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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Matt-Man rides the Weird Train

Hail and well met

Well to say that things have been strange is an understatement. I got home yesterday and said my good bye to my lady for a couple of weeks, which SUCKED. I really liked being with her for the week...sigh. When I arrived I had two letters from the post office waiting for me. They weren't the paycheck that I am waiting for but instead where paper work for me to show up at the Crete post office for an interview for the RAC position that I have been seeking. That was great news, except for the fact that the appointment in this coming Friday...DAMNIT THAT IS GENCON! So I am now faced with a dilemma of epic proportions.

Do I simply not go to gen con or try and figure out a way to do both. I am leaning towards the both but there are complications.

The biggest one is what happened this morning when I drove my car to do some errands. My brake pedal went to the floor and I had to feather it to get any pressure. I am going to call my mechanic tomorrow morning and get my car in toot sweet since I will need it this Friday for the interview. If it cost any amount of cash to fix I can kiss Gen Con good bye since I was planning on driving down after the interview. That will cost me gas money and if the car costs me anything I will have to burn my collateral with my P's to get it fixed. This means I cannot use them for cash for gas. GRRRRRRR!

I am hoping that it is easy..No I am believing that it is going to be easy and cost next to nothing. Time will tell.

Of course money is the other problem but when isn't it.

So I have the good news that I am closer to having a real job. Once I am past the training for being a carrier the Post Master at Mattson can steal me, since I really don't want the nightmare that is the Crete post office to be my long term future.

I have the most wonderful woman the world can offer. I LOVE YOU TERRI!

I just may have to give up the best four days with my friends out of the year.

Oh well some sacrifices must be made if things are going to change.

And I want change!

OH I am posting from my lap top which appears to be internet fluent. My computer is still in limbo. Terri gave me her old computer and said that I can use what ever I want to see if I can fix it. Ben since I won't be out there any time soon if you read this before I see you I am working on getting that copy of windows and see if that computer has a viable hard drive in it. I really appreciate all the things that you are doing for me, I know that things are tough for you and have been for a long time. I am praying that you get a break soon, cause you deserve it. Hang in there cause if it can work for me then it certainly work for you.

Ok well I don't want to tax my lap top any more then needed, but wanted to let everyone know what was going on.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Todd M. Stephanuik said...

Honestly Matt, I think at this point the interview is far more important thatn Gen-Con. You've been to Gen-Con before, and it will be there next year. The interview more than likely won't. I say stick the interview, get the job, have money, and save for one hell of a Gen-Con next year.

Take care,
Todd M. Stephanuik