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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Captain Oblivious Strikes!

Hail and well met

Well for those of you who don't know I have a nemesis. His name is Captain Oblivious and he is the master of making things slip right past me unnoticed. Today is a perfect example of one such situation.

I awoke in extreme back pain due to the stress of my illness. Not a big problem, I am growing accustom to the pain. As there was no way that I was going back to sleep given that I had slept almost 7 hours and the pain I was in, I decided to jump on the internet. To my surprise I had received an email from a close associate and friend. He had bumped into my blog while surfing and was writing me to tell me that. He asked me to add his blog to my list of blogs that I look at as he had added mine.

Now this is where I had to scream at the Dread Captain Oblivious. I have been in contact with Ben Rogers for close to a year now and have even visited his house for a weekend. We are working on some things involving the gaming industry and I have high hopes for the outcome of these endeavors. Yet as I read the email I realized that I had never mentioned my blog to him. I know of his blog and have been checking it from time to time, but never once did it dawn on my thick, sloped forehead to tell him of my blog.

For those of you who have been with me for some time do not worry. This is not going to spiral into one of those old self destructive rants against myself. I am not depressed or despairing over this, just pissed that Captain Oblivious had gotten away with this for so long. Well it has been rectified and I am happy to give a shout out to Ben.

I am sorry for not telling you sooner. It just never dawned on me to do so. I am glad that you found it, although I would love to know what path brought you to find it. I always find those stories interesting as they are usually an interesting tale.

Well I am getting better (or at least that is what I keep saying against all facts) and hope to be back on my feet soon.

For all those that are in the area we are doing another Sunday Movie Day at the loft to start whenever a majority shows up and lasting until we all go home. We have a library of films that we have brought, but feel free to bring one or two of your own to add. Just be ready to either leave them or bring them back next time (hopefully this becomes a weekly thing).

To Ben I bid a Laurel and Hardy WELCOME! (points to anyone that can tell me what movie that refers to)

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't knock yourself out. Hey, when are you coming back down to visit? and, failing that, when can I come up to one of these notorious movie nights? :)