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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Meanwhile in the Matt-cave.....

Hail and well met

I am still not sure where this crazy idea of Matt-man came from but it is sticking. Maybe all I needed was a mouthy villainous character to play off of.

Oh speaking of that cretin, I know who it is. I have spoken to this person and made it perfectly clear that I don't care about the posts. You should have seen the look on his face when I said "I really don't care, post comments like those all you want. I meant it that if you wanted to do a blog about how much you hate me and I should die you should and could." I even tried to show him how to do it.

Don't get me wrong I really wanted to haul off and punch him, but this was just so much more fun. He was totally disarmed and had no defense against this. HA HA HA It was glorious. In the end he apologized and said that he would leave me alone. That was not good enough for me so I pressed on that if he really wanted to comment he should, you know to get those hostile feelings out in the open and followed it up with a cool handle for his blog, I didn't even acknowledge that he had apologized and said he wouldn't do it anymore. So I don't know if he took it to heart but here is the handle that I made up for him.


It is soooooooo cool! I actually want him to use it cause it is soooo cool.

Anyway he apologized again and I could tell he was totally uncomfortable with me being there and all, so I asked him how he was and sat down. Oh believe me I just would not give up. I think I almost drove him to tears, he just kept looking around and rubbing his eyes. Either that or he was allergic to something I was wearing. Maybe it was me? Oh well after close to an hour I left and I am pretty sure that he won't post again. If he does I know where he lives and this time I will bring doughnuts and coffee. HA! Take that MA2-H8r a blast of Matterosoity!


I really think I am going to like writing up this character. I even have an idea for the costume! Oh I have to make it for Halloween. I can go as Silent Bob to Chris's Jay and then I can transform into Matt-Man! Glorious!!!

I am thinking cape with nothing else..............


Just me and my Matt-chizmo! Oh god I am so bad, I'm good.

But seriously I have a costume idea and have decided to test my rusty drawing skills. I will try and scan it and post it once I am done.

So on with my life. I was at Ben's all weekend. Stayed there Saturday night and Sunday night and most of the day Monday. Thanks Ben!

Went to the store on Saturday and tried to role-play, but with Chris sick (I was and still am worried about him) I could not really concentrate on D&D. At the request of Miles I decided to run All Flesh. I should have just run with it and said forget the damn character sheets. But I didn't and it took a long time to make them up. I barely got started when we had to call it, people going home and all. I just wish that for once I could finish this damn adventure for this group, before it gets to damn cliche and I lose it! Maybe I just need to write it all down as a story and see if anyone wants to film it....Todd! We have to talk I think.

Anyway after that we headed off to the loft and I really don't remember what happened...I had something to drink and it affected me just slightly. I am pretty sure that we watched B5 and talked some. I know Ben was there cause he lives there and I know that Nicky was there, but as far as anyone else...I am lost. Anyway I had a good night and from the sound of it so did everyone else.

Sunday was a lazy kind of day, except for going and working out. I went early and put in a full hour and 20, it wasn't to crowded either. Sunday may become a regular day for me if it is that empty. Anyway I finished up and.......I really kind of want to say this but it is kind of I won't. I went back to Ben's. He was at work so I went up to the loft and putzed around. I watched Serenity again for the first time since the theater.


Val showed up and then Todd. We watched Baron Munchausen, then Cassablanca, Nicky showed up during Cassablanca and stayed for Kung Pow:Enter the Fist! After that it was Halo 2 time. It was a blast, even if I suck at it. I got better though.

Anyway it slowed down and I went to bed. Monday was going to be busy.

Oh I forgot....I bought cigarettes. Yeah I know I said that I was giving them up, but things are never as easy as that and I just couldn't stand the stress, or the wiggling of my teeth.

Monday Ben and I worked on the game idea that we have. It came along quite nicely and I feel good that the skeleton is strong and should be able to hold up. We have to playtest it but I don't see too many problems. I do have an idea though. Ben I will simply say this, we don't have a "gimick" yet. I know that we are early in the process, but what do you think of 50's atomic horror as a theme and flavor for the game? Just an idea. We will talk more later.

Anyway after the design session we hung out and then Nicky came over. Halo 2 was soon pumping through our veins. I did better this time, but still have a long ways to go to be a real threat. I miss the keyboard and mouse combo, like at 3D house of games. I really kicked ass on that....or is it me just coloring the past due to all the fun and I still sucked? Yup I sucked then to, why else would I have the moniker "Kenny". Time Splitters, now there is a game that I kicked ass at. MONKEY!!!!!!!

Okay well the weekend came to a close and the countdown has begun. By weeks end people will all be back to school. DAMNIT! I still need to have some conversations.......

Oh well there is still time.

So to all I bid a fond farewell!

May the Force be with you



Ben said...

Actually, the gimmick thing, was something I was thinking about as well. Something to make the game stand out above everything else out there. Right now we've got some pretty good mechanics borrowed from a fairly liberal amount of different games, but there's nothing that makes the game wholly original.

I'm not sure about the 50's thing though. Its a big step because going with a more playful atmosphere changes the entire game. Think how different Space Hulk would have been if it was all wacky science fiction stero-types, rather then a blood and guts kind of game. You loose that whole creepy atmosphere. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of having a Men in Black like faction, but I'm just not sure about the correct way to portray them.

Its definatly something we need to actively explore though

Todd M. Stephanuik said...

Yeah for Zombie movie idea!!!

I was looking at cameras online and I should be able to get one this summer no problem, wether I get another job or not. Hopefully though, I can get another job, because then I can get a camera AND go to gencon with a marginal supply of money. And film Gencon.