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Monday, May 07, 2007

Matt-Man and the Task of Packing

Hail and well met

Today is the first day that I am starting to gather all of my stuff and get it ready for the impending move. Now I know that I have had many years to accumulate stuff but I never really realized how much stuff I have laying around here collecting dust until now.

Wow there is so much stuff that I have to muck through. Stuff that I haven't touched or looked at for years. Part of me wants to keep it and try and finish it but another says "Hey you are never going to get to it, so get rid of it and lighten the load". So now I have to decided the criteria for either keeping or tossing stuff. I suppose I knew deep down it was going to come to this but just didn't want to except it.

Anyway right now I am taking a break cause it is hard going through all of it. There are a lot of memories tied to some of that stuff and at times it is like swatting at flies while I am trying to work. Never the less I have to get it done. I figure I will be selling some of it so it can go to good use somewhere.

Other then that I am doing quite well. Hoping to see Spiderman 3 tomorrow with Mikey. I don't know what it is but I know I have been waiting for this film but it ain't crucial. Some films I want to run out and see right away but not this one. In fact I have to say that there are no films right now that I am really excited about.

I am set for going to Lothlorien and will have my registration in later today. I will also be sending out the reply to the wedding invitation for Joe and Allison's wedding on the 16th of June. Also good to go for the bachelor party. It should be good times all around.

Everyone is getting ready for the summer return of the 37 inch gamers. I have to get cracking on the story for the super hero game I am running. Funny how time flies by when you have stuff to do.

All in all things are good. Some feeling of pause with the move coming though. I guess it is normal with a change of this magnitude. Transition is the word I am looking for. I am in a transitional phase and it requires some patience as it takes form and effect.

Not much more to say right now. Will talk or type to everyone soon.

May the Force be with you


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