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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Matt-Mobile gets an Overhaul

Hail and well met

Yup got the van back today after running it out to my "guy" this morning and it is great. That noise in the rear is gone (wish the same could be said for my rear end). One of the serpentine belts needed to be replaced and he did an oil change. It drives better, handles better and sounds like nothing at all. I am going to see if my mileage goes up at all, hope so given the damn price of gas.

Well I am back from the greatest weekend ever. Spent more time with a certain someone that is the most amazing and phenomenal person in the universe (now some of you will say that I am being fickle since I have use these words for other people, but since I am using both for one it sets her apart from those who only have had one word used in conjunction with their name). I met her friends at their baby's dedication, they all liked me. I met her parents at the wedding of her nephew in law, they liked me. All in all everyone one that has met me has like me. I am so relieved! You probably have had that feeling of trepidation when meeting someone's Parents, but for most of you that was when you were in your teens. I had to go and wait for me to be in my 30's for the first time...GAH the nerves. Oh well I stressed out for nothing, but I figure it is a normal response and not much I could have done to stop it.

Her parents are awesome. Her father is a character. He worked for the FDA for 34 years and he was impressed with my efforts to become employed with the Post Office. He had quite a number of stories he could have told but time would not allow. Her mother is sort of quite but not in a creepy or snooty kind of way. She reminds me of me in some ways. I had a great time and I look forward to seeing them again soon.

Oh and I danced for one of the first times in my life. I mean really danced with a partner and everything. I did the Electric slide and only caused a few pile ups and then shook my booty to "Staying Alive".

Well this week will be interesting with the release of the new Superman movie and the return of Star Wars on Friday. I hope that every one is having a good time. Just a few shout outs to make.

Hey Mike I am sorry to have missed getting together with you when Terri was down. She is heading this way on the 8th so that gives us some time to plan better. Call or write or just throw a rock at my window. I will do the same in the next few days.

Mikey I really want to finish that damn game! Not to mention starting the new one. We have to work out a time to get together. You know my email and I will try and call you. Hope school and work are going well. How is buddy?

James got the watch. Thanks.

Ok that is all that I have for right now. Some things are brewing but not quite right just yet.

May the Force be with you


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