Well to start off let me share one of the coolest gifts that I received this Christmas.

Jenniy gave me a Far Side day calender and it gives me a laugh every day. I intend to get caught up and display each day here on my blog.
Now I said it was one of the coolest but it is far from the #1 coolest gift I recieved. I cannot show a picture of it since my laptop does not like the drivers for my little digital camera but I can describe it. It is a blanket, one of those that you make by taking two pieces of fabric and cutting the edges then tie them together. But the really cool part is that it has a reoccurring picture of Yoda with his lightsaber and the words Star Wars on it. It is in word AMAZING! Of course it is also the #1 coolest because it came from my #1 lady Terri. I love you baby!
So here I sit again typing. What should I type about? Well I could go on about me but that is boring and all it does is try and depress me. Oh hell no! I have way to much to be up about to get bogged down by shit that I don't have or don't understand. I have an amazing woman in my life and she is the number one reason that I shouldn't get depressed. I have a relatively good job that fits my needs right now and has potential for the future. I have more friends then I can shake a stick at.
Yes things are not perfect but then again nothing is in this imperfect world. So it is time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer.
That came off a fortune cookie and I think it is time to start taking it to heart.
Ok so what else can I talk about? Oh yeah I hate the web as my title mentions. I spent several hours today trying to get a theme for my computer that was based on Invader Zim. I found two of them but neither worked. One only works with something called Serenade, which apparently has been erased from the net. I found several places to download it only to get a message that the website or location that it was stored was gone. Yeah! Then I tried to download a good ole fashion windows theme but it also does not work. Oh well no Zim for me.
What got me started? Well my good friend and running buddy James put a blurb about it on his blog and I got the idea to shnaz up the Matt-top to better express my personality. Meh it sucks but again that is life.
I wouldn't be so upset if it didn't take the time that it did. Not that right now I am being so productive with my time, but I could have conquered the universe again! I love Moo2 so much.
Let's see, went to the loft last night and at least talked about All Flesh but failed to make characters. So I plan on doing that tomorrow. I am pissed though cause Todd will have to miss out on the game since he has to go back to school. Sorry buddy but at least we still have Iron Kingdoms!
We did go bowling last night and that was fun.
So here is the last thoughts. I am not working tomorrow so I plan on making a early appearance at the loft so I can paint for once. Oh and I plan on buying some kerosene for the heater so don't worry about it being cold. Then I am going to work with everyone on making their characters. Now I know that IWA has a show but due to some unwanted expenses I am rather tight but these are one time things and they had to be taken care of. That is the funny thing about having money, it always seems that there is always someone standing there just waiting to take it away.
But lets not get me started on money cause you all know I can rant on that.
Ok well I am done rambling.
May the Force be with you
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