Hail and well met
Yup got the van back today after running it out to my "guy" this morning and it is great. That noise in the rear is gone (wish the same could be said for my rear end). One of the serpentine belts needed to be replaced and he did an oil change. It drives better, handles better and sounds like nothing at all. I am going to see if my mileage goes up at all, hope so given the damn price of gas.
Well I am back from the greatest weekend ever. Spent more time with a certain someone that is the most amazing and phenomenal person in the universe (now some of you will say that I am being fickle since I have use these words for other people, but since I am using both for one it sets her apart from those who only have had one word used in conjunction with their name). I met her friends at their baby's dedication, they all liked me. I met her parents at the wedding of her nephew in law, they liked me. All in all everyone one that has met me has like me. I am so relieved! You probably have had that feeling of trepidation when meeting someone's Parents, but for most of you that was when you were in your teens. I had to go and wait for me to be in my 30's for the first time...GAH the nerves. Oh well I stressed out for nothing, but I figure it is a normal response and not much I could have done to stop it.
Her parents are awesome. Her father is a character. He worked for the FDA for 34 years and he was impressed with my efforts to become employed with the Post Office. He had quite a number of stories he could have told but time would not allow. Her mother is sort of quite but not in a creepy or snooty kind of way. She reminds me of me in some ways. I had a great time and I look forward to seeing them again soon.
Oh and I danced for one of the first times in my life. I mean really danced with a partner and everything. I did the Electric slide and only caused a few pile ups and then shook my booty to "Staying Alive".
Well this week will be interesting with the release of the new Superman movie and the return of Star Wars on Friday. I hope that every one is having a good time. Just a few shout outs to make.
Hey Mike I am sorry to have missed getting together with you when Terri was down. She is heading this way on the 8th so that gives us some time to plan better. Call or write or just throw a rock at my window. I will do the same in the next few days.
Mikey I really want to finish that damn game! Not to mention starting the new one. We have to work out a time to get together. You know my email and I will try and call you. Hope school and work are going well. How is buddy?
James got the watch. Thanks.
Ok that is all that I have for right now. Some things are brewing but not quite right just yet.
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Matt-Man VS the Long Wait
Hail and well met
Well it is official that I am now waiting for a letter telling me when I can show up for orientation. Which I suspect means that I have the job but just "not right now". The people there mentioned that it was probably going to be around July the 10th...Great at this rate I will have to pass on Gencon. OH HELL NO!!!!!!
Nope that is the one thing that I will not pass up. I go there not only for the fun butit is a possibility to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry. I do know people and this is the one chance I have to catch up. No sir'ee I am not giving up Gencon.
Oh the second thing is that according to the people in personal they only need people for "Third Tour". Which is 11:30 pm til 7:30 am or more commonly known as "Third shift" or midnights. It was kind of funny cause they asked me if I that was a problem. My responce was simple..."Do I get paid if I work those hours? Cause unless I don't it is fine, the bills don't care when I work they just want the money." It made the ladies laugh. Anyway I guess that I am working there at the Bedford Park facility cause that is the way they made it sound. That is a bit of a puzzlement as I have only taken the test for either Indiana or Frankfort and neither had anything to do with Bedford Park. It is important to know that the Bedford Park Facility is the distribution and sorting center for the area. Everyones mail is sent their and sorted down to smaller sections and then shipped off to the local offices for individual delivery. The facility is huge and it uses huge machines that sort the mail. It should be interesting if that is what I am doing. Either way it is a paycheck and it gets me in the door. From their I can do whatever comes to mind.
I have been laxs on my drawing as of late, but that will change. I have also been out of the painting habit which is starting to wear on my nerves. Of course there is the workout thing that has been difficult as of late. I have to knuckle under and get this stuff done and organized. I can do it I just have to work at it.
Ok another reminder that Terri can get tickets for the Ren Fair for July 16th, a Sunday. I am going as is she and we are asking anyone that wants to come to let me know so I can get the money to her and so on. It should be an awesome time for one and all. Please come if possible. There will be a BBQ following so fun will be had by all, plus you all get to spend some more time with the worlds most amazing person.
Ok well I am done for now. I will post more when possible...extra curicular activities take so much time :)
May the Force be with you
Well it is official that I am now waiting for a letter telling me when I can show up for orientation. Which I suspect means that I have the job but just "not right now". The people there mentioned that it was probably going to be around July the 10th...Great at this rate I will have to pass on Gencon. OH HELL NO!!!!!!
Nope that is the one thing that I will not pass up. I go there not only for the fun butit is a possibility to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry. I do know people and this is the one chance I have to catch up. No sir'ee I am not giving up Gencon.
Oh the second thing is that according to the people in personal they only need people for "Third Tour". Which is 11:30 pm til 7:30 am or more commonly known as "Third shift" or midnights. It was kind of funny cause they asked me if I that was a problem. My responce was simple..."Do I get paid if I work those hours? Cause unless I don't it is fine, the bills don't care when I work they just want the money." It made the ladies laugh. Anyway I guess that I am working there at the Bedford Park facility cause that is the way they made it sound. That is a bit of a puzzlement as I have only taken the test for either Indiana or Frankfort and neither had anything to do with Bedford Park. It is important to know that the Bedford Park Facility is the distribution and sorting center for the area. Everyones mail is sent their and sorted down to smaller sections and then shipped off to the local offices for individual delivery. The facility is huge and it uses huge machines that sort the mail. It should be interesting if that is what I am doing. Either way it is a paycheck and it gets me in the door. From their I can do whatever comes to mind.
I have been laxs on my drawing as of late, but that will change. I have also been out of the painting habit which is starting to wear on my nerves. Of course there is the workout thing that has been difficult as of late. I have to knuckle under and get this stuff done and organized. I can do it I just have to work at it.
Ok another reminder that Terri can get tickets for the Ren Fair for July 16th, a Sunday. I am going as is she and we are asking anyone that wants to come to let me know so I can get the money to her and so on. It should be an awesome time for one and all. Please come if possible. There will be a BBQ following so fun will be had by all, plus you all get to spend some more time with the worlds most amazing person.
Ok well I am done for now. I will post more when possible...extra curicular activities take so much time :)
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Matt-Man get Giddy
Hail and well met
Well I must say that I should be asleep right now, but that ain't happening. Now six months ago I would have been sweating the interview that I am having tomorrow at the Post Office. You know the usual rant from me (which I will not go into if you want to know just go back and read some of my earlier stuff).
No the reason for my insomnia is the fact that in less then 12 hours, if the interview is done, I will be seeing Terri and it will begin a long weekend with her up at her place. Now interwoven with our time together is a christening, a band gig at a bar and a wedding reception (where I get to meet her parents...What me worry). I will be heading home on Monday morning with her as she heads off to work.
All in all this weekend is going to be amazing!
OH I almost forgot. On July the 16th, a Sunday, Terri, myself and some of her friends are going to the Bristol Renaissance Fair. She is able to get cheap tickets thru the Jaycees. There was also mention of a BBQ afterward at her house, but that is still up in the air. She and I would love for any and all of you to come along. Costumes are optional but I am going in Kilt and she in her "Beer Wench" costume. It should be a HI-LAR-IOUS occasion. Anyone interested needs to let me know ASAP. The tickets are 15 dollars and I can probably float one or two people. She needs to know by July 1st so get back to me. I intend to keep bothering people so one way or another you will hear about it.
Ok well I now I am hungry as my stomach is growling loudly. I will see all soon and I will post the results of my interview tomorrow night from Terri's computer.
I hope that all is going well for everyone, and if not then why haven't I heard about it?
May the Force be with you
Well I must say that I should be asleep right now, but that ain't happening. Now six months ago I would have been sweating the interview that I am having tomorrow at the Post Office. You know the usual rant from me (which I will not go into if you want to know just go back and read some of my earlier stuff).
No the reason for my insomnia is the fact that in less then 12 hours, if the interview is done, I will be seeing Terri and it will begin a long weekend with her up at her place. Now interwoven with our time together is a christening, a band gig at a bar and a wedding reception (where I get to meet her parents...What me worry). I will be heading home on Monday morning with her as she heads off to work.
All in all this weekend is going to be amazing!
OH I almost forgot. On July the 16th, a Sunday, Terri, myself and some of her friends are going to the Bristol Renaissance Fair. She is able to get cheap tickets thru the Jaycees. There was also mention of a BBQ afterward at her house, but that is still up in the air. She and I would love for any and all of you to come along. Costumes are optional but I am going in Kilt and she in her "Beer Wench" costume. It should be a HI-LAR-IOUS occasion. Anyone interested needs to let me know ASAP. The tickets are 15 dollars and I can probably float one or two people. She needs to know by July 1st so get back to me. I intend to keep bothering people so one way or another you will hear about it.
Ok well I now I am hungry as my stomach is growling loudly. I will see all soon and I will post the results of my interview tomorrow night from Terri's computer.
I hope that all is going well for everyone, and if not then why haven't I heard about it?
May the Force be with you
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Matt-Man IS...
Hail and well met!
…in love.
Oh yes it is true. I am in love. I have found the person that makes me feel complete and whole. Every moment with her is a moment of perfect beauty. Her eyes are spectacular; her smile is the sun on a cloudy day. Her kiss is the warm wind on the grassy field where I lay. She is sexy and luxuriant in a way that I have never known or dreamt of. Being with her is beyond anything I ever thought was possible. I know I am in love and I embrace it without question.
The craziest thing is that she loves me! Yeah I know most of you are like “Duh Matt” but I had never believed that anyone could feel that way about me. I am still in shock over it. Not wanting to be narcissistic about it I don’t dwell on it, but the fact still remains that she finds me handsome and sexy. It makes me giddy inside.
I LOVE YOU TERRI!!!!!!!!!!!!
…without doubt.
This is another milestone for this one I cannot remember a time when I was so sure of myself. My drawing is continuing to progress. The Post Office is but an interview away. Soon my troubles will be over where my bills are concerned. Heck I don’t even worry about making my games reality anymore. I know it will happen. The only thing left is spending the time needed to do it all. And time is on my side.
I want to thank everyone for all the support you have given me over the past years. Without it I would not be here to enjoy the bright future and present that I now stand in and face. I only hope that I have and can return the favor in the years to come. You have all had a profound affect on my life. I thank God for the opportunity to know all of you and become friends with you. I love you guys and there is not much that I wouldn’t do for you all.
And for anyone not getting the reference to “IS”. Well it has to do with a little bottle cap from a Mike’s Hard Lemonade from a couple of New Years Eve’s ago. Thanks Sara for wanting them cause without them I would not know what “IS” is all about.
Well that about concludes my post for now. Oh that job for my friends wife…well let us just say that what I thought would be only a day or two is not possibly gonna be 3 or more. Well after talking to my Dad we are going ahead with the project and he is going to make up the difference if we go over the three days. I mean I have to do the Post Office interview and after that I am going to go and see Terri for the weekend.
Oh the strangeness has continued. My father and I were talking this morning. I mentioned that I wanted to get my income tax check since I need to get the van fixed before I start really working at the post office. I don’t see how it could possibly cost more then 800 bucks…Ok so it could but right now I don’t have the luxury of caring. The 800 from my check should be enough to get the job done and the rest paid in installments. Well anyway the check has not shown up. So Dad drops the idea that he will cover it right now and when I get the check I either just hand it over to him completely or I get the difference back. I was happy and a little shocked. I mean I owe him a TON of money, and although I have made the joke about his ROI (return on investment) being in the crapper and the whole Risk VS Reward thing I do plan on paying him back every damned cent. So to have him be willing to drop even one more dollar on me is a surprise.
So tomorrow I am taking my van over to my mechanics and dropping it off with the express understanding that it has to be done by 4o’clock on Wednesday or no go. But knowing those guys they will be able to pull it off. So then I will be driving one of my Dad’s vans for the time in-between. I don’t plan on missing Vampire tomorrow but it could be difficult depending on if he needs the van back at any time for his job. We will see what happens.
Any way I am getting paid for the job and so all is good. I will see all this week on Wednesday since I am gone Thursday through Monday with the possibility that I start working Monday.
May the Force be with you
…in love.
Oh yes it is true. I am in love. I have found the person that makes me feel complete and whole. Every moment with her is a moment of perfect beauty. Her eyes are spectacular; her smile is the sun on a cloudy day. Her kiss is the warm wind on the grassy field where I lay. She is sexy and luxuriant in a way that I have never known or dreamt of. Being with her is beyond anything I ever thought was possible. I know I am in love and I embrace it without question.
The craziest thing is that she loves me! Yeah I know most of you are like “Duh Matt” but I had never believed that anyone could feel that way about me. I am still in shock over it. Not wanting to be narcissistic about it I don’t dwell on it, but the fact still remains that she finds me handsome and sexy. It makes me giddy inside.
I LOVE YOU TERRI!!!!!!!!!!!!
…without doubt.
This is another milestone for this one I cannot remember a time when I was so sure of myself. My drawing is continuing to progress. The Post Office is but an interview away. Soon my troubles will be over where my bills are concerned. Heck I don’t even worry about making my games reality anymore. I know it will happen. The only thing left is spending the time needed to do it all. And time is on my side.
I want to thank everyone for all the support you have given me over the past years. Without it I would not be here to enjoy the bright future and present that I now stand in and face. I only hope that I have and can return the favor in the years to come. You have all had a profound affect on my life. I thank God for the opportunity to know all of you and become friends with you. I love you guys and there is not much that I wouldn’t do for you all.
And for anyone not getting the reference to “IS”. Well it has to do with a little bottle cap from a Mike’s Hard Lemonade from a couple of New Years Eve’s ago. Thanks Sara for wanting them cause without them I would not know what “IS” is all about.
Well that about concludes my post for now. Oh that job for my friends wife…well let us just say that what I thought would be only a day or two is not possibly gonna be 3 or more. Well after talking to my Dad we are going ahead with the project and he is going to make up the difference if we go over the three days. I mean I have to do the Post Office interview and after that I am going to go and see Terri for the weekend.
Oh the strangeness has continued. My father and I were talking this morning. I mentioned that I wanted to get my income tax check since I need to get the van fixed before I start really working at the post office. I don’t see how it could possibly cost more then 800 bucks…Ok so it could but right now I don’t have the luxury of caring. The 800 from my check should be enough to get the job done and the rest paid in installments. Well anyway the check has not shown up. So Dad drops the idea that he will cover it right now and when I get the check I either just hand it over to him completely or I get the difference back. I was happy and a little shocked. I mean I owe him a TON of money, and although I have made the joke about his ROI (return on investment) being in the crapper and the whole Risk VS Reward thing I do plan on paying him back every damned cent. So to have him be willing to drop even one more dollar on me is a surprise.
So tomorrow I am taking my van over to my mechanics and dropping it off with the express understanding that it has to be done by 4o’clock on Wednesday or no go. But knowing those guys they will be able to pull it off. So then I will be driving one of my Dad’s vans for the time in-between. I don’t plan on missing Vampire tomorrow but it could be difficult depending on if he needs the van back at any time for his job. We will see what happens.
Any way I am getting paid for the job and so all is good. I will see all this week on Wednesday since I am gone Thursday through Monday with the possibility that I start working Monday.
May the Force be with you
Friday, June 16, 2006
Matt-Man and the Appointment with Destiny
Hail and well met
Well things sure sped up. This morning I received a call from the Post Office. Next week Thursday I am scheduled to have a meeting at the Bedford Park Office. I have to have all my paper work filled out and ready to go. I have been told that I am looking at an interview. Now it could be a one-on-one or a group. A group is faster and means that I am at a higher percentage for entry. The one-on-one is my personal fav cause it allows me to let my personality shine and I can schmooze. Now for those that do not know I have the ability to be very schmoozie when I choose, but it is not my best trait nor do I like it. It is just not my style.
Anyway either way I am believing in that by this time next week I will be employed with the US Postal Service. WOOT JOBS RULE!!!!!!!!!!
I apologize to all those that are looking for or are stuck in shitty jobs for doing the blog version of the victory dance. Feel free to leave me a comment saying "FUCK YOU". I wouldn't complain one bit. But please don't think that the Post Office is my dream job or that it is going to be a piece of cake. It will totally rearrange my schedule. My average wake up time will be at least an hour before I have to work since I will be out of the Frankfort office. That means early nights and could infringe on my gaming time. I will do my best to maintain but the chance of any new campaigns is pretty much out.
Plus this will allow me to have money to spend on trips to see my number one lady. And believe me I plan on visiting her often... >;) I am so naughty!!!!!
Ok that is only a small part of this strangeness. I get a call from an old friend who is the wife of an other old friend. She needs some help with her Mom's trailer. After talking to my Dad and getting some advice it looks like I will be doing some slight work early next week for them.
My internet service apparently misplaced one of my payments that they said they didn't receive cause I don't owe them anything until next month. AMAZING!!!!
All I need now is to wake up having lost another 75 pounds and have all my skin shrink. Or an old relative could decide to give me a shit load of money. Maybe I could discover that I am old royalty and there is a country with my name on it. I don't care but it seems that things are finally going my way. All since I met Terri..?
Yes finding the other half of your soul is a interesting thing. It makes so many thing clear and in focus. Things that meant nothing before now are precious and things that you could not live without are left behind. No no I don't mean friends! In fact she is strongly against me just picking up and moving out there cause it would take me away from all of you and my roots here.
I argue that I may need to just pick up and move, but she has her points and I have already decided to pick my battles (especially when she is right on this one). Just kidding Terri:) Since I know you read this. I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!
Ok so that is where things are right now. I am getting ready to go work out in Lansing and then Star Wars at the loft. It should be amazing...Although we will be minus one member...DAMN CAMPING!!! I shouldn't complain cause I have to cancel next week...due...to...um...WEEDLE!!!
So yeah that is the state of things. Matt-Man is feeling real good. He is pushing forward on several fronts. He is now part of a team that is unbeatable. (I mean you Terri. I LOVE YOU!)
All in all not one bad thing to report. And this trend seems to be expanding. Believe me I plan on sharing the positive energy while I have it.
May the Force be with you
Well things sure sped up. This morning I received a call from the Post Office. Next week Thursday I am scheduled to have a meeting at the Bedford Park Office. I have to have all my paper work filled out and ready to go. I have been told that I am looking at an interview. Now it could be a one-on-one or a group. A group is faster and means that I am at a higher percentage for entry. The one-on-one is my personal fav cause it allows me to let my personality shine and I can schmooze. Now for those that do not know I have the ability to be very schmoozie when I choose, but it is not my best trait nor do I like it. It is just not my style.
Anyway either way I am believing in that by this time next week I will be employed with the US Postal Service. WOOT JOBS RULE!!!!!!!!!!
I apologize to all those that are looking for or are stuck in shitty jobs for doing the blog version of the victory dance. Feel free to leave me a comment saying "FUCK YOU". I wouldn't complain one bit. But please don't think that the Post Office is my dream job or that it is going to be a piece of cake. It will totally rearrange my schedule. My average wake up time will be at least an hour before I have to work since I will be out of the Frankfort office. That means early nights and could infringe on my gaming time. I will do my best to maintain but the chance of any new campaigns is pretty much out.
Plus this will allow me to have money to spend on trips to see my number one lady. And believe me I plan on visiting her often... >;) I am so naughty!!!!!
Ok that is only a small part of this strangeness. I get a call from an old friend who is the wife of an other old friend. She needs some help with her Mom's trailer. After talking to my Dad and getting some advice it looks like I will be doing some slight work early next week for them.
My internet service apparently misplaced one of my payments that they said they didn't receive cause I don't owe them anything until next month. AMAZING!!!!
All I need now is to wake up having lost another 75 pounds and have all my skin shrink. Or an old relative could decide to give me a shit load of money. Maybe I could discover that I am old royalty and there is a country with my name on it. I don't care but it seems that things are finally going my way. All since I met Terri..?
Yes finding the other half of your soul is a interesting thing. It makes so many thing clear and in focus. Things that meant nothing before now are precious and things that you could not live without are left behind. No no I don't mean friends! In fact she is strongly against me just picking up and moving out there cause it would take me away from all of you and my roots here.
I argue that I may need to just pick up and move, but she has her points and I have already decided to pick my battles (especially when she is right on this one). Just kidding Terri:) Since I know you read this. I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!
Ok so that is where things are right now. I am getting ready to go work out in Lansing and then Star Wars at the loft. It should be amazing...Although we will be minus one member...DAMN CAMPING!!! I shouldn't complain cause I have to cancel next week...due...to...um...WEEDLE!!!
So yeah that is the state of things. Matt-Man is feeling real good. He is pushing forward on several fronts. He is now part of a team that is unbeatable. (I mean you Terri. I LOVE YOU!)
All in all not one bad thing to report. And this trend seems to be expanding. Believe me I plan on sharing the positive energy while I have it.
May the Force be with you
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Matt-Man takes a Whiz
Hail and well met
Have to make this one a real short one.
That call from the Bedford Park Post Office was not about working their but for me to come in and fill out paper work and take a drug test. They called again yesterday and today I went up. Have a boat load of papers to fill out and have to provide an extensive work history (God why didn't I pay attention to dates).
The real fun was going to a near by clinic and waiting to go pee. Yup took a drug test today. It was a surprize cause I don't use drugs. Yeah like I didn't know that. Oh well now they do and things will progress from here. I am pretty sure that this is about the test I took for the Frankfort Post Office, cause all the tax info is for Illinois and not Indiana. Which is a load off my mind cause I didn't want to pay double taxes next year.
When I got the call originally I thought ok so the next step. Then I talked to my buddy Jim and he informed me that if I am taking the drug test then it is pretty much a done deal. So now I am just slightly nervous. I don't know why but it doesn't matter. As Terri my beautiful lady said it "things are falling into place". How right she is. I LOVE YOU TERRI!!!!!!!
Ok so again let me remind all that Terri is coming down saturday. I plan on having her meet as many people as I can while also spending some quality time with her. Mike I got your message and we can work out a time and place. Everyone else I will try and catch at GO Games. Chris I plan on visiting you at work, I will try and call you sometime this week to hammer out when would be good. I miss seeing you buddy.
Yup that about covers it right now. I have to get cracking on this paper work. I will talk to all as time permits.
May the Force be with you all
Have to make this one a real short one.
That call from the Bedford Park Post Office was not about working their but for me to come in and fill out paper work and take a drug test. They called again yesterday and today I went up. Have a boat load of papers to fill out and have to provide an extensive work history (God why didn't I pay attention to dates).
The real fun was going to a near by clinic and waiting to go pee. Yup took a drug test today. It was a surprize cause I don't use drugs. Yeah like I didn't know that. Oh well now they do and things will progress from here. I am pretty sure that this is about the test I took for the Frankfort Post Office, cause all the tax info is for Illinois and not Indiana. Which is a load off my mind cause I didn't want to pay double taxes next year.
When I got the call originally I thought ok so the next step. Then I talked to my buddy Jim and he informed me that if I am taking the drug test then it is pretty much a done deal. So now I am just slightly nervous. I don't know why but it doesn't matter. As Terri my beautiful lady said it "things are falling into place". How right she is. I LOVE YOU TERRI!!!!!!!
Ok so again let me remind all that Terri is coming down saturday. I plan on having her meet as many people as I can while also spending some quality time with her. Mike I got your message and we can work out a time and place. Everyone else I will try and catch at GO Games. Chris I plan on visiting you at work, I will try and call you sometime this week to hammer out when would be good. I miss seeing you buddy.
Yup that about covers it right now. I have to get cracking on this paper work. I will talk to all as time permits.
May the Force be with you all
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Matt-Man Vs Uncertainty
Hail and well met
Well here I sit. I have to say that all in all my life is going well. I am with the most wonderful woman that the creator in his/her wisdom has put on this world. My health is better then usual (although I am fighting something off right now). My car is paid for and nothing is drastically wrong with it. In fact the only real thorn in my side right now is my employment status.
That is just the tip of that ice berg. I know that I have to work so I can get paid, but I don't want to be a drone in someone elses hive. I have my own big ideas and I know that they will produce income. It is just a matter of time and diligence. So in the mean time while those projects are fermenting I have to find work.
I know that I can do what I dream of. I know that it is possible to change reality. I know the three rules of Matt-Man. So why do I find myself hesitating? Why do I falter when I am about to leap from the ledge?
I can only come up with two possible answers. One is that I never really believed in all the crap that I have been spouting all these years. The second is that even with all my belief there is still fear in the doing of it. I have to be honest, I don't like pain, rejection and failing. In fact I have spent most of my life avoiding these things and the risks that can bring them.
Now when I am ready to leap to my heights I find that I am afraid and hesitant. Both are things that will ensure failure, so why do I do them? Bah it does not matter! Thinking about it only makes it worse. I have to act and act in a way that is productive.
Yeah that is it. I can, I will, I am! That's the spirit.
So that trip to the country club was just this side of a bust. Put in an application but there is no guarantee that I will get a call back. Oh well their loss. But it would have been nice to have work.
Got a laugh though. While I was out there my Mom calls and informs me that the Bedford Park Post Office called. The wanted to know if I coudl come out and fill out paper work for them to work there. First of all it was 3:20 and they wanted me there by 3:30. Now even if I was home there is no way to make it from my home to Bedford Park in 10 minutes. Second thing is that I have heard of Bedford Park and the words "shooting", "gang violence" or "violence" seem to accompany it. Now I know I cannot be picky but ain't no way I am putting my health and life on the line for this PART TIME job.
The good news is that it means that my scores are floating around so sooner or later someone will notice me and it won't be a war zone.
Ok well I have exhausted my available words. I am getting ready to go see Terri play soft ball. I really love her and not being able to see her sucks! Nicky find out how far dude is from Lake Villa cause I know what it feels like so I am willing to work something out.
Oh and for anyone that I haven't told. Terri is coming down on the 17th for the day. I want her to meet everyone and see everything, so I have some planning to do. Most of all I just want to spend the day with her hanging around. Should be a good day for all.
OH that really brings up a quandry. Val has reminded me that we were supposed to go camping at Lothlorien over the weekend of the 24th. Of course that is a weekend that Terri and I can get together to do stuff. Now I have to choose. Sorry Val but my Lady wins out. I want to go camping real bad but not at the expense of see her.
Man I can just type like a fool when I let go. Ah well it is all stuff in my head anyway so better out then in I always say.
May the Force be with you
Well here I sit. I have to say that all in all my life is going well. I am with the most wonderful woman that the creator in his/her wisdom has put on this world. My health is better then usual (although I am fighting something off right now). My car is paid for and nothing is drastically wrong with it. In fact the only real thorn in my side right now is my employment status.
That is just the tip of that ice berg. I know that I have to work so I can get paid, but I don't want to be a drone in someone elses hive. I have my own big ideas and I know that they will produce income. It is just a matter of time and diligence. So in the mean time while those projects are fermenting I have to find work.
I know that I can do what I dream of. I know that it is possible to change reality. I know the three rules of Matt-Man. So why do I find myself hesitating? Why do I falter when I am about to leap from the ledge?
I can only come up with two possible answers. One is that I never really believed in all the crap that I have been spouting all these years. The second is that even with all my belief there is still fear in the doing of it. I have to be honest, I don't like pain, rejection and failing. In fact I have spent most of my life avoiding these things and the risks that can bring them.
Now when I am ready to leap to my heights I find that I am afraid and hesitant. Both are things that will ensure failure, so why do I do them? Bah it does not matter! Thinking about it only makes it worse. I have to act and act in a way that is productive.
Yeah that is it. I can, I will, I am! That's the spirit.
So that trip to the country club was just this side of a bust. Put in an application but there is no guarantee that I will get a call back. Oh well their loss. But it would have been nice to have work.
Got a laugh though. While I was out there my Mom calls and informs me that the Bedford Park Post Office called. The wanted to know if I coudl come out and fill out paper work for them to work there. First of all it was 3:20 and they wanted me there by 3:30. Now even if I was home there is no way to make it from my home to Bedford Park in 10 minutes. Second thing is that I have heard of Bedford Park and the words "shooting", "gang violence" or "violence" seem to accompany it. Now I know I cannot be picky but ain't no way I am putting my health and life on the line for this PART TIME job.
The good news is that it means that my scores are floating around so sooner or later someone will notice me and it won't be a war zone.
Ok well I have exhausted my available words. I am getting ready to go see Terri play soft ball. I really love her and not being able to see her sucks! Nicky find out how far dude is from Lake Villa cause I know what it feels like so I am willing to work something out.
Oh and for anyone that I haven't told. Terri is coming down on the 17th for the day. I want her to meet everyone and see everything, so I have some planning to do. Most of all I just want to spend the day with her hanging around. Should be a good day for all.
OH that really brings up a quandry. Val has reminded me that we were supposed to go camping at Lothlorien over the weekend of the 24th. Of course that is a weekend that Terri and I can get together to do stuff. Now I have to choose. Sorry Val but my Lady wins out. I want to go camping real bad but not at the expense of see her.
Man I can just type like a fool when I let go. Ah well it is all stuff in my head anyway so better out then in I always say.
May the Force be with you
Monday, June 05, 2006
Matt-Man in a Nutshell
Hey I'm in a nutshell! Let me out of here I can't breathe! Help!
Oh hail and well met
Well this one needs to be quick and dirty (I like it dirty;)
Tonight was Vampire. I loved it. Didn't feel like I played the character well but I can work on that. The story is interesting so I know playing will get easier.
Tadd stopped by and that was amazing. He finally dumped the psycho chick he was living with. Not going into details but trust me, I am calling her a psycho chick which is something I don't usually do. Anyway he wanted to hang out and basically try and forget her cause he was in love with her. I can understand that problem cause I know that if I lost my Lady I would have to work at living.
Which brings me to a little thing I have to say. Some will say it is not a big deal, but I don't like breaking a promise and when I do I make everyone know about it.
I am so sorry for forgetting to call you Terri. I truly am sorry. I feel like shit right now. I should have borrowed someone's phone for even a few minutes. I am sorry.
Tomorrow Miles, Neal, Nicky and myself are heading to the Merriville Country Club for a meeting with Miles's cousin and the General Manager of the Club. If all goes well we will all walk out as employees of the Club. No I am not giving up on the Post Office but I after 9 weeks I cannot afford to wait for a paycheck. GODDAMNIT! People I have bills to pay a car to fix and the worlds hottest lady to see (no she is not expensive but getting to her is and I plan on seeing a lot of her).
If the Post Office decides to get off its bureaucratic bloated ass and get me my test scores I will consider working for them. Until then they can suck on stamps.
Ok well I am off to bed so that I can get up early and call my Lady and beg for her forgiveness.
May the Force be with you
Oh hail and well met
Well this one needs to be quick and dirty (I like it dirty;)
Tonight was Vampire. I loved it. Didn't feel like I played the character well but I can work on that. The story is interesting so I know playing will get easier.
Tadd stopped by and that was amazing. He finally dumped the psycho chick he was living with. Not going into details but trust me, I am calling her a psycho chick which is something I don't usually do. Anyway he wanted to hang out and basically try and forget her cause he was in love with her. I can understand that problem cause I know that if I lost my Lady I would have to work at living.
Which brings me to a little thing I have to say. Some will say it is not a big deal, but I don't like breaking a promise and when I do I make everyone know about it.
I am so sorry for forgetting to call you Terri. I truly am sorry. I feel like shit right now. I should have borrowed someone's phone for even a few minutes. I am sorry.
Tomorrow Miles, Neal, Nicky and myself are heading to the Merriville Country Club for a meeting with Miles's cousin and the General Manager of the Club. If all goes well we will all walk out as employees of the Club. No I am not giving up on the Post Office but I after 9 weeks I cannot afford to wait for a paycheck. GODDAMNIT! People I have bills to pay a car to fix and the worlds hottest lady to see (no she is not expensive but getting to her is and I plan on seeing a lot of her).
If the Post Office decides to get off its bureaucratic bloated ass and get me my test scores I will consider working for them. Until then they can suck on stamps.
Ok well I am off to bed so that I can get up early and call my Lady and beg for her forgiveness.
May the Force be with you
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Matt-Man on the move
Hail and well met
I have been riding a whirlwind as of late so if I have not spoken to you don't let it get to you. As I have said in the last post I have found the other half of my soul and it has bowled me over.
Speaking of that I am getting ready to leave right now to go see my Lady play some softball. I bet she looks sexy in her uniform! Sorry to share that but what can I say I am spellbound by her beauty.
I have been doing some sketching and drawing over the last several days. My skills have begun to reform after many years of ill use. I am hopeful that if this continues I may be able to fill the gap in our little group as far as someone to do the web comic. I haven't started using any computer programs to make my are yet that is the next step.
All in all I am happier then I have ever been. Thanks to everyone for your congradulations and support. I wouldn't have made it here without all of you.
May the Force be with you
I have been riding a whirlwind as of late so if I have not spoken to you don't let it get to you. As I have said in the last post I have found the other half of my soul and it has bowled me over.
Speaking of that I am getting ready to leave right now to go see my Lady play some softball. I bet she looks sexy in her uniform! Sorry to share that but what can I say I am spellbound by her beauty.
I have been doing some sketching and drawing over the last several days. My skills have begun to reform after many years of ill use. I am hopeful that if this continues I may be able to fill the gap in our little group as far as someone to do the web comic. I haven't started using any computer programs to make my are yet that is the next step.
All in all I am happier then I have ever been. Thanks to everyone for your congradulations and support. I wouldn't have made it here without all of you.
May the Force be with you
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