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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Matt-Man steps back

Hail and well met

Well today was an interesting day. I mean that in a good way. I was out of the Office at 10:50 and was done with the route and back in the Office at 2:10. That means that I did the route in 3 hours and 20 minutes!!! WOOT!

Ok so no one else is going to give to rats asses that I did that but it was important to me cause it meant that I was home by 2:45 and was able to get some things done. It also means that I can easily make it to D&D tonight! Again I am saying WOOT!!!

I also spoke to my buddy whom I ran the route for yesterday. Well come to find out he only just started running the route in around 3 hours and was normally running it around 4 hours like I did. That did a lot to ease my mind since again I was expecting to do it in his time and couldn't figure out why it wasn't happening. Also he informed me that it appears that getting stuff late for sorting is becoming more common and it is holding everyone up, not just me so getting out by 12:30 is not bad. So aside from eating my Friday up I did a good job and in fact that time impressed Jim a little given my lack of time on the route.


So now that the holidays are over things can start getting down to normal and I can get into a regualr schedule. That will do wonders for me and getting the things in my life back on track.

Ok so looking at the clock I have to get ready to head over to the store and play in Val's game.

May the Force be with you


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