I know I haven't posted in awhile. My last few were dark, I was in a dark place at that time. I had to take some time, decide to get my ass up and turn on the light. Then things got hectic with a good friend getting married, which was awesome! Looking for work and finding time (funny how even when unemployed it is a rare commodity) to get stuff done. Worked with my Dad for awhile which was a learning experience, we both have changed a lot and it was good to really realize it. All in all it has been........a royal pain in my backside.
Yes good has come of it but laying in bed at night for hours on end has not been fun. You know when you lay there and for all your effort you mind just goes over and over a fact that is obvious. Yup night after night with the "You ain't got a job" or "How can you be a man if you ain't payin your way", you know all that self deprecating crap. Well after a long (and I do mean long) wait finally things are changing.
I am standing a little taller now. No not because I have a job (although I do have news on that subject) but because I have a right to. I am a man, no things are not going good right now and I have had to get help but who hasn't!? The fact that I have friends and family that are willing to help is a testament to me being a man. No I don't want to live off their generosity but until I get a break I will.
Well on that note, I have gotten said break. About 2 and a half weeks ago a neighbor whom apparently knows me stopped me as I was leaving. She asked how it was going at the post office and I informed her I was no longer there. She had been with the post office as well but also had left. Now she worked at American ShoolBus Company and asked if I was interested in driving a bus. I said yes. Then she said she would get me her card and I should come in to her office.
Then she disappeared. I mean it, I saw no sign of her. Now of course that little voice had its opinion on the subject, I kicked it in the nads, shoved it in its closet and promptly ignored it. With patience I waited and vowed that if I saw her I would approach her again and broach the subject.
Well last Sunday as I left to meet my dad for breakfast there it was. Her card stuck in my cars window. I was elated, giddy and also petrified. I mean I have not worked in over a year and while I have hated a good part of it, I also have liked the freedom that came with it. Well instead of swallowing that feeling I am holding on to it so as to keep reminding myself that this is not my career but only a stepping stone to my ultimate goal.
MY STORE!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes it is going to happen and now I will have some funds to begin working towards it. Cause incorporation papers, business licensees and a host of other things cost money.
So I have been busy reading my little book and prepping for Thursday and the practice test.
I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to being gainfully employed and I am looking forward to having a little more hope to work with. Not to mention having some money to do certain things with. Scraping by has been no fun.
So that is what is up with me. Oh and I have to post this little guy cause he always makes me laugh and has gotten me through some heavy nights.

I hope you like him too....if it is a him it could be a her. Or maybe it is asexual which would explain a lot. I mean really where is the fun in that?
May the Force be with you
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