Hail and well met
First off I have to give a shout out to Sara Jay for her recent email containing some amazing posters. I hope she doesn't mind but I am reposting them here for all to see. Hilarious! I laughed harder then I have in a long time.
Okay well it appears that I am having technical difficulties reposting those posters. Grrrrr why cannot things just work.
No matter. Thank you Sara Jay for sharing those with me and everyone you mailed them to. Keep it up cause they are funny.
Now on the the second reason for this post, besides the fact that I haven't posted in awhile. As some of you may know and some may not, in the past I have posted blogs on MySpace that were written adventures of Matt-Man. Several months ago I stopped for several reasons. Among them were a desire to polish the whole thing top to bottom so it worked better, then I wanted to solidify the universe it takes place in and finally I wanted to write the stories with continuity in mind, you know longer story arcs that mesh together not jump around all the time. There were other reasons that remain personal for personal reasons.
Well the time has come for me to kick my butt into gear and get things done. So with that in mind I began to write the adventures again. Originally it was to be returning to MySpace, but due to the interloping of Trans-Dimensional Error Imp Gnomes I have had to move it somewhere I could work everything out as I wished.
So without further ado here is the link to my new blog...
The Adventures of Matt-Man!!!
It is amazing! I even added a soundtrack! So here is to you all taking a look and liking what you see.
May the Force be with you
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