Hail and well met
I have run out of things to put as titles for this blog, but no fear I haven't been avoiding posting because of it. I have been rather busy for the last couple of days, between working and being up at Terri's.
Not much to post I guess. Things have been ok. Hours at the PO are getting a little scarce but that can change at a moments notice. For now I am enjoying the time off trying to get things done that I didn't have the spirit to do earlier.
As of late I have found myself gravitating towards a very Zen view of life. Not to say that I totally understand the Zen belief system but I am researching it. One funny point so far is that I don't see it being a religion for the most part. Buddha is not God but instead an enlightened man that Ascended. Now of course every "right minded" Christian out may have just cringed but I will remind then that Enoch walked with God and was not. What do you think that meant?
Much of what I read about it so far seems to follow a strange parallel to the things that I have been feeling as of late. You see long ago I choose to not follow any man but instead to allow the Force (Spirit of the Lord, Holy Spirit) to guide me to the truth, which is what I see a true Jedi's walk to be. Since then I have found that many of the things that the Straight Christians stand for I do not. I could go into detail but I really don't feel the need to dump it here. If you are interested ask me. I cannot promise that it will make sense since I am still figuring it out myself but what I have I will share.
Wow didn't intend to go down that road. So I am in good health and feeling good... Oh heck I have to tell all of you about the special thing that happened over the weekend.
We threw Ben a surprise 37incher Birthday Party. Most of you know that he hates his birthday, being on December 28th. I have to agree that is the worst B-day ever. Not on either holiday so it gets lost in the mix. Even if someone tries to set up a party it ends up being derivative and mundane, with X-mas and new years right there. So I decided to give Ben a party when he wasn't suspecting it. It was almost a month later being on January 27 but that was close enough.
It was a total success. Val,Mel,Sara,Jack,Nicky,James,Jon and myself were there. Well there was one other person there and it was important. Jenniy was there all the way from Michigan.
It was amazing. Ben had a day from hell and it went from Suck to Awesome in a flip of a switch and the opening of a door. You see Jenniy hid in the Dead Room and waited until Ben had come to grips with the party as it was before she jumped out. That was a magical moment. To see that look on Ben's face was so worth it.
All in all it was an amazing night and it only got better. The next morning I went over and took Val,Mel,Nicky and Kelsey to a place in Crestwood called Sancuary Crystals (I think I may have the name mixed up). A rather cool store with real cool stuff. Then I took off from there and met Terri at home, her home that is. Spent Sunday evening and Monday with her then met her for lunch on Tuesday after which I came home.
This was a weekend that rocked.
Ok so anyone that is in the area and is interested in coming up to Lake Villa Terri has extended an invitation to watch the Super Bowl and hang out Sunday. I am going to be making calls to most to extend the invitation in a more personal way. But this is a safety net in case I miss someone. Hey if you cannot make it no biggie just throwing out the invite.
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Matt-Man Defenestration for Life
Hail and well met
Well the old adage "A door doesn't close that a window doesn't open" is as true as ever. The regualr at the Matteson PO is acting the fool and it shouldn't be long before he is gone. Not to mention that I called in to the Crete PO today to fill in for my regular who was sick.
So things are looking up, as always. How does that saying go? Regret looks back, Worry looks down while hope looks forward and faith looks up. Nice one I think.
So I was talking to the most amazing person in the whole world the other day and she (Yeah like you didn't know that it was Terri) sent me a real funny email she got. So instead of trying to send it to everyone that I want to see it I have decided to be a little egomanical and since all of you come here anyway I will put it here and let the mountain come to Matt-Man.
Here it goes...
I have some work to do for somethings coming up so I will see all later when the opportunity presents itself. If you miss me that much let me know and I will see what I can do. I want to and am planning on visiting some people in Febtober and Marchurary. Yeah just watched celebrity Jeopardy with Sean Connery. Good times.
May the Force be with you
Well the old adage "A door doesn't close that a window doesn't open" is as true as ever. The regualr at the Matteson PO is acting the fool and it shouldn't be long before he is gone. Not to mention that I called in to the Crete PO today to fill in for my regular who was sick.
So things are looking up, as always. How does that saying go? Regret looks back, Worry looks down while hope looks forward and faith looks up. Nice one I think.
So I was talking to the most amazing person in the whole world the other day and she (Yeah like you didn't know that it was Terri) sent me a real funny email she got. So instead of trying to send it to everyone that I want to see it I have decided to be a little egomanical and since all of you come here anyway I will put it here and let the mountain come to Matt-Man.
Here it goes...
Well there it is and it made me laugh...ALOT! So hope all find it funny (cause lets face it if we don't we cry).NEW PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION
"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other bed wetter's.
We hold these truths to be self evident: That a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights."
You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; But the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives idependently wealthy.
You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes. (This is one of my pet peeves.) Get an education and go to work.. don't expect everyone else to take care of you!
You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.
You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.
You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!(AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST....)ARTICLE XI:
You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!!!!
I have some work to do for somethings coming up so I will see all later when the opportunity presents itself. If you miss me that much let me know and I will see what I can do. I want to and am planning on visiting some people in Febtober and Marchurary. Yeah just watched celebrity Jeopardy with Sean Connery. Good times.
May the Force be with you
Monday, January 22, 2007
Matt-Man Running Up Hill
Hail and well met
Ok I should be furious and pissed and depressed right now. Or I should say the old me would have been all these things. Maybe it is a sign of my aging or maybe something else but I got some bad news today and I have to say I am ok with it.
In a nutshell. I have been working days for my friend and fellow RCA at Matteson as he is covering the route for his regular whom was out for reasons that are not important. The regular came back to work today and that means that Jim loses those extra days and so do I.
I mean a loss of over half my weekly hours right now. That is a huge hit to my future budgeting.
And right now I am not the least pissed or angry. All things happen for a reason. I belive that I am truly walking one of the precepts of my Neo-Jedi code.
There is no fear;there is faith.
I know that the situation will work out. Then I got home and saw todays Far Side daily calender comic and had to laugh cause it so totally says it all on how I feel right now.

Well I am being called by Criminal Minds so I am off.
May the Force be with you
Ok I should be furious and pissed and depressed right now. Or I should say the old me would have been all these things. Maybe it is a sign of my aging or maybe something else but I got some bad news today and I have to say I am ok with it.
In a nutshell. I have been working days for my friend and fellow RCA at Matteson as he is covering the route for his regular whom was out for reasons that are not important. The regular came back to work today and that means that Jim loses those extra days and so do I.
I mean a loss of over half my weekly hours right now. That is a huge hit to my future budgeting.
And right now I am not the least pissed or angry. All things happen for a reason. I belive that I am truly walking one of the precepts of my Neo-Jedi code.
There is no fear;there is faith.
I know that the situation will work out. Then I got home and saw todays Far Side daily calender comic and had to laugh cause it so totally says it all on how I feel right now.

Well I am being called by Criminal Minds so I am off.
May the Force be with you
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Matt-Man Vs The Great White Menace...
Hisel and Wisel Misel my Brosisels....
OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!!
Hail and well met
I was not referring to race relations or "The Man" by "The Great White Menace" I was referring to a four letter word...
Yup for anyone not around or that has not yet stuck their heads out, it has snowed. At first I was starting to get pissed but then realized that it was a good thing.
1) It is Sunday and as such there will be plenty of time for the road crews to clean up (and they will do it fast so they don't miss "Da Bears")
2) With a little insulating snow on the roof the loft will be much warmer (mental note need to buy more fuel today)
3) It looks pretty! HELLO SNOW MAKE ME A SAMITCH!!
Ah yes there is a warm glow as I bask in the warmth of total whimsical Gir-ness. I was up at the loft last night working on some mini's...Yes I said mini's, so what? Oh yeah I see what you are saying. Thanks it feels good to be doing that again.
Anyway I was working on them and didn't feel like music so I look around for something that would not suck my attention away but still entertain me. That is when I say volumes one and two of Invader Zim. I was so happy!
I love this show. :p
I was able to get a whole bunch of stuff assembled and ready to prime. So today after I finish posting, eating, grocery shopping and working out I am heading over to do just exactly that.
Yeah I am going to work out. What is it with all this questioning? Why do you plague Matt-Man?
Oh again with the "hey good for you"? Well I thank you, but STOP INTERRUPTING! People are trying to read this thing and don't need to be distracted or bored by listening to me explain stuff like this to you.
Who are you anyway?
Are you kidding me? My "inner-child". You are my inner-child? What are you doing here now? Why aren't you in my....head or emotional center or my...my...my squidly smooch?
OH I see. Wow that was close. Glad to have you back on board. Feel free to interject whenever your little heart decides.
Well that clears that up. You see it appears that I had abandoned my inner-child for awhile there and that was the center reason for losing some of my gaming spirit and creative juices. It appears that he is a strong little cuss and managed to kick down the door and get back in. Yeah for little inner-child! I think I will refer to him as TBT (Tiny But Tough). I could refer to him as Tiny Is Tough but that acronym is TIT, which might distracting (not to mention giving me man cramps, I MISS YOU TERRI ;)
So I sit here enjoying the flow of creativity and imagination all around me. I type with vigor as new ideas beginning to form in the ever expanding luminescent nebula of neurons firing like a million exploding stars that I call my brain.
But I need tacos, I need them so bad. If I don't get them I will explode. I do that some times.
I guess maybe tacos are not enough to jeopardize my mission. I will have to get a giant buritto.
I love this show.
That is about it for this ride through my psychosis... I mean psyche.
May the Force be with you
It has chicken legs :)
OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!!
Hail and well met
I was not referring to race relations or "The Man" by "The Great White Menace" I was referring to a four letter word...
Yup for anyone not around or that has not yet stuck their heads out, it has snowed. At first I was starting to get pissed but then realized that it was a good thing.
1) It is Sunday and as such there will be plenty of time for the road crews to clean up (and they will do it fast so they don't miss "Da Bears")
2) With a little insulating snow on the roof the loft will be much warmer (mental note need to buy more fuel today)
3) It looks pretty! HELLO SNOW MAKE ME A SAMITCH!!
Ah yes there is a warm glow as I bask in the warmth of total whimsical Gir-ness. I was up at the loft last night working on some mini's...Yes I said mini's, so what? Oh yeah I see what you are saying. Thanks it feels good to be doing that again.
Anyway I was working on them and didn't feel like music so I look around for something that would not suck my attention away but still entertain me. That is when I say volumes one and two of Invader Zim. I was so happy!
I love this show. :p
I was able to get a whole bunch of stuff assembled and ready to prime. So today after I finish posting, eating, grocery shopping and working out I am heading over to do just exactly that.
Yeah I am going to work out. What is it with all this questioning? Why do you plague Matt-Man?
Oh again with the "hey good for you"? Well I thank you, but STOP INTERRUPTING! People are trying to read this thing and don't need to be distracted or bored by listening to me explain stuff like this to you.
Who are you anyway?
Are you kidding me? My "inner-child". You are my inner-child? What are you doing here now? Why aren't you in my....head or emotional center or my...my...my squidly smooch?
OH I see. Wow that was close. Glad to have you back on board. Feel free to interject whenever your little heart decides.
Well that clears that up. You see it appears that I had abandoned my inner-child for awhile there and that was the center reason for losing some of my gaming spirit and creative juices. It appears that he is a strong little cuss and managed to kick down the door and get back in. Yeah for little inner-child! I think I will refer to him as TBT (Tiny But Tough). I could refer to him as Tiny Is Tough but that acronym is TIT, which might distracting (not to mention giving me man cramps, I MISS YOU TERRI ;)
So I sit here enjoying the flow of creativity and imagination all around me. I type with vigor as new ideas beginning to form in the ever expanding luminescent nebula of neurons firing like a million exploding stars that I call my brain.
But I need tacos, I need them so bad. If I don't get them I will explode. I do that some times.
I guess maybe tacos are not enough to jeopardize my mission. I will have to get a giant buritto.
I love this show.
That is about it for this ride through my psychosis... I mean psyche.
May the Force be with you
It has chicken legs :)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Matt-Man woman?
Hail and well met
The title? Oh that is just a funny thing from my blog. I have this sloganizer thing and it puts "Matt-Man" in different slogans. Earlier today it read "The Matt-Man man" and I wondered if you could be "The Matt-Man woman"? Or maybe "The Matt-Man kid".
I have to report that I had a much better day today. It appears that my training at Crete is a little jaded. There I was told that you don't leave anything EVER. If it is brought to the case you put it up, period. Well yet again I am shown that each and every Post Office is a little country unto itself and holds no allegiance to anything but the most basic skeleton of rules and regulations. At Matteson it ok to leave stuff for the next day. That explains the 10 tubs of magazines and other large items (which we call "flats" cause they are big and relatively flat). Someone decided not to take the tubs out on Tuesday and left them. So I walked in and with my training just kept plugging away until they were done and as such left at 2'o clock to start my route.
Today I had 3 half full tubs of flats so I was done and out by 12. YEAH! I was back at the office and done by 5. So tonight I did some grocery shopping and then just veged out watching Criminal Minds. Amazing show.
Oh yeah Miles I found the books...they are in my room. Sorry about that. So you want to borrow them, well not a problem. Which ones do you need? I will send you a list and you can let me know, or if you come to get them I could just let you see....Aww forget all this. I will let you borrow them all.
Hey Nicky. Well of course there are medications for this, but that is no fun.
Besides the side effects are real pain in the ass.
No really it says right here that use of this drug may induce anal cramps, hence "pain in the ass".
Oops, yeah I don't take these, they are just for...killing pigeons, yeah that's the ticket. Pigeons, real big ones.
Mutant rabid junkie pigeons.
Who we talkin' about?
Anyway I feel better about my gaming spirit. The all flesh game went well. I liked the story and finally getting to try and tell it. Since I lost all of my original notes from the hard drive crash of a while ago I had to try and recreate all the detail that I had worked into to it in the last year or so. Not perfect but nothing ever is.
So now I must prepare for the return of Iron Kingdoms, well as soon as I figure out when we are going to play. That is what sucks with working on Saturday and Friday. I cannot stay out late Friday cause I got to get up and we can't start earlier cause I don't get done till 5ish.
But do not despair we will figure out a way.
Ok well I am really starting to dose off right here at the keyboard so I will say not "goodbye" but Good Journey
May the Force be with you
(props for knowing the movie reference and I don't mean the Force thing either)
The title? Oh that is just a funny thing from my blog. I have this sloganizer thing and it puts "Matt-Man" in different slogans. Earlier today it read "The Matt-Man man" and I wondered if you could be "The Matt-Man woman"? Or maybe "The Matt-Man kid".
I have to report that I had a much better day today. It appears that my training at Crete is a little jaded. There I was told that you don't leave anything EVER. If it is brought to the case you put it up, period. Well yet again I am shown that each and every Post Office is a little country unto itself and holds no allegiance to anything but the most basic skeleton of rules and regulations. At Matteson it ok to leave stuff for the next day. That explains the 10 tubs of magazines and other large items (which we call "flats" cause they are big and relatively flat). Someone decided not to take the tubs out on Tuesday and left them. So I walked in and with my training just kept plugging away until they were done and as such left at 2'o clock to start my route.
Today I had 3 half full tubs of flats so I was done and out by 12. YEAH! I was back at the office and done by 5. So tonight I did some grocery shopping and then just veged out watching Criminal Minds. Amazing show.
Oh yeah Miles I found the books...they are in my room. Sorry about that. So you want to borrow them, well not a problem. Which ones do you need? I will send you a list and you can let me know, or if you come to get them I could just let you see....Aww forget all this. I will let you borrow them all.
Hey Nicky. Well of course there are medications for this, but that is no fun.
Besides the side effects are real pain in the ass.
No really it says right here that use of this drug may induce anal cramps, hence "pain in the ass".
Oops, yeah I don't take these, they are just for...killing pigeons, yeah that's the ticket. Pigeons, real big ones.
Mutant rabid junkie pigeons.
Who we talkin' about?
Anyway I feel better about my gaming spirit. The all flesh game went well. I liked the story and finally getting to try and tell it. Since I lost all of my original notes from the hard drive crash of a while ago I had to try and recreate all the detail that I had worked into to it in the last year or so. Not perfect but nothing ever is.
So now I must prepare for the return of Iron Kingdoms, well as soon as I figure out when we are going to play. That is what sucks with working on Saturday and Friday. I cannot stay out late Friday cause I got to get up and we can't start earlier cause I don't get done till 5ish.
But do not despair we will figure out a way.
Ok well I am really starting to dose off right here at the keyboard so I will say not "goodbye" but Good Journey
May the Force be with you
(props for knowing the movie reference and I don't mean the Force thing either)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Matt-Man Just Says "OUCH!"
Hail and well met
Oh yes I must say "OUCH!"
Why? Well in a nutshell I just finished a 12 hour day! Yup I walked into the post office in Matteson and punched in at 6.93 (Yeah we don't do minutes we do 100ridths of an hour) and then returned and punched out at 6.92. Now I could always do the "alternate reality" that says that I really didn't work 12 hours for instead jumped back 1/100th of an hour but all that really leads to is me having to hit myself with blunt excrements.
So how the hell is everyone doing out there? You all been so quiet lately I get the feeling that I ain't interesting anymore. Hell people don't be like that, if you ain't getting what you need from Matt-Man then TELL ME. I do try and please (at least that what....OH HELL NO cause she will hit me so harrrrd!)
What Oh yeah I said excrement. No I meant it, that I would have to hit myself with blunt excrements. That means real hard shit, and that is literal. You did know what excrement meant right? Or am I showing my age again?
My my how things don't really change but instead get plastic surgery, walk back up to you and try and sell you vacuum cleaners.
And let us not forget...
Now is the time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer!
Yup after 12 hours of postal work I get just a little punchy. I would be kicky but my legs hurt to much...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok on that real bad joke I will head out and hit the bed for some Z's.
May the Force be with you
Oh yes I must say "OUCH!"
Why? Well in a nutshell I just finished a 12 hour day! Yup I walked into the post office in Matteson and punched in at 6.93 (Yeah we don't do minutes we do 100ridths of an hour) and then returned and punched out at 6.92. Now I could always do the "alternate reality" that says that I really didn't work 12 hours for instead jumped back 1/100th of an hour but all that really leads to is me having to hit myself with blunt excrements.
So how the hell is everyone doing out there? You all been so quiet lately I get the feeling that I ain't interesting anymore. Hell people don't be like that, if you ain't getting what you need from Matt-Man then TELL ME. I do try and please (at least that what....OH HELL NO cause she will hit me so harrrrd!)
What Oh yeah I said excrement. No I meant it, that I would have to hit myself with blunt excrements. That means real hard shit, and that is literal. You did know what excrement meant right? Or am I showing my age again?
My my how things don't really change but instead get plastic surgery, walk back up to you and try and sell you vacuum cleaners.
And let us not forget...
Now is the time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer!
Yup after 12 hours of postal work I get just a little punchy. I would be kicky but my legs hurt to much...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok on that real bad joke I will head out and hit the bed for some Z's.
May the Force be with you
Monday, January 15, 2007
Nor Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Snow Will Deter Matt-Man
Hail and well met one and all
Here I am up at Terri's and decided to type a little update. Wait I have to stop Grizzley from eating one of the cats...
Ok got that squared away. Well he wasn't really eating the cat just playing with it and getting a little rougher then he should. It wouldn't be so bad if the cat would just pop out those claws of his and give Griz a good whack on the nose or other protrudance.
Anyway though this is about me (My aren't we concieted) so here it is.
I got up to the Wolves game a little late so I had to pay for parking. The game was fun even though they lost. Terri had fun and I got to see Jim. Afterward we went back to her house for some lasagna and then off to get some much needed sleep. Sunday was pretty cool. We went to a bingo hall in Villa Park and worked it for the JayCees. For those of you that don't know let me sum up what the JayCees are about. They work in their comunity to help with charitiable projects and in the process improve themselves.
Anyway the bingo hall was a lot of fun and they loved us. Apparently the last bunch of JayCee's that were there did nothing but sit and sulk all day. Jeez people is it that much to ask that you walk around and maybe smile once and awhile? I guess so. Well the chapter recieves $250 for doing it and the people there said we had more then earned it.
After that we came back up here and went to Bufflo Wild Wings for dinner. It was amazing. The food was good and it was pretty decient atmosphere. Then again home and some sleep. Terri had to work today so I was here doing things around the house, taking care of Griz and the like. Later we are going out for the monthly JayCees meeting and then if doesn't take up the whole night maybe we will do something.
All I can say right now is that I find life confusing...and I don't care one damn bit. I have no idea how I am going to make it work out so that I can spend more time with Terri and still have my relationships with all of my friends, but I know I will. I don't know where I will fit in up here and with her life, but I know I will. I don't even know how I am going to make everything at home work out, but I know I will.
All I can do is go with what I know.
1) I love Terri with all my heart
2) I love working on games and making them up
3) I love all my friends
4) I love gaming and all that goes with it
So I am going to keep doing all of those things and sooner or later everything will fall into place. Of course it will take some work on my part but until I know where to apply and what to apply of myself then I had better not go sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes.
It is going to be rather quiet when I get home. Everyone will be back to school so the weeks will be less active. I really miss all you guys being here all the time, but that is the nature of the universe and life. It is still good to have you visit though.
And yes I know that others are still around as well. I have not forgotten them nor shall I. Iron Kingdoms will start again...as soon as I figure out how I can give you all what you deserve and still work both Friday and Saturday. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get done on Friday before 5 but that doesn't look like it is happening anytime soon.
Ah well so much to think about and so little bandwidth.
May the Force be with you
Here I am up at Terri's and decided to type a little update. Wait I have to stop Grizzley from eating one of the cats...
Ok got that squared away. Well he wasn't really eating the cat just playing with it and getting a little rougher then he should. It wouldn't be so bad if the cat would just pop out those claws of his and give Griz a good whack on the nose or other protrudance.
Anyway though this is about me (My aren't we concieted) so here it is.
I got up to the Wolves game a little late so I had to pay for parking. The game was fun even though they lost. Terri had fun and I got to see Jim. Afterward we went back to her house for some lasagna and then off to get some much needed sleep. Sunday was pretty cool. We went to a bingo hall in Villa Park and worked it for the JayCees. For those of you that don't know let me sum up what the JayCees are about. They work in their comunity to help with charitiable projects and in the process improve themselves.
Anyway the bingo hall was a lot of fun and they loved us. Apparently the last bunch of JayCee's that were there did nothing but sit and sulk all day. Jeez people is it that much to ask that you walk around and maybe smile once and awhile? I guess so. Well the chapter recieves $250 for doing it and the people there said we had more then earned it.
After that we came back up here and went to Bufflo Wild Wings for dinner. It was amazing. The food was good and it was pretty decient atmosphere. Then again home and some sleep. Terri had to work today so I was here doing things around the house, taking care of Griz and the like. Later we are going out for the monthly JayCees meeting and then if doesn't take up the whole night maybe we will do something.
All I can say right now is that I find life confusing...and I don't care one damn bit. I have no idea how I am going to make it work out so that I can spend more time with Terri and still have my relationships with all of my friends, but I know I will. I don't know where I will fit in up here and with her life, but I know I will. I don't even know how I am going to make everything at home work out, but I know I will.
All I can do is go with what I know.
1) I love Terri with all my heart
2) I love working on games and making them up
3) I love all my friends
4) I love gaming and all that goes with it
So I am going to keep doing all of those things and sooner or later everything will fall into place. Of course it will take some work on my part but until I know where to apply and what to apply of myself then I had better not go sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes.
It is going to be rather quiet when I get home. Everyone will be back to school so the weeks will be less active. I really miss all you guys being here all the time, but that is the nature of the universe and life. It is still good to have you visit though.
And yes I know that others are still around as well. I have not forgotten them nor shall I. Iron Kingdoms will start again...as soon as I figure out how I can give you all what you deserve and still work both Friday and Saturday. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get done on Friday before 5 but that doesn't look like it is happening anytime soon.
Ah well so much to think about and so little bandwidth.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Matt-Man catches his breath
Hail and well met
Ahhh it is nice to take a moment and just smell the fresh air....OH GOD I am in the Mens locker room! EWWWWWWW!
Ha just had to have a laugh. Well things are what they are. I just finished a workout, my first in over a month (something that is going to change). I am also on my over to Vals house to have dinner with everyone and then play All Flesh. It has been ok, I think everyone is enjoying themselves. Now it is not a classic zombie-fest and I think everyone was looking for that but it is just that there are only so many of those stories you can come up with befor it gets so old.
Of course durring this game I came up with two new and different ideas for zombie games so they will be filed for future use.
Jack and myself have been talking about doing a seperate StarGate game. I am glad since I really like the show and world. I am looking forward to the superhero game this coming summer as well. It appears I am starting to get back into the groove.
Well not sure what else to put here so I am going to leave it for now and get a move on cause Mel is making Jumbalaya (yeah probably butchered the spelling but so what)
May the Force be with you
Ahhh it is nice to take a moment and just smell the fresh air....OH GOD I am in the Mens locker room! EWWWWWWW!
Ha just had to have a laugh. Well things are what they are. I just finished a workout, my first in over a month (something that is going to change). I am also on my over to Vals house to have dinner with everyone and then play All Flesh. It has been ok, I think everyone is enjoying themselves. Now it is not a classic zombie-fest and I think everyone was looking for that but it is just that there are only so many of those stories you can come up with befor it gets so old.
Of course durring this game I came up with two new and different ideas for zombie games so they will be filed for future use.
Jack and myself have been talking about doing a seperate StarGate game. I am glad since I really like the show and world. I am looking forward to the superhero game this coming summer as well. It appears I am starting to get back into the groove.
Well not sure what else to put here so I am going to leave it for now and get a move on cause Mel is making Jumbalaya (yeah probably butchered the spelling but so what)
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Matt-Man Must Backpeddle, Recant and Set the Record Staight
Hail and well met.
Well as most of you know by now I was not up at the loft much at all yesterday. That was entirely due to being called into work at 10:30 and not being done until 5:30. Yeah it sucked. Well characters are made and I have some better ideas on how to start this thing so all for the better. As soon as I am done typing this I am off to run a boat load of errands and then to the loft to take care of a bunch of stuff before all arrive tonight and the horror begins.
On a much more personal note I am not going to be around this weekend as I am going to see Terri. So my character will be at the disposal of Val to use to fight the good fight.
Ok well off to get the errands done.
May the Force be with you
Well as most of you know by now I was not up at the loft much at all yesterday. That was entirely due to being called into work at 10:30 and not being done until 5:30. Yeah it sucked. Well characters are made and I have some better ideas on how to start this thing so all for the better. As soon as I am done typing this I am off to run a boat load of errands and then to the loft to take care of a bunch of stuff before all arrive tonight and the horror begins.
On a much more personal note I am not going to be around this weekend as I am going to see Terri. So my character will be at the disposal of Val to use to fight the good fight.
Ok well off to get the errands done.
May the Force be with you
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Matt-Man says Huzzzah!
Hail and well met
Yup just wanted to stop in and say Huzzzah!
Oh yeah just thought I would mention that last night was a lot of fun. Quinnlin did some good stuff and went up a level. Finally getting the feat Track, which I would have had a lot earlier if I had really looked at the bonus feat list in the Scout section of the Complete Adventurer. Ah a geek moment for sure. Or is it Dork? Damn I can never remember....Meh like it matters.
Yup that is the grand total of what I have to report, well that and I yet again have conqurered the universe. I love Master of Orion 2! Quality game. 3 way to complicated, 1 way to simple, 2 just right!
So going to hit the forums and then maybe do some work on some stuff for the guy at the place with the thing. You know. So anyways,,,
Oh yes update. I am going to be at the loft all day tomorrow. We are going to play tomorrow regardless of anything. Characters or not I don't care I want to run this thing. I will have my cel phone so call if you want or just show up. Thank you for you corporation.
May the Force be with you
Yup just wanted to stop in and say Huzzzah!
Oh yeah just thought I would mention that last night was a lot of fun. Quinnlin did some good stuff and went up a level. Finally getting the feat Track, which I would have had a lot earlier if I had really looked at the bonus feat list in the Scout section of the Complete Adventurer. Ah a geek moment for sure. Or is it Dork? Damn I can never remember....Meh like it matters.
Yup that is the grand total of what I have to report, well that and I yet again have conqurered the universe. I love Master of Orion 2! Quality game. 3 way to complicated, 1 way to simple, 2 just right!
So going to hit the forums and then maybe do some work on some stuff for the guy at the place with the thing. You know. So anyways,,,
Oh yes update. I am going to be at the loft all day tomorrow. We are going to play tomorrow regardless of anything. Characters or not I don't care I want to run this thing. I will have my cel phone so call if you want or just show up. Thank you for you corporation.
May the Force be with you
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Matt-Man steps back
Hail and well met
Well today was an interesting day. I mean that in a good way. I was out of the Office at 10:50 and was done with the route and back in the Office at 2:10. That means that I did the route in 3 hours and 20 minutes!!! WOOT!
Ok so no one else is going to give to rats asses that I did that but it was important to me cause it meant that I was home by 2:45 and was able to get some things done. It also means that I can easily make it to D&D tonight! Again I am saying WOOT!!!
I also spoke to my buddy whom I ran the route for yesterday. Well come to find out he only just started running the route in around 3 hours and was normally running it around 4 hours like I did. That did a lot to ease my mind since again I was expecting to do it in his time and couldn't figure out why it wasn't happening. Also he informed me that it appears that getting stuff late for sorting is becoming more common and it is holding everyone up, not just me so getting out by 12:30 is not bad. So aside from eating my Friday up I did a good job and in fact that time impressed Jim a little given my lack of time on the route.
So now that the holidays are over things can start getting down to normal and I can get into a regualr schedule. That will do wonders for me and getting the things in my life back on track.
Ok so looking at the clock I have to get ready to head over to the store and play in Val's game.
May the Force be with you
Well today was an interesting day. I mean that in a good way. I was out of the Office at 10:50 and was done with the route and back in the Office at 2:10. That means that I did the route in 3 hours and 20 minutes!!! WOOT!
Ok so no one else is going to give to rats asses that I did that but it was important to me cause it meant that I was home by 2:45 and was able to get some things done. It also means that I can easily make it to D&D tonight! Again I am saying WOOT!!!
I also spoke to my buddy whom I ran the route for yesterday. Well come to find out he only just started running the route in around 3 hours and was normally running it around 4 hours like I did. That did a lot to ease my mind since again I was expecting to do it in his time and couldn't figure out why it wasn't happening. Also he informed me that it appears that getting stuff late for sorting is becoming more common and it is holding everyone up, not just me so getting out by 12:30 is not bad. So aside from eating my Friday up I did a good job and in fact that time impressed Jim a little given my lack of time on the route.
So now that the holidays are over things can start getting down to normal and I can get into a regualr schedule. That will do wonders for me and getting the things in my life back on track.
Ok so looking at the clock I have to get ready to head over to the store and play in Val's game.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Matt-Man VS the Web
Hail and well met
Well to start off let me share one of the coolest gifts that I received this Christmas.

Jenniy gave me a Far Side day calender and it gives me a laugh every day. I intend to get caught up and display each day here on my blog.
Now I said it was one of the coolest but it is far from the #1 coolest gift I recieved. I cannot show a picture of it since my laptop does not like the drivers for my little digital camera but I can describe it. It is a blanket, one of those that you make by taking two pieces of fabric and cutting the edges then tie them together. But the really cool part is that it has a reoccurring picture of Yoda with his lightsaber and the words Star Wars on it. It is in word AMAZING! Of course it is also the #1 coolest because it came from my #1 lady Terri. I love you baby!
So here I sit again typing. What should I type about? Well I could go on about me but that is boring and all it does is try and depress me. Oh hell no! I have way to much to be up about to get bogged down by shit that I don't have or don't understand. I have an amazing woman in my life and she is the number one reason that I shouldn't get depressed. I have a relatively good job that fits my needs right now and has potential for the future. I have more friends then I can shake a stick at.
Yes things are not perfect but then again nothing is in this imperfect world. So it is time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer.
That came off a fortune cookie and I think it is time to start taking it to heart.
Ok so what else can I talk about? Oh yeah I hate the web as my title mentions. I spent several hours today trying to get a theme for my computer that was based on Invader Zim. I found two of them but neither worked. One only works with something called Serenade, which apparently has been erased from the net. I found several places to download it only to get a message that the website or location that it was stored was gone. Yeah! Then I tried to download a good ole fashion windows theme but it also does not work. Oh well no Zim for me.
What got me started? Well my good friend and running buddy James put a blurb about it on his blog and I got the idea to shnaz up the Matt-top to better express my personality. Meh it sucks but again that is life.
I wouldn't be so upset if it didn't take the time that it did. Not that right now I am being so productive with my time, but I could have conquered the universe again! I love Moo2 so much.
Let's see, went to the loft last night and at least talked about All Flesh but failed to make characters. So I plan on doing that tomorrow. I am pissed though cause Todd will have to miss out on the game since he has to go back to school. Sorry buddy but at least we still have Iron Kingdoms!
We did go bowling last night and that was fun.
So here is the last thoughts. I am not working tomorrow so I plan on making a early appearance at the loft so I can paint for once. Oh and I plan on buying some kerosene for the heater so don't worry about it being cold. Then I am going to work with everyone on making their characters. Now I know that IWA has a show but due to some unwanted expenses I am rather tight but these are one time things and they had to be taken care of. That is the funny thing about having money, it always seems that there is always someone standing there just waiting to take it away.
But lets not get me started on money cause you all know I can rant on that.
Ok well I am done rambling.
May the Force be with you
Well to start off let me share one of the coolest gifts that I received this Christmas.

Jenniy gave me a Far Side day calender and it gives me a laugh every day. I intend to get caught up and display each day here on my blog.
Now I said it was one of the coolest but it is far from the #1 coolest gift I recieved. I cannot show a picture of it since my laptop does not like the drivers for my little digital camera but I can describe it. It is a blanket, one of those that you make by taking two pieces of fabric and cutting the edges then tie them together. But the really cool part is that it has a reoccurring picture of Yoda with his lightsaber and the words Star Wars on it. It is in word AMAZING! Of course it is also the #1 coolest because it came from my #1 lady Terri. I love you baby!
So here I sit again typing. What should I type about? Well I could go on about me but that is boring and all it does is try and depress me. Oh hell no! I have way to much to be up about to get bogged down by shit that I don't have or don't understand. I have an amazing woman in my life and she is the number one reason that I shouldn't get depressed. I have a relatively good job that fits my needs right now and has potential for the future. I have more friends then I can shake a stick at.
Yes things are not perfect but then again nothing is in this imperfect world. So it is time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer.
That came off a fortune cookie and I think it is time to start taking it to heart.
Ok so what else can I talk about? Oh yeah I hate the web as my title mentions. I spent several hours today trying to get a theme for my computer that was based on Invader Zim. I found two of them but neither worked. One only works with something called Serenade, which apparently has been erased from the net. I found several places to download it only to get a message that the website or location that it was stored was gone. Yeah! Then I tried to download a good ole fashion windows theme but it also does not work. Oh well no Zim for me.
What got me started? Well my good friend and running buddy James put a blurb about it on his blog and I got the idea to shnaz up the Matt-top to better express my personality. Meh it sucks but again that is life.
I wouldn't be so upset if it didn't take the time that it did. Not that right now I am being so productive with my time, but I could have conquered the universe again! I love Moo2 so much.
Let's see, went to the loft last night and at least talked about All Flesh but failed to make characters. So I plan on doing that tomorrow. I am pissed though cause Todd will have to miss out on the game since he has to go back to school. Sorry buddy but at least we still have Iron Kingdoms!
We did go bowling last night and that was fun.
So here is the last thoughts. I am not working tomorrow so I plan on making a early appearance at the loft so I can paint for once. Oh and I plan on buying some kerosene for the heater so don't worry about it being cold. Then I am going to work with everyone on making their characters. Now I know that IWA has a show but due to some unwanted expenses I am rather tight but these are one time things and they had to be taken care of. That is the funny thing about having money, it always seems that there is always someone standing there just waiting to take it away.
But lets not get me started on money cause you all know I can rant on that.
Ok well I am done rambling.
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Matt-Man and the New Year
Hail and well met in this the year of the Force 2007!
Yup another year has passed by and I am still kicking on this little rock (third from the sun).
Well didn't ring in the new year as I usually do, a the Loft Party. Terri could not make it down and I know all to well that I would have had no fun down here no matter how crazy the antics might have been. So I went up there and spent some qualiy time with my lady. It was AMAZING! But then again everything with her is...YES EVERYTHING!
Part of me does wish I could have made it and misses seeing everyone (getting drunk). Not enough to taint the time I spent with her so no resentment or regret.
Well things are getting strange again. I am getting worried that I have lost my gaming spirit. I want to game and paint, but everytime I try my motivation drys up and I instead sit here or at home dazed and confused. It worries me. I don't want to lose it cause it is something I know I enjoy and like doing.
I am hoping running this All Flesh game will help stoke the fires and kick the tires. Oh yes I am running it. Oooo let me make an anouncement...
I will be up at the loft on Wednesday working on the game and would love to help make everyones characters. All are welcome and the more the merrier (yes that means I can kill more of you before it becomes hopeless) So grab your dice and head on up.
I will also post it on the forums so everyone can see it.
Meh I cannot type anymore. I will do more when I am at home.
May the Force be with you
Yup another year has passed by and I am still kicking on this little rock (third from the sun).
Well didn't ring in the new year as I usually do, a the Loft Party. Terri could not make it down and I know all to well that I would have had no fun down here no matter how crazy the antics might have been. So I went up there and spent some qualiy time with my lady. It was AMAZING! But then again everything with her is...YES EVERYTHING!
Part of me does wish I could have made it and misses seeing everyone (getting drunk). Not enough to taint the time I spent with her so no resentment or regret.
Well things are getting strange again. I am getting worried that I have lost my gaming spirit. I want to game and paint, but everytime I try my motivation drys up and I instead sit here or at home dazed and confused. It worries me. I don't want to lose it cause it is something I know I enjoy and like doing.
I am hoping running this All Flesh game will help stoke the fires and kick the tires. Oh yes I am running it. Oooo let me make an anouncement...
I will be up at the loft on Wednesday working on the game and would love to help make everyones characters. All are welcome and the more the merrier (yes that means I can kill more of you before it becomes hopeless) So grab your dice and head on up.
I will also post it on the forums so everyone can see it.
Meh I cannot type anymore. I will do more when I am at home.
May the Force be with you
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