Things have been good for me as of late. I am working more then less which is good as it keeps me in funds. The allergy season has fallen hard on me and my sinuses, especially on days when I work since I am out in a rural area with tons of farmers pouring stuff on their crops and people with more lawn space then brains paying to have grass cut and manicured like some models hair. Chemicals abound as well as pollen and mold, fun times for all who have mega doses of antihistamines. Ah well I am alive and that is all that counts.
The major topic of this post is going to be the up coming release from Privateer Pres:

The team at Privateer have come up with a great looking game. Realizing the need for factions they quickly came up with some really cool ideas. Here is a look at them.

These bad boys are a classic idea that has never been really brought into the arena of Daikaiju (giant monster) entertainment. Well it is about time in my opinion, what could be more monsterific then some ancient monster that eats humans, both in body and mind, rising to consume the city. Their main figures are awesome as well as their support troops, which have some really cool abilities.

Where would we be if we didn't have the giant human driven robot defenders of the world. I love the Giant Robo look that these guys have, well with a little sprinkle of Johnny Sacko's Giant friend. This represents the best the human race can muster to defend itself from the giant monster menace. There support troops are tanks and helicopters which are to be expected. I have no intel on what they are capable of doing so I can say little else.

If I was impressed with the idea bringing the tentacled menace into the ring I was blown away by this addition. We are talking the tripods people! Yes those annoying war machines from H.G. Wells imagination. Here they are in all their three legged glory to conquer the world, and kick a little giant monster butt! There is little about these up at the web site but I am waiting with baited breath!

This is probably my favorite faction. Of course it stems from my youth and watching way to much Ultraman and Specter man. Wait you don't get it Well see I liked the cool monsters more then the men in rubber suits. Don't get me wrong but they were simple while the monsters were covered in spikes and fins and flashy thingies. How could you not like them more!? Well here they are and I am looking forward to playing them! I would try and remember the stuff they do but all I can say is...THEY LOOK COOL! So doe their support troops which look like different bugs.

Well speaking of guys in suits, here they are. These are the classic giant space men fighting the monsters, with a "twist". As their name implies, something is not quite right and there may be some "strong arming" going on behind the scenes. I love it! I mean why wouldn't aliens who stand 50 stories tall look down on us and say "Hey you want protection? Whada ya got?". I would hate to see the territory war if the mob found out...or maybe they would just steal some G.U.A.R.D. stuff and make a go of it? Oh their support troops are a mix of vehicles and smaller guys which is pretty cool and adds to the "gang" feel.

Hailing from South America here comes the classic giant monster. A huge lizard that has to belch fire, they haven't said so directly on the site but come has to! The faction's support troops are various age groups of the adult creature and boy are they cute! Not like I would want to take care of one but still I can see myself petting a belly or two.
Well now you know the players so here is the game. In a nutshell you are fighting over land (ok not a big surprise what war hasn't) on this land are points of power that you need to take. There are also points that if destroyed hinder you opponent. By holding the good points and destroying the bad ones you can unleash you forces to their full potential and annihilate your opponent. But just think about doing so by saying "My Planet Eater picks up your G.U.A.R.D. and throws him into the building", that is so awesome!
If you want a better idea and pictures of actual mini's go to the website...
and visit their blog for some cool insights into their thought processes at...
All I know is that when it comes out I will be getting some. I know Val is as well so if nothing else we will be playing.
Whelp till next time I am out. Have some laundry to do as well as typing a few more episodes of "The New Adventures of Matt-Man!", oh and miniatures to paint. Whoops almost forgot that campaign I have to polish up and get ready as well as several game ideas to get down on paper and start developing. Man I am a busy guy, can I get paid for it some day? Please?
May the Force be with you
Images provided by Privateer Press are © 2001 – 2008 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All images property of Privateer Press are used with permission. Privateer Press, Monsterpocalypse, G.U.A.R.D., Martian Menace, Terrasaurs, Planet Eaters, Shadow Sun Syndicate, Lords of Cthul and their associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Wow never had to put one of these up before, feels kinda like cool.
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