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Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Christmas Title

Hail and well met

OH NO It is a YULE Tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have not posted in a few days, but given the season that should not be a big deal.

It just means that I have a lot to post about. Like I need an excuse to blather on about stuff? :)

The Christmas Party at Ben's was AMAZING!!!!!

Everyone was almost there. Even Tadduclese showed up with his main squeeze. Hay that ryhmed! Everyone had a good time, well almost everyone. But that is not important and I am not going to focus on that part. I got cookies and there was fudge!

GO QUEEN MARGARITA!!!!! evil little sniker

It was a great time and I was happy to see everyone.

OH YEAH Nick was there!!!!! It was beyond cool to see him again.

The sexual inuendoes were flying fast and free. I loved them all (Alright! Giggidy Giggidy)

It was an amazing evening and I am glad that I was there.

Hmmmm Oh yeah I got the Foamy DVD from Ben, haven't watched it yet cause it is stilll at the loft, but I will soon! Thanks Ben!

Okay I am being summoned to present opening so I must away with myself.


And no matter what I get I already have the greatest present that I could recieve. Your friendships. Sappy but so damn true.

May the Force be with you


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