Hail and well met
It has been a long time in coming but I have decided to post about something that I have seen in the world around me. At first I thought I was being paranoid, seeing conections where there were only coincidences. But after a long time I have come to the conclusion that there are no such things as coincidences in any form and thus what I have seen is what it is.
In ages past governments, both real and shadow, have ruled by the force of arms. The threat was maintained by a tangible armed contingent of men that were sworn to follow the leading body to the death. Of course the structure of this leading body comes in varied forms and leads us to call it by different names. Fascist, democratic, theocratic and so forth but the truth of the matter is that without the threat of reprisal for disobeying said leadership there would be no reason to follow their lead.
Recent events have led me to realize that our leaders have stumbled upon a new and what they think better way to control the populace en mass. No longer do they require a super strong force of arms to keep the people in line, all they need is for those people to be afraid. Afraid of anything what so ever as long as the leadership is viewed as the answer. Just the leadership, nothing else can solve the problem otherwise the people might turn away from them. And God forbid that they realize that in many cases the solution is within themselves.
Everyday we here about a new "crisis" or "catastrophe" that we are endangered by and then we hear about the solution that only they can provide. For sickness and health we turn to the medical community for the solution, no matter the cost or side effects. Trouble in society then we turn to the federal or state government to fix it and bend over when they propose a new tax or invasive constriction of civil liberties.
As far as what the problem is we never really take a look cause they are there to give us the demon that we must burn. Of course the truth is never used cause that would lead to a solution and that might force the leadership to deal with new problems with the populace expecting results, real results. No they keep feeding up the watered down pabulum of studies, polls and statistics that tell us that things are getting better all the while they help the problem along so that it is around for the next election. Better to keep the problem around that you know then the 10 that you don't. But when those 10 do show up they will be johnny on the spot to add them to the list of things that you should be afraid of, along with their patented and sale priced solution.
The media pours out story after story filled with "sensational" rhetoric to keep the community at large on pins and needles. Freely tossing out statements and reports that are unfounded or down right lies to help maintain the state of fear that keeps the leadership in power, and thus keeps them useful to said leadership. Words are used over and over to brainwash the viewer into feeling the victim of these societal woes, with the emphasis on the fact that the common man is helpless against them. No only the almighty leadership and their cronies can provide the solution, for a price of course.
So to find happiness, security, health and love one must keep spending and spending. This helps maintain a viable low level workforce that thinks it is doing well, cause look at what they have. You know that they are happy, just look at all the techno crap they have sitting around their house. The list of medications they are one proves they are healthy. They are smart because they know these phrases and can parrot back what they were told at university, the same crap that is being troweled out by the media in all its forms. And for all this they spend more the 3/4 of their awake time working at some farce of a job with only enough time left to run to the doctor and the tech store and get food.
If anyone steps out of line, no longer do you have to rely on strong arm tactics. No you just drag them into court and sue them. You see to it that they are investigated by the IRS. Oh and of course you make sure to find pornography on their home computer (planted of course). If all else fails then make sure to take something that they have said out of context and make it sound racial or hateful to a small segment of the community. Oh how can one fight words and ideas like that, even a lie is believed if it is shouted loud and long enough.
And why is this become the way of things? How is this allowed to happen? Convenience!
It is to much trouble for us to really work at keeping the government in line, a goverment that is supposed to be "of the people, for the people and by the people". There is no profit in it. No real money to be made keeping the government in line. They make life easier by taking all these annoying decisions and responsibilities off our shoulders. They fed us a line and like stupid fish we took it hook line and sinker. The problem is that the bait of "ease of living" came with the hook of "loss of freedom".
So here we are. Living the high life. Working our asses off so that we can pay taxes for projects that we will never see any benefit from. Providing services so that we can run out and get the next hottest tech gizmo, only to have some study prove that it causes a new kind of disorder that we need to spend billions on to study for a cure that may help the problem but also causes side effects that you will need a dozen other meds to fix, all with their own side effects. Afraid of talking to your next door neighbor cause he could be a terrorist or sex offender or sicko Christian extremist. Running around trying to balance everything that you are being told makes you a normal rational and safe citizen, cause stray from the norm and you are bound to be the cause of some terrible problem.
All of this is around us everyday. We have become the proverbial frog in the slow heating pot. The water is now boiling but we don't see it because they have taken years to bring it to this point. For all this terrible truth there is one further truth that truly scares me. The end effect of this madding pursuit of control through fear. The children of this society are becoming something that we really need to fear. They are becoming numb. I will talk about this next time. After that I may try and put some hope into what I write so that we all don't think it is hopeless, cause it is not. There is a light in the darkness and a path out of this foolish pursuit of control with fear.
So I leave you with my favorite blessing.
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk"
Well I see a lot of those these days.
May the Force be with you
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
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“Him, who burnt the temple of the nymphs, in order to extinguish the public record of the census which was committed to the public registers; lastly, him who acknowledged no law, no civil rights, no boundaries to any man's possessions,--who sought to obtain other people's estates, not by actions at law and false accusations, not by unjust claims and false oaths, but by camps, by an army, by regular standards and all the pomp of war.”
Cicero, 53, B.C.E.
Still true...Dulce est Decorum est, Pro Patria Morii <--- SARCASM, PEOPLE!
And Remember Matt,
Ut igitur et monere et moneri proprium est verae amicitiae et alterum libere facere, non aspere, alterum patienter accipere, non repugnanter, sic habendum est nullam in amicitiis pestem esse maiorem quam adulationem, blanditiam, adsentationem; quamvis enim multis nominibus est hoc vitium notandum levium hominum atque fallacium ad voluntatem loquentium omnia, nihil ad veritatem.
Cicero, De Amicita, 44 B.C.E.
It's Latin leinon. And I happen to know Matt understands it, so there!
And I think it's a prefectly good comment.
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