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Monday, February 11, 2008

Matt-Man with his early morning buttery Questionaires.

Hail and well met

Ok so it is not quite early morning anymore but when I started this it was.

1. Are you taller than your best friend?
Hmmm I do believe that I am just a bit taller then some of them but much less then others and many more that I haven't met yet so I don't know.

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
yeah one that writes.

3. Look at your planner for March 7th, what are you doing?
DAY PLANNER? What is this "day planner" of which you speak?

4. What color are your toenails usually?
Well to be honest I don't know what color you would call them. Is there such a color as "naked"? OH do I color them....None of your damn buisness! :P

5. What was the last thing you highlighted?
This quiz when I copied and pasted it...damn you mean with a pen, then I would have to say something printed on paper.

6. What color are the curtains in your bedroom?

7. What color are the seats in your vehicle?

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
Personally no, but by association yes.

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
A letter...duh!

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
No I don't and I don't know anyone who knows anyone who lives in Wyoming. In fact I don't know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who lives in Wyoming. I don't believe that there is even a Wyoming, it is all just a Govermetn conspericy.

11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
Wow that would be a long time ago and I think it was just for the fun of spending 5 dollars to do it as well as to hear the machine make that rumbling metalic sound as it puked out my cash...WHY DO YOU THINK I HAD TO SPEND IT!!! Really who comes up with these questions?

12. Who is the last baby that you held?

13. Can you spell well?
Kan I spel, ha u betcha eye are abell 2. Awww you make me look bumber then usual.

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
Mmmmm cinnamon tastey...on ice cream.

15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Dodge Caravan.

16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators:
The West Chutney Skinks

17. Last time you went to Six Flags?
a long time ago.

18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
Well it is not my house so no. Actually there is none in this house so no. Now that you mention it as I think back over my habitations I have to amend that statement and say that you are a poopy head and NO!

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow?
Ok will you please be a little more specific here. Do you mean totally yellow or with yellow on it? I mean technically any print color picture has some yellow in it but it may not be decernable to the human eye. So do you have to be able to discern it with the human eye? What percentage of total "Yellowocity" is require to achive it counting for the purpses of your question?AH HA I see a yellow CD cover!

20. Last person you gave a business card?
I don't give buisness cards, I just give buisness! And buisness is GOOD!

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
Prpbably a bill collector or a store 10 years ago.

22. Closest framed picture to you?
Dude why is it framed? What is up with the discrimination here? Are framed pictures "better" or something? Pictures are pictures framed or free, you remember that! (yeah there are no pictures framed or otherwise in this room)

23. Last time you had someone cook for you?
Well Mel cooked pancakes last week but I didn't have her do it for me, she just did. I mean Val was there and as her husband I would assume that she did it for him and I just benifited from the exchange.

24. How many email do you get in your inbox daily?
Just the inbox the I would have to say no more then a dozen. If you included like the spam bin then ALOT!

26. Last time you received flowers
Dude I am a guy and we don't get flowers.

28. Do you play air guitar?
no the chello.

29. Has anyone ever proposed to you?
That all depends on what you mean by "proposed".

30. Do you take anything in your coffee?
No, unless of coure she is willing...sorry that would be cream and sugar.

31. Do you own any Willow Tree figurines?
Ok I am going to ask that anyone reading this who knows the person that writes them to please do me a favor and get this perosn LAID!

32. What is/was your high school's mascot?
Rich East Rockets! Blast Off!

33. Last person you spoke to from high school?

34. Last time you used hand sanitizer?
When my hands we unsanitary...DUH!

35. Would you like to learn to play the drums?
I don’t want to work. I just want to bang on the drums all day!

36. What color are the blinds in your living room?
WHAT THE HECK!!! That question is so wrong! How insensitive can you be asking me about the “blinds” in my living room. They are people too and being blind does not define them. Then to ask what color they are? You are just not right in the head, what does their color have to do with anything. I think you need some serious help and to make a public apologize for this question.

Huh? Blinds on the windows to keep the light out not people that cannot see…CRAP

Cream and Grey.

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper?
Boy you just keep going don’t you. Gosh let me think real hard. Oh yeah….WORDS.

39. What was the last pageant you attended?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might do something I don’t want to happen.

40. What is the last place you bought pizza from?
Gosh that is such a tough one, you know with all the places out there. I think the last place was Hong’s Chinese Food… Cause it wouldn’t be as simple as just saying A PIZZA JOINT!

41. Have you ever worn a crown?

42. What is the last thing you stapled?
I don’t remember but in the future I can see some fingers being stapled to a board.

43. Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
Yes and fell into a dimensional rift from which few returned.

44. Are you ticklish?
Yes but as with the ancient art of the Iron Skin Technique that spot is hidden from all but a chosen few (you know who you are :P)

45. Last time you saw fireworks?
Guy Falks day….dofus the 4th of July.

46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Long ago but I still carry it with my, I think it is my right hip or my butt.

47. Last person that im'ed you, and you actually responded?

48. Last time you parked under a carport?

49. Do you have a black dog?
Not directly but by association.

50. what do you think of people who don't like tacos?
People that don’t like tacos? Are you kidding me, there are no such things. I mean for someone to not like tacos they would have to be like aliens or something.

51. Are you an aunt or uncle?
As I have no siblings it is impossible for me to ever be an Uncle. By the way thanks for asking and bringing up such a painful subject.

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
Ah eyes the window to the soul. Eyes so beautiful that you can get lost in them, like swimming in the ocean. There are two answers to that one, Terri which is someone that I know and Michelle Phiefer the actress whom I don’t know but have seen in movies.

53. Last time you saw a semi truck?
Ok now I know you are grasping at straws. I work at the Post Office delivering mail so Saturday.

54. What is the last song you belted out in the car?
Well that is difficult as I drive for a living and I sing to a lot of songs on the radio. I do believe it was “Don’t stand so close to me”.

55. Do you have a little black dress?
Of course…wait what? No. Gah you and your trick questions!!

1. Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
No cause I do and wouldn’t be hypocritical about it if someone else does or doesn’t

2. How about drinking?
Same as above

3. Which do you prefer, beach or the mountains?
Well beach implies water and I love swimming while mountains imply climbing or hiking and while I don’t mind a good hike I prefer swimming. Also there tends to be less clothes involved with the beach. What? I am a guy so what do you expect.

4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Hell yes! Of course that is a bit two faced as I don’t open up with important stuff like that. I guess in that I am a hypocrite.

5. Whats your favorite sport?
Sex. The best full contact sport that there is, ever was or ever will be.

6. Its saturday night, you're home alone, what do you do?
What? I run up stairs take a quick shower (cause I just finished work) and run out the door, head over to Val and Mel’s for role playing. Yes I am a dork and damn proud of it.

7. Who is your last text message from?
Track Fone telling me I got my minitues.

8. Can you do splits?
Oh yeah I can do splits, Banana are my favorites but I can also do pants and in a pinch I can sides. Oh you mean with your legs. Are you crazy? I am fat and a man of course I don’t do splits, I like my junk and don’t want to have it sucked up into my abdomen.

9. Do you like roller coasters?
My relationship with roller coasters has been a roller coaster ride…he he he. I used to love them then I gained a ton of weight and couldn’t do them anymore, then I lost some of the weight and now can do them again just don’t have the opportunity much.

10. When’s the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
Uh like anytime cause it is a awesome feeling when someone digs you like that.

11. What are you doing this weekend?
Well I work Saturday then later that evening I will be role playing and on Sunday I will just play it by ear.

12. Whats your favorite restaurant?
Hmmm well take out would have to be Hongs Chop Suey, fast food would have to be a tie between Chipotle and Potbelly but a sit down restaurant I would have to say Applebee’s.

13. Do you usually fall for the right or wrong girl/boy?
How do you define “right or wrong”? If you mean someone that can return what you feel then I have a perfect 50/50 record. If you mean someone that is good for you or not then I am lucky in that everyone I have fallen for has been good for me.

14. Have you ever hugged someone?
Oh yeah all the time.

15. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
Um yes once and I regretted it for various reasons.

17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Ok lets face I am a guy so I do look at the body of the person but in fact I tend to look at their face for their demeanor. Features that tend to stand out are eyes and mouth especially a smile.

18.Do you want someone you can't have?
Oh come on. Who doesn’t have someone in their life they cannot have but want? Like everyone, that is the nature of love and life.

21.Jeans or sweats?
Hmm tough one to answer cause I love sweats around the house but I prefer jeans out and about. I guess it is a tie unless you are implying doing one or the other.

22. Which year has been the best so far?
The last good year was a long time ago, I have good runs but not a year, at least not yet.

23.What are you doing/did for your birthday?
Probably forgetting it.

24. What should you be doing right now?
Well cleaning, laundry, dishes, finishing up a ton of stuff in my room.

25. What is your favorite tv show?
Jeez just one is not possible I love to many, right now Big Bang Theory is at the top of the list.

26. Color?
Black and white

27. Are you attracted to girls/guys that smoke?
Doesn’t really matter.

28. Would you want a chilled laid back gf/bf or a party animal?
I am not sure I could live with one or the other. I would love a hybrid that likes to chill with bursts of Party animalism.

29. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
My butt, nope. My face, several times.

31. What do you do when you're at home?
Well I watch way to much TV with bursts of chores and internet then I run out and do errands.

32. What side of the bed do you sleep?
When I sleep alone (which is almost all the time, I am so lonely) I tend to travel towards the middle. If I am with someone then I tend to let then pick and I take the other. I seem able to sleep on any side of a bed.

33. Scariest thing you've ever seen?
In real life I have to say deep ocean, in not real life zombies.

34. What annoys you?

35. If you had one super power, what would it be?
The power to rearrange matter. If that is to vague then I would have to say fly.

36. Ever gone to saturday school?
No I was a good kid, not that it did me any good.

37. Been kicked out of class?
Um I don’t believe so but I tend to have a bad memory from those days.

38. Ever got arrested?

40. Who's your bestfriend?
So many would fit that description but I have to put one at the top and that one is James.

41.Whats your last text message say?
Mine as in one that I typed…I think it was “I am here, where are you”

42.Do you live with your mom and dad?
Not any longer.

43.Who annoys you the most?
Anyone who is both an egomaniac and arrogant.

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