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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Matt-Man takes a Whiz

Hail and well met

Have to make this one a real short one.

That call from the Bedford Park Post Office was not about working their but for me to come in and fill out paper work and take a drug test. They called again yesterday and today I went up. Have a boat load of papers to fill out and have to provide an extensive work history (God why didn't I pay attention to dates).

The real fun was going to a near by clinic and waiting to go pee. Yup took a drug test today. It was a surprize cause I don't use drugs. Yeah like I didn't know that. Oh well now they do and things will progress from here. I am pretty sure that this is about the test I took for the Frankfort Post Office, cause all the tax info is for Illinois and not Indiana. Which is a load off my mind cause I didn't want to pay double taxes next year.

When I got the call originally I thought ok so the next step. Then I talked to my buddy Jim and he informed me that if I am taking the drug test then it is pretty much a done deal. So now I am just slightly nervous. I don't know why but it doesn't matter. As Terri my beautiful lady said it "things are falling into place". How right she is. I LOVE YOU TERRI!!!!!!!

Ok so again let me remind all that Terri is coming down saturday. I plan on having her meet as many people as I can while also spending some quality time with her. Mike I got your message and we can work out a time and place. Everyone else I will try and catch at GO Games. Chris I plan on visiting you at work, I will try and call you sometime this week to hammer out when would be good. I miss seeing you buddy.

Yup that about covers it right now. I have to get cracking on this paper work. I will talk to all as time permits.

May the Force be with you all


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