I spoke of the end result of this Governing by Fear. I mentioned those that have become numb to everything. These people are all around us everyday. We talk to them, we walk with them and we never know that deep inside they are hollow. No hope, no love and most dangerous, no real fear.
They don't care if they live or die. They turn to the bases of powers in an attempt to find a form of happiness, violence.
It is one of the primal forces in life. And nature shows that the simplest things are the strongest.
It is only a matter of time before they start to rise in number. They will grow and left to their own devices will eventually turn against society in general. Oh it sounds fantastic now, but give it 10 or 20 years and then tell me it is so fantastic.
You see that is the basis of our problems. We procrastinate with everything. We think "Why trouble ourselves with that now, it is no big deal? We can take care of it in a few years?" Which actually means that someone else can do it then.
It is a variation on a common phrase but I hold it as a axiom of life.
"The responsibility of freedom is eternal vigilance"
Yes the usual version uses "price" in the place of "responsibility". I am being picky again. A price is paid once and then you are done. A "responsibility" is something that must be lived up to every day of your life. The difference is quite striking and it speaks volumes to our mind set.
That is why I am so damn picky. Words are way we express ideas, the wrong word leads to different ideas then you intended. The laser that is off only a micrometer at the start is miles off the mark at the target.
We need to start combating this fear-mongering NOW. We have to start finding ways to tearing down the lies and deceptions that are being draped over our lives. We need to break down this ideal that says that we need to design things to break so we can keep selling them to the same people year after year. We need to realize that in part the ancient Greeks had a grasp of the truth.
True happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording them scope.
We have tossed any ideas of excellence out the window. Scope? In this life scope is measured by dollars, not accomplishments.
Oh and don't get me started on money.
HELLO PEOPLE ever since we dropped the gold standard that stuff is nothing but PAPER.
It means not one damn thing. It is a concept, an idea, a variable. There is nothing to back it up or determine its value except those that control it. That is why things keep costing more, not because they are worth more, because the dollar is worth less!
But that is a rant for a different day.
We need to get off the damned couch and back into the driver seat of this country and society. We need to reclaim the birthright that our forefathers secured for us with their blood.
Only when we do can we get this country, and more importantly our lives back on track.
It was in a movie, and as such I have already heard people discount it, but it makes it no less true and paramount to my ideas here.
"People should not FEAR their government, government should fear its people"
I am spent. I know that others have probably said the same things I say here and done it better. I don't care! I am speaking what is in my head and heart, the fact that someone else says it more eloquently only proves that TRUTH IS TRUTH.
And as it is written
"The TRUTH shall set you free"
May the Force be with you
Saturday, March 25, 2006
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Well, since the Latin didn't go over so well last post...
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
You ended with Jefferson, so I figured I could give back a little...
"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."
Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, June 11, 1807
And finally:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Hey Matt!
I found this blog by accident, searching for lost dreams as a keyword...
You know I just lost the last of them... and it's no government's fault... just me and the universe...
the god stopped protecting me from harm years ago...
I hope you'll be all safe and happy
Dream Big!
Some situations are better left unresolved for whatever the reasons may be.Keep your head up
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