that can happen? Oh yeah that whole losing myself in the damn job thing…but the bills get paid so that is what is important…RIGHT.
Enough of that let me get down to the epiphanies that I spoke of earlier.
Ok so this week I have been watching far more TV that I usually do. Wow now I know why I don’t watch it much anymore. It just shows me how far we have really fallen. Ok for starters let me address the most worthless shows to embarres the little screen.
I have never liked them nor will I ever like them. They are a farce of Shakespearean proportions and only show off the worst that our society has to offer. The leading craptacular example of this is one of the first, Survivor. First off this show is a fraud. These people are in no real danger, cause right there is a fully operating film crew that sure as hell is not eating grubs…not that the contestants are eating grubs either. I am also sure that there is no lack of water or medical facilities on site either. So in the end what danger does our interped band of “Survivors” surviving? Oh right a set of physical challenges and getting voted off…PLEASE! What a load of crap-olla.
Well if I didn’t like the show now, I sure as hell think it has sunk to a new low. This season (which is already in the can in case you didn’t realize how TV works) will center around separating teams based on , get this….RACIAL LINES. Oh yeah what a brilliant idea this is. Oh I am sure that the producers loved the pitch which I can only see going something like this…”Well see we have all contestants there and for a social experiment we will have them take teams with people just like them, you know color and all that. It will be great cause we can increase viewer-ship among the racial motivated segment of society as well as the lagging Asian market not to mention the growing Mexican population. Isn’t it great? Oh what was that? No of course we shouldn’t worry about it stirring up racial tension in America. What are you thinking it is just TV. We don’t have that kind of power. We can’t start a war in our own streets over something as harmless as a TV show. Besides if it does cause riots just think of the publicity and viewer-ship from all the news coverage. What a bonus.”
Yes sir this is going to be so much fun. I just cannot wait for the first time at a water cooler someone make the mistake of saying anything derogatory about one of the winning personalities of a different racial background then the speaker. Even if the contestant in question is a jerk it won’t matter cause some over sensitized individual will jump up and scream “Racist”. The rest will be unemployment history.
This country is far too sensitive over that subject and the so-called leaders that speak “Tolerance” truly only seek to continue the trend. I mean let’s face it with out it would they be leaders anymore? More importantly wouldn’t they then have to turn to real problems and try and deal with them? Of course they would so no they are not going to get rid of their ace in the hole. Now when a real problem rears its ugly head they just jump up and scream “Racism” from the mountain tops and the masses jump with them and chant right along. Not to mention the contributions and fundraisers that go along with it. Enough with this rant and on to the next.
So the highly educated and certainly well paid astrological community got together this week and spent their collective brain power on a subject that will truly reshape the future of us all. They made a decision that has solved a problem that has plagued each and every one of us in our day to day lives.
The decided that Pluto is not a planet……….
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE IDIOTS! I mean are they that bored that they feel the need to pursue a serious discussion about whether a large hunk of rock that obits our sun and is not bound to another heavenly body is a planet or not? I thought that these people were working on figuring out how to transverse the vast distances between our world and others so we could colonize the galaxy. Nope they are sitting around having this discussion.
“Hey Bob what you doing?”
“Nothing Joe. Just watching the sky. You?”
“Same thing.”
“Yup this whole astronomy carrier is really full of excitement.”
“Yeah Joe I am sooo glad for all that time spent getting all these degrees so I could sit and watch the sky all day”
“OH and don’t forget that bull about how star gazers get the girls.”
“Yeah what a load of crap. I haven’t been laid since……DAMN I’VE NEVER BEEN LAID!!!!!”
“Dude I just had a though. We could figure out a way to travel through the galaxy and colonize every planet we find? Sounds cool right?”
“Wait I just had an idea. Why don’t we just sit here and do a whole lot of research to formulate an argument that Pluto is not really a planet? It would be fun.”
“Well I don’t know?”
“Oh come on Joe just think of all fun when we succeed and they have to change all the text book around the WORLD! I mean it isn’t like we won’t be making up most of the reasons cause any first grader knows that Pluto is a planet, so we will be pulling one over on the whole world. Oh and here is the kicker. In about 10 years of so…We turn around and make them change it back! Besides we will have to make like lecture tours and you know what that means…Young coed astronomy students.”
“OH God Bob that would be far more fun then anything really helpful to everyday life. And I can’t wait to start the lecture tour… come to me ladies. Let’s do it!”
Yes there it is. Just a prank set up by some over bored and under sexed astronomers. Please for the love of god will you ladies do the world a favor and shag an astronomer today so we can get the whole colonization of the galaxy thing underway? PLEASE!
So this is what our leaders in the field of Astronomy do with their time. I am so glad that we depend on them to let us know what is out there. I wouldn’t want to take their hours of looking at the sky as a sign of lax intelligence or sloth. But with breakthroughs like this how could I think that? God help us.
Ok well I am done for now. I will be home either Sunday or Monday of next week. The following weekend I am going to the Ren fair again so if anyone wants to join just grab your cash and come along…well let me know ahead of time as well.
I will see everyone or talk to everyone when I get back.
Again I am sorry for missing Fading Suns and for not calling. Please forgive me. PPPPLLLLEEEASEE!!!!!
May the Force be with you
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Matt-Man Out To Lake Villa
Hail and well met
I am leaving today for an extended stay with my lady up in Lake Villa. The reasons for this are simple. One is the fact that I cannot stand sitting here waiting for the damn Post Office to get off its fat bloated ass to hire me. It is driving me crazy that they hire all these lazy and unmotivated workers every damn day but a guy like me that wants to work and put in his hours the leave hanging. Screw them. If they call I will show up but until then I am going to check out my options else where and enjoy the company of my beautiful and sexy lady while I am at it.
The second reason is...Complicated. I love my parents, I really do. I JUST CANNOT STAND LIVING WITH THEM ANY LONGER! If I have to endure one more dumb ass argument over something stupid I will scream. Oh believe me that when I have to listen to the play back later it was over some big and vague point that is pivotal to the balance of the universe. Oh come on people, it was about the dishes, laundry or something else mundane. Truly it is like watching my parents devolve into 5 year olds again. I just cannot deal with it, nor can I deal with their need to tell me about it 8 hours later as if I wasn't there, which I was. I love them dearly but enough is enough.
OH before I forget. Ben K. this message is for you unless I get to see you first. Terri told me that her company Anixter is looking for some computer people. She printed out the job sheets and you can find them at Anixter.com, I believe it is under personal, but don't quote me. I am sure you can find it. It sounds like it is up your ally and although her office is an hour away you could be out of the Alsip office which is much closer. Take a look and God willing there will be something for you.
So I am out for at least the weekend and possibly most of next week. If anyone sees Neal or if you read this I have not forgotten about Monday I will call you and we will discuss that matter.
Ok well I am out of here for now. Kind of torn over not being around. Have to discuss it with people and figure out what can be done about it. Things are just...Strange.
May the Force be with you
I am leaving today for an extended stay with my lady up in Lake Villa. The reasons for this are simple. One is the fact that I cannot stand sitting here waiting for the damn Post Office to get off its fat bloated ass to hire me. It is driving me crazy that they hire all these lazy and unmotivated workers every damn day but a guy like me that wants to work and put in his hours the leave hanging. Screw them. If they call I will show up but until then I am going to check out my options else where and enjoy the company of my beautiful and sexy lady while I am at it.
The second reason is...Complicated. I love my parents, I really do. I JUST CANNOT STAND LIVING WITH THEM ANY LONGER! If I have to endure one more dumb ass argument over something stupid I will scream. Oh believe me that when I have to listen to the play back later it was over some big and vague point that is pivotal to the balance of the universe. Oh come on people, it was about the dishes, laundry or something else mundane. Truly it is like watching my parents devolve into 5 year olds again. I just cannot deal with it, nor can I deal with their need to tell me about it 8 hours later as if I wasn't there, which I was. I love them dearly but enough is enough.
OH before I forget. Ben K. this message is for you unless I get to see you first. Terri told me that her company Anixter is looking for some computer people. She printed out the job sheets and you can find them at Anixter.com, I believe it is under personal, but don't quote me. I am sure you can find it. It sounds like it is up your ally and although her office is an hour away you could be out of the Alsip office which is much closer. Take a look and God willing there will be something for you.
So I am out for at least the weekend and possibly most of next week. If anyone sees Neal or if you read this I have not forgotten about Monday I will call you and we will discuss that matter.
Ok well I am out of here for now. Kind of torn over not being around. Have to discuss it with people and figure out what can be done about it. Things are just...Strange.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Matt-Man Says Good-bye to Summer
Hail and well met
As I sit here in the loft I am faced with the reality that once again it is time for people to head off to collage. It is the heralding of the end of yet another summer. A year ago I was quite depressed over this and to be true it is a bummer to know that in less then two weeks many of the people that I love to hang out with will be miles away. There is something decidedly different this time though. I am glad to see them move on.
For quite a long time I was content with the idea of change for everyone else but not me. It was a stupid idea and I know that it has truly been the cause of a great amount of the pain in my life. I have to really honest when I say that I was a hypocrite over it. Out of my mouth would come the axiom that "Change is the only constant in the universe" but then I would resist the most simple of changes in my life. I never left home because I didn't want to rock the boat. Oh I know that I can come up with a ton of excuses for not leaving but so many others have had the some troubles and yet they did it and made it work. No the problem was not the troubles in the way but it was me.
Now this is where I should insert any one of a thousand rants about how hopeless or pathetic or whatever I am. Well if that is what you are expecting then I apologize because that is not happening. Why? Well the most basic thing I can say is that it is useless. I am who I am and I face the world the same way every day that I have always had. Somewhere out there is the niche where I belong and I intend to find it. Oh yes I am going to find the place where I belong and where I fit in and make things work. There is no doubt. It may take time but so what, what else am I going to do with it?
So instead of sitting here being depressed I am rejoicing in the fact that my friends are moving on and finding their place in the universe. I can and will visit them, and if possible I will be joined by the most amazing woman in the world. Yes I speak of the awesome and phenomenal Terri.
Yeah I have to say that she has been one of the greatest factors in my recent change of heart. Of course for all that she is if I didn't turn from my depression then I would still be a funk dog and be bringing everyone down. What is the fun in that? Oh it is one hell of an ego trip. believe me. Making ones self the center of the universe where all the bad things going on are pointed at or caused by you is quite the power trip. But once I realized that "Hey shit happens" and it happens to everyone it seemed far too pretentious for me to remain the center of the universe. So here I am just one more average joe (although some disagree with that assessment wink wink Terri) and I am just as unique and special as everyone else.
So what was this all about? Well I just wanted to chronicle the evening...Although I am upset about one thing. I missed a message from my lady. Sorry Terri. I was in the pool and I never bring my phone there because I know it will end up jumping to its death. Stupid suicidal phones. I am truly upset that I missed you call, but I will call you tomorrow as soon as I wake up. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes...ok by sometimes I mean all the time and bye hurt I mean tears my heart out but other then that I am fine ;)
I love all of you but Terri has my heart and soul...and other things but those will remain unmentioned for obvious reasons. :P I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well that is all I really had to say so I am going to sign off.
May the Force be with all of you
As I sit here in the loft I am faced with the reality that once again it is time for people to head off to collage. It is the heralding of the end of yet another summer. A year ago I was quite depressed over this and to be true it is a bummer to know that in less then two weeks many of the people that I love to hang out with will be miles away. There is something decidedly different this time though. I am glad to see them move on.
For quite a long time I was content with the idea of change for everyone else but not me. It was a stupid idea and I know that it has truly been the cause of a great amount of the pain in my life. I have to really honest when I say that I was a hypocrite over it. Out of my mouth would come the axiom that "Change is the only constant in the universe" but then I would resist the most simple of changes in my life. I never left home because I didn't want to rock the boat. Oh I know that I can come up with a ton of excuses for not leaving but so many others have had the some troubles and yet they did it and made it work. No the problem was not the troubles in the way but it was me.
Now this is where I should insert any one of a thousand rants about how hopeless or pathetic or whatever I am. Well if that is what you are expecting then I apologize because that is not happening. Why? Well the most basic thing I can say is that it is useless. I am who I am and I face the world the same way every day that I have always had. Somewhere out there is the niche where I belong and I intend to find it. Oh yes I am going to find the place where I belong and where I fit in and make things work. There is no doubt. It may take time but so what, what else am I going to do with it?
So instead of sitting here being depressed I am rejoicing in the fact that my friends are moving on and finding their place in the universe. I can and will visit them, and if possible I will be joined by the most amazing woman in the world. Yes I speak of the awesome and phenomenal Terri.
Yeah I have to say that she has been one of the greatest factors in my recent change of heart. Of course for all that she is if I didn't turn from my depression then I would still be a funk dog and be bringing everyone down. What is the fun in that? Oh it is one hell of an ego trip. believe me. Making ones self the center of the universe where all the bad things going on are pointed at or caused by you is quite the power trip. But once I realized that "Hey shit happens" and it happens to everyone it seemed far too pretentious for me to remain the center of the universe. So here I am just one more average joe (although some disagree with that assessment wink wink Terri) and I am just as unique and special as everyone else.
So what was this all about? Well I just wanted to chronicle the evening...Although I am upset about one thing. I missed a message from my lady. Sorry Terri. I was in the pool and I never bring my phone there because I know it will end up jumping to its death. Stupid suicidal phones. I am truly upset that I missed you call, but I will call you tomorrow as soon as I wake up. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes...ok by sometimes I mean all the time and bye hurt I mean tears my heart out but other then that I am fine ;)
I love all of you but Terri has my heart and soul...and other things but those will remain unmentioned for obvious reasons. :P I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well that is all I really had to say so I am going to sign off.
May the Force be with all of you
Sunday, August 13, 2006
He's Back! He's Bad! He's Matt-Man and he is Mad!
Hail and well met one and all
The title says it all. I am back from a great weekend. Yes I spent some money but that really has little to nothing to do with my feelings. I went and surrounded myself with the people and minds of the industry that I love. I absorbed those emotions and soaked in the ambiance of the experiance. Just being around all those crazy gamers and the ones that make those crazy games just fills me with a giddy sense of power. OH YEAH!
All in all the experiance was rejuvinating. Now to be totally honest I have to say that there was a bit of a let down in the weekend. All in all there was not nearly the number of new games or companies that I would have expected or wanted. I know that the industry is suffering along with the rest of the economy with the tighting of the belt due to cost increases but still I cannot believe that there is a lull in the creative genius that is out there. Anyway all it really did for me was open the flood gates of determination that my ideas are worth and will be successful. All I have to do is get off my lorals and get them out there.
So let it be known that from this moment until the end of my time here on this rock I intend to devote a sizeable amount of my time to getting these ideas made into a viable reality that I can produce and sell. It may take a year or two but it will be done. This may incroach on my free time esspecially if I get the job but not that much. I will be looking for playtesters outside our group mostly to ensure that my personality is not affecting the view everyone has of the games that I make or have made. Not that I am saying that you all would lie to me but in truth you views are skewed by our relationships. I know every word you have spoken about Camp Deadbidon is true and you meant it but I need to be sure that I have not just glossed over any problems to fix them in just your eyes and failed to address any real holes in the game.
That being said don't think that I won't be showing you every new idea when it hits the prototype stage and involve you.
Ok well I think that about covers it. I am out for now. Typing acutally hurts my eyes.
May the Force be with you
The title says it all. I am back from a great weekend. Yes I spent some money but that really has little to nothing to do with my feelings. I went and surrounded myself with the people and minds of the industry that I love. I absorbed those emotions and soaked in the ambiance of the experiance. Just being around all those crazy gamers and the ones that make those crazy games just fills me with a giddy sense of power. OH YEAH!
All in all the experiance was rejuvinating. Now to be totally honest I have to say that there was a bit of a let down in the weekend. All in all there was not nearly the number of new games or companies that I would have expected or wanted. I know that the industry is suffering along with the rest of the economy with the tighting of the belt due to cost increases but still I cannot believe that there is a lull in the creative genius that is out there. Anyway all it really did for me was open the flood gates of determination that my ideas are worth and will be successful. All I have to do is get off my lorals and get them out there.
So let it be known that from this moment until the end of my time here on this rock I intend to devote a sizeable amount of my time to getting these ideas made into a viable reality that I can produce and sell. It may take a year or two but it will be done. This may incroach on my free time esspecially if I get the job but not that much. I will be looking for playtesters outside our group mostly to ensure that my personality is not affecting the view everyone has of the games that I make or have made. Not that I am saying that you all would lie to me but in truth you views are skewed by our relationships. I know every word you have spoken about Camp Deadbidon is true and you meant it but I need to be sure that I have not just glossed over any problems to fix them in just your eyes and failed to address any real holes in the game.
That being said don't think that I won't be showing you every new idea when it hits the prototype stage and involve you.
Ok well I think that about covers it. I am out for now. Typing acutally hurts my eyes.
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Matt-Man takes a Break
Hail and well met
Yeah I said it. I am taking a break. Oh not from a heavy work load or stressfull deadlines, no but a break from being wound up tighter then a 3000 day clock. Worring about not having found gainful employment. Wondering if my P's are pissed that I am still at home. If my Dad is ready to blow his top over the cash I owe him. Sweating those damn creditors deciding to try and sue me or some other stupid move. Trying to not step on anyones toes whle trying to be myself and not being employed.
I have had it will all that crap!
I am going down to Gen Con with the help of my friends. I am going to be totally irresponsible (or as much as I can be) I am not going to worry about one damn thing ( ok well it is me but it will just be about no being with my lady...OK?) whilst I am away. I am going to throw money away like it was water (luckly I only have a small amount this year, but next year watch out).
I intend to party every chance I get and have as much fun as I can. I ain't coming home the same as I left so be ready. This is the last hoorah befor I totally shatter the ceiling and start soaring like the legendary beast that is Matt-Man.
Yeah I am tooting my own horn. Yeah I am spitting out a load of self endulgent ego boosting drivel. SO WHAT? Everyone else gets to do it...then so do I!
Beware forces of complacancy and the mundane. The unmasked avenger of the imagination is priming his guns and is going to BLOW YOU ALL AWAY!!!!!!!
May the Force be with you
Yeah I said it. I am taking a break. Oh not from a heavy work load or stressfull deadlines, no but a break from being wound up tighter then a 3000 day clock. Worring about not having found gainful employment. Wondering if my P's are pissed that I am still at home. If my Dad is ready to blow his top over the cash I owe him. Sweating those damn creditors deciding to try and sue me or some other stupid move. Trying to not step on anyones toes whle trying to be myself and not being employed.
I have had it will all that crap!
I am going down to Gen Con with the help of my friends. I am going to be totally irresponsible (or as much as I can be) I am not going to worry about one damn thing ( ok well it is me but it will just be about no being with my lady...OK?) whilst I am away. I am going to throw money away like it was water (luckly I only have a small amount this year, but next year watch out).
I intend to party every chance I get and have as much fun as I can. I ain't coming home the same as I left so be ready. This is the last hoorah befor I totally shatter the ceiling and start soaring like the legendary beast that is Matt-Man.
Yeah I am tooting my own horn. Yeah I am spitting out a load of self endulgent ego boosting drivel. SO WHAT? Everyone else gets to do it...then so do I!
Beware forces of complacancy and the mundane. The unmasked avenger of the imagination is priming his guns and is going to BLOW YOU ALL AWAY!!!!!!!
May the Force be with you
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Matt-Man rides the Weird Train
Hail and well met
Well to say that things have been strange is an understatement. I got home yesterday and said my good bye to my lady for a couple of weeks, which SUCKED. I really liked being with her for the week...sigh. When I arrived I had two letters from the post office waiting for me. They weren't the paycheck that I am waiting for but instead where paper work for me to show up at the Crete post office for an interview for the RAC position that I have been seeking. That was great news, except for the fact that the appointment in this coming Friday...DAMNIT THAT IS GENCON! So I am now faced with a dilemma of epic proportions.
Do I simply not go to gen con or try and figure out a way to do both. I am leaning towards the both but there are complications.
The biggest one is what happened this morning when I drove my car to do some errands. My brake pedal went to the floor and I had to feather it to get any pressure. I am going to call my mechanic tomorrow morning and get my car in toot sweet since I will need it this Friday for the interview. If it cost any amount of cash to fix I can kiss Gen Con good bye since I was planning on driving down after the interview. That will cost me gas money and if the car costs me anything I will have to burn my collateral with my P's to get it fixed. This means I cannot use them for cash for gas. GRRRRRRR!
I am hoping that it is easy..No I am believing that it is going to be easy and cost next to nothing. Time will tell.
Of course money is the other problem but when isn't it.
So I have the good news that I am closer to having a real job. Once I am past the training for being a carrier the Post Master at Mattson can steal me, since I really don't want the nightmare that is the Crete post office to be my long term future.
I have the most wonderful woman the world can offer. I LOVE YOU TERRI!
I just may have to give up the best four days with my friends out of the year.
Oh well some sacrifices must be made if things are going to change.
And I want change!
OH I am posting from my lap top which appears to be internet fluent. My computer is still in limbo. Terri gave me her old computer and said that I can use what ever I want to see if I can fix it. Ben since I won't be out there any time soon if you read this before I see you I am working on getting that copy of windows and see if that computer has a viable hard drive in it. I really appreciate all the things that you are doing for me, I know that things are tough for you and have been for a long time. I am praying that you get a break soon, cause you deserve it. Hang in there cause if it can work for me then it certainly work for you.
Ok well I don't want to tax my lap top any more then needed, but wanted to let everyone know what was going on.
May the Force be with you
Well to say that things have been strange is an understatement. I got home yesterday and said my good bye to my lady for a couple of weeks, which SUCKED. I really liked being with her for the week...sigh. When I arrived I had two letters from the post office waiting for me. They weren't the paycheck that I am waiting for but instead where paper work for me to show up at the Crete post office for an interview for the RAC position that I have been seeking. That was great news, except for the fact that the appointment in this coming Friday...DAMNIT THAT IS GENCON! So I am now faced with a dilemma of epic proportions.
Do I simply not go to gen con or try and figure out a way to do both. I am leaning towards the both but there are complications.
The biggest one is what happened this morning when I drove my car to do some errands. My brake pedal went to the floor and I had to feather it to get any pressure. I am going to call my mechanic tomorrow morning and get my car in toot sweet since I will need it this Friday for the interview. If it cost any amount of cash to fix I can kiss Gen Con good bye since I was planning on driving down after the interview. That will cost me gas money and if the car costs me anything I will have to burn my collateral with my P's to get it fixed. This means I cannot use them for cash for gas. GRRRRRRR!
I am hoping that it is easy..No I am believing that it is going to be easy and cost next to nothing. Time will tell.
Of course money is the other problem but when isn't it.
So I have the good news that I am closer to having a real job. Once I am past the training for being a carrier the Post Master at Mattson can steal me, since I really don't want the nightmare that is the Crete post office to be my long term future.
I have the most wonderful woman the world can offer. I LOVE YOU TERRI!
I just may have to give up the best four days with my friends out of the year.
Oh well some sacrifices must be made if things are going to change.
And I want change!
OH I am posting from my lap top which appears to be internet fluent. My computer is still in limbo. Terri gave me her old computer and said that I can use what ever I want to see if I can fix it. Ben since I won't be out there any time soon if you read this before I see you I am working on getting that copy of windows and see if that computer has a viable hard drive in it. I really appreciate all the things that you are doing for me, I know that things are tough for you and have been for a long time. I am praying that you get a break soon, cause you deserve it. Hang in there cause if it can work for me then it certainly work for you.
Ok well I don't want to tax my lap top any more then needed, but wanted to let everyone know what was going on.
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Matt-Man in the Shite Storm
I would say Hail and well met...but not today
Things have decided to jump on me all at once. I am not in a mood for typing but I do feel the need to tell people what is going on. So in a nutshell...
Terri's dog Jackson bit her again yesterday, a totally unprovoked attack. There was little choice but to put Jackson down. NOT A GOOD DAY!
Ben has informed me that the Matt-comp 5000 has a bad hard drive and it will run close to 100 dollars (not counting rebates) to fix. Ben since you seem to read this and since I will not be home anytime soon as I am keeping Terri sane I will ask you here and feel free to answer. I assume the answer is yes but here goes nothing. Is all the info on the HD gone?
There are some other things but those are kind of personal and private, not for sharing here. All in all let me just say that if anything else wants to kick me in the nads...Feel free! If anything out there thinks that I am giving up or going to get totally self focused and depressed......
Yes things suck and I am in a pit of sorrow and pain right now. Yes I have never really felt worse in my life. Hell I just watched my bestest buddy of a dog be put down, can it get any worse then that? But I am not giving up.
Things change in time. Nothing stays the same. For everything there is a season. I waited for 36 years to find the one person that I could truly love and who loved me back. And guess what...I found her! So if that can happen then anything else can happen as well. It is just a matter of time and being patient whilst everything falls into place.
Ben I don't have the cash right now, I might soon. When I do we are going to go shopping for the HD. I also want to look into somekind of back up since there were a large number of really important files on there pertaining to projects for games and the like. I can't have this happen again.
I won't be back in town untill probably this weekend. I believe Terri is still coming down Saturday and as such I may just stay and come home with her. I know that this fouls up Fading Suns, unless you can play without me Ben at least for one session. It also crimps Star Wars, sorry but I have to be here for her right now.
So all in all I am out of the loop. My cel still works so if you call I can call back on her house phone. As long as I am here I have acess to her computer and can answer emails and comments on here. I will see all on Saturday if not sooner.
May the Force be with you
Things have decided to jump on me all at once. I am not in a mood for typing but I do feel the need to tell people what is going on. So in a nutshell...
Terri's dog Jackson bit her again yesterday, a totally unprovoked attack. There was little choice but to put Jackson down. NOT A GOOD DAY!
Ben has informed me that the Matt-comp 5000 has a bad hard drive and it will run close to 100 dollars (not counting rebates) to fix. Ben since you seem to read this and since I will not be home anytime soon as I am keeping Terri sane I will ask you here and feel free to answer. I assume the answer is yes but here goes nothing. Is all the info on the HD gone?
There are some other things but those are kind of personal and private, not for sharing here. All in all let me just say that if anything else wants to kick me in the nads...Feel free! If anything out there thinks that I am giving up or going to get totally self focused and depressed......
Yes things suck and I am in a pit of sorrow and pain right now. Yes I have never really felt worse in my life. Hell I just watched my bestest buddy of a dog be put down, can it get any worse then that? But I am not giving up.
Things change in time. Nothing stays the same. For everything there is a season. I waited for 36 years to find the one person that I could truly love and who loved me back. And guess what...I found her! So if that can happen then anything else can happen as well. It is just a matter of time and being patient whilst everything falls into place.
Ben I don't have the cash right now, I might soon. When I do we are going to go shopping for the HD. I also want to look into somekind of back up since there were a large number of really important files on there pertaining to projects for games and the like. I can't have this happen again.
I won't be back in town untill probably this weekend. I believe Terri is still coming down Saturday and as such I may just stay and come home with her. I know that this fouls up Fading Suns, unless you can play without me Ben at least for one session. It also crimps Star Wars, sorry but I have to be here for her right now.
So all in all I am out of the loop. My cel still works so if you call I can call back on her house phone. As long as I am here I have acess to her computer and can answer emails and comments on here. I will see all on Saturday if not sooner.
May the Force be with you
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