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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Matt-Man Vs The Mundaemon

Hail and well met.

My title is the ultimate expression of what has been going on with me for the last several weeks. I have found that I like to name my troubles and give them a persona. The Mundaemon is a vile creature that seeks to undermine everyone's belief in themselves and their uniqueness. It rips apart a persons confidence in both themselves and their abilities. His goal is to beat everyone down into a lowly place from which they not only feel they cannot get out but more importantly don't deserve to get out.

As the trip down to meet with the gentlemen in St. Louis draws nearer I have struggled with this evil. Every minute of every day he mounts attack after attack against my belief in myself. My past is dredged up with its numerous failures and missed opportunities. My seemingly non-existent ambition and drive are a constant source of ammunition for his attacks.

The worst part of all of this is that for all my belief in myself what he is throwing in my face is, well, the truth.

I never have had a sense of ambition nor felt driven. I lack passion for anything. I try to feel it but as I have discovered if you have to feel it then you don't have it. From what I have gleaned it is just there and you don't really have to look for it. So how do I combat something that is the truth?

To say or believe in something contrary to the truth is to believe in a lie, isn't it? To draw a analogy from the bible it is building on sinking sand and it will fall. That is when I received a blast of inspiration.

In the bible there is the story of Lazarus. He had passed and been buried. Everyone knew it was true cause it had happened and they had seen the body. It was true yet Jesus showed up and said Lazarus was not dead but only sleeping. According to all that had been witnessed and by the perception the world at large Lazarus was dead but they were wrong. Jesus, although human in every way, was gifted with a mind that was not bound by the constrains of either the 5 senses we have nor the petty dogmatic constrains placed upon those that were there. He knew the true possibilities of what his Father had created and the potential if he believed in them. He stood their and called Lazarus out from his sleep and Lazarus came forth.

Well this could drive a man crazy because it is a conundrum. Everyone knew that Lazarus was dead because they saw it, it was the truth. Yet when Jesus showed up he said that Lazarus was just asleep, which by all the facts was a lie, yet when Jesus acted on his beliefs Lazarus came forth alive and well, which made the assertions of everyone else spurious in the least. Was it their fault? Were they guilty of lying? How in name of all that is Holy are any of us supposed to know what is truth if all we have to go on is what we gather with our 5 senses? It is maddening!!!!

I think the difference is in a little something called faith. According to Hebrews 11:1 " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." In this statement the phrase "things hoped for" is what jumped out at me. When God created the world it did not exist. He believed in his ability to create what was not there and make it real. This power of creation was breathed into every one of us. Prior to Jesus walking on this world we could not fully walk in that power but after he was here we can. With this power we can make that which was not real, real. For us there are no limitations, well to a point. What we were is not important, just as the fact that Lazarus was (past tense) dead was not important. Jesus stood there and hoped for Lazarus to wake up and come forth. His faith in Gods power that God had given to every man (since he was just like every man) game his hope substance and when he spoke forth it became reality.

Another important part is the beginning of the verse. The very first word is "Now" which implies that there was a before in which faith was not the substance...ect. It is also important that there was no clarification on what would come after. No all it said was "Now". Well "Now" is now and now and now. The past doesn't matter because "Now" this is the way things are. This opens an interesting idea because I have been considering that although there is a past and will be a future, we only see the "Now". Even the past is colored by exactly where we are now. It is safe to say that all time is NOW because we only perceive it all now. Everything is in the NOW.

The last part of the verse is also extremely important. It says "the evidence of things not seen.". Well that says it, if things are not seen then they are not perceived and thus we cannot rely on our senses to determine anything about them. Thus we will be saying and believing things that are real by faith, but by the account of the 5 senses, a lie. It is a strange new world we live in where what is real is no longer determined by our 5 senses but instead by our faith in them and in our Creator.

This was the all the help I needed. I put all those thoughts and ideas to the side with a healthy sense of righteous indignation. I stormed right up to that place where this hideous abomination resided in my mind and preceded to kick its posterior.

All of those things may be true but only in the fact that they happened in the past. They do not determine the future nor my potential in that future and since all time is truly NOW that means they have not one thing to do with what I can do NOW. My hopes and dreams for the future are not wasted nor impossible for I have faith in what God has given me.

Now I can succeed in my endeavors!

Now I will succeed in my endeavors!

Now I am succeeding in my endeavors!

Now I don't for one minute think that it is all over with the Mundaemon. His forces lay in wait for just the right moment to strike. Legions of his Lehtarga-ticks are just chomping at the bit to take a hold of me and gorge themselves on my energy robbing me of it while the Mediocr-ites look for any opportunity to rush in and use their powers of illusion to make me believe that I am not special nor worthy of being special. Making themselves into insurmountable opponents that exploit past failures or flaws.

Well they will find me prepared! I have rediscovered a quote that is the central core of my belief and an expression of my faith.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson

On that note I will leave you all as I have much to prepare for. I only hope that you can glean some helpful perspective on a situation in your own lives from what I share here. Yes I have a flare for the dramatic and even megalo-dramatic but after all I am...


May the Force be with you!


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