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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Matt-Man for all seasons

Hail and well met

Once again I sit here in front of the computer typing into it letting anyone and everyone out there what is going on in my life.

And why not? I think my life is interesting on many levels so why shouldn't you want to read what is going on? Well for the laughs for one.

Anyway to the point. I have to thank the Creator for smiling down on me. First of all I have the most amazing woman in my life. We talked this past weekend and have decided to work through my stupidity. I thank you sweetie! I really love her and I know it. I only hope that one day I am worthy of having her in my life.

On the other point of my past post. Well I have spoken to a friend of mine and it appears that I will be moving out of here and in with him. When is up in the air right now but the way things seem to be going it will be sooner then later. But that is just a guess as things are still in motion and the future is hard to read.

I am doing ok and things are moving forward on many levels just not as fast as I would like (like that is new? RIGHT) I have some new prospects and plan on going with the flow and seeing where it takes me.

I have to run now as it is time for me to hit the hay as I work tomorrow. I will post again soon.

Until then true believers!

May the Force be with you


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