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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Oh snowed

Okay well I get up this morning after my usual routine and then I realize it is way to bright to be just the sun. I look outside and what do I see............................Fucking Snow!!!!!

You have to understand I hate snow. Yes I know it looks pretty, but so dose a Bengal Tiger but I don't want one in my back yard. Snow is the most annoying precipitation (Oh a big word, I must be getting smarter) that the world has to offer, well next to hail. It sticks to everything and it does not go away. It sticks around and needs to be shoveled out of the way to get around. It turns into ice at the drop of a hat so we all can enjoy the experience of walking along one minute and then falling on our ass. Oh yeah it melts against our shoes and they get wet, concordantly so do our feet. That is a sucky feeling if ever there was one. No wait there is one more. It collects dirt so in just a few days it turns grey and nasty but doesn't go away.


No there is something else. It adds a good 15 minutes to my morning routine. Because no matter what I have to clean off the car before I can go anywhere.

Yes all in all the worst precipitation the world has to offer. Give me rain, that I can handle. Yes it can make you wet, but it goes away quickly and does not linger.

Oh well I have to go and clean off my car to run some errands.

Oh and Mikey, do not even think of mentioning that you don't have to be a Mexican as a good thing. That is just a selfish thing to think, what about all the Mexicans that wake up on a day like today and are still Mexican even though it snowed? Not very nice to them for you to revel in not being one when they don't get any relief. Think of you fellow man and show him some compassion for Gods sake.

Okay I am done and out of here. I said it all last night so just read the previous post and paste the end here.

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