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Monday, March 13, 2006

Matt-man get the mail

Hail and well met

First and foremost I must take this moment to send a big hug to a good friend who is feeling under the weather (and I ain' t talking about being sick)

Hey Nicky!


Hang in there Ace. I can kind of figure what it is all about, but don't know for sure. I will call you tomorrow and we can talk.

Ok now on to the rest of the post.

Well as some of you may know I have been working on getting a job at the post office for the past, oh let me see, SIX months. Now it is not as easy as it sounds, first I have to take a test to prove to the government that I am smart enough to work for them (or dumb enough depending on your point of view). Then the test must be graded and once I have the scores I can apply at any post office that is in need of a part time worker. Whew that was a lot.

So my first attempt to get into the test was back in like late November or early December. Then again I sent something in January. Finally I got fed up and spoke to a associate of my who works as a post master in a local town, he gave me a number and I followed his instructions to the letter (HA get it? Post Office job and following the instructions to the "letter"....Yeah ok so I am lame. READ A BOOK!)

So anyway that was back in early February. Well today I got something in the mail from the post office and opened it expecting it to be for the last entry. Well it was not. It is from the first entry back in Nov/Dec of last year. That is not a real big problem as it is the test and it doesn't matter where I take it as long as I take it.

So on April 5th at 1:00 I am to report to the Genesis Convention Center in Gary Indiana for the test. So anyone that is familiar with the area knows that Gary is not the nicest place to be going to take anything short of anti-terrorist combat test, with live ammo.

Ha ha ha I am kind of joking. It ain't that bad.

So the next thing that hit me was that not only is the test almost a month away, but according to the information once taken it will be close to three weeks for the results to come back. That is like a month before I can start looking in earnest for a job with the Post Office! Damn I am glad that my life doesn't depend on getting work like in the next couple of weeks or something....DAMN it does.

Yeah so I am going to see about getting a job at Pet Land in the meantime. OH that is a funny story.

So I was speaking to Melissa (the one that worked for me at Game-Opolis) about getting work there. She mentioned that I needed a resume, cause it would look better if I did. Well the only resume that I have ever had to make was back in Jr High...Yeah like I remember anything from that long ago that I have not used. So I went online to check on how to make a resume, HA that was a laugh. I have come to realize that the internet, supposedly the information super highway, is actually better called the information super highway robbery. Everywhere I looked was more then willing to help me with making a resume, if I wanted to drop between 30 and 150 dollars for their service! Man I need to find something that everyone might need and put it on the internet for an insane amount, cause for the sake of convenience people will fork out the cash. LAZY BASTARDS! So getting back to the story I spoke to Melissa again and told her about the fun I was having with the resume. She told me to send her the stuff and she would do it. COOL! I was extacic that she would do that for me. Well it is done, and here is the thing that is worth a good laugh.

She goes to send it to me and the file is corrupted! HA HA HA HA HA HA now that is comedy!

So she is going to print it out at her house cause the shop has not ink...HA laugh my ass off! Could this get any more funny!

Man I tell you I don't know what gave me this awesome attitude but I am so grateful for it. I mean a year ago I would have been all "DEATH AND DESPAIR". Now I just laugh and smile.

Thanks to all of you for putting up with me until I could work through that dark times.

So all is going to be okay in time. I have real good friends and for that I am thankful. I have my health and everything else will be dealt with one day at a time.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Impervia said...

Good luck!!! And that bit of Gary isn't all that bad.