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Monday, June 30, 2008

Matt-man Speaks Candidly

Hail and well met

This message goes out to the 37 inch gamers. I know that I had planned a campaign, which has failed to appear. Well there is a reason, honestly I am sick of fantasy. Yup I have gone and said it. I am really sick and tired of fantasy all together. Some of it may come from 4th just coming out but this has been building for some time. I have a great story and a world all planned out, heck I have 3 continents planned out for crying out loud. It came to a head this weekend when I was planning on trying to have a meeting on the game and when push came to shove I just wanted to throw out all of my books.

Oh and on a side note, if we have given up looking at the message board could someone please take it down or put up a message saying it is pointless to post there. It was working so well then it just putted out. I had put up a message about the meeting and no one knew about it at all.

Ok so with all of that behind me I had to make a decision about the whole role playing thing. I could just give up and not even try to run anything or I could figure out what the heck did pique my interest and run it. Well I have a couple of ideas and I hope for the love of the Creator that some of you still stop by and read this so you can comment. Here are the ideas I came up with.

1. A super hero game run with Silver Age Sentinels D20 (Ok I heard that collective sigh of "not again")

2. A off the wall modern game set in the World of Darkness (no not vampire or any other book but right out of the basic WOD book, oh and for this game none of the others exist either) Think a crazy combo of Ghostbusters, MIB and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. This one is the least completed in my mind but shouldn't be hard to come up with some...wait I had a brain storm and have an idea.

3. A really strange game of All Flesh...where you are the zombies! Yeah a crazy idea I have had ever since I played Stubbs the Zombie. I am not sure on the time era but that can be discussed if I go that way. Oh important point on this one it is not super serious but tongue in cheek and funny, yes you are eating the living but it is going to be funny...I don't know how just yet but it will be I promise.

There they are. Let me know if you think any of them sound better then any others. I am kind of looking at the super hero one only because I haven't yet run a successful game yet...well complete is a better word cause you all said they were good.

Anyway I will also make sure to get with everyone personally just in case no one reads this.

For anyone not part of the 37 inch gamers thanks for reading anyway. I will post about 4th edition soon. I really have to formulate my thoughts into a cohesive tapestry of inspired cogitation. Yeah I can use my mouth better then a 20 dollar whore! (um just a clarification that was a joke from "Blazing Saddles")

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Good Sir!
I am terribly sorry about this weekend, I was out in the middle of the woods camping with my family and I locked my phone in the car for the entirety of it. :(

As for what game I would like to play, I shall give you two, in the order I'd like to play them, just in case you need to break a tie or something.

First. WoD -- Could you have guessed?
Second. Supers. -- I would like to flesh Casey out, she had a lot of potential that I would still like to explore. And damnit I drew a picture of her!

Would it be okay if I asked Chris to vote and play as well? Let me know!

All the best, and I shall call you later about hanging out some time and discussing roleplaying, if you want to back out of my little one shot or not.