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Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well it is Wednesday night and I have yet to be able to go to the post office and apply.

To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. I need this work.

Apparently the situation at the Crete office is tricky at best. It appears that the Post Master there is a real psycho and Jim has almost had to file grievances with the union twice on accout of her mismanagement. This has created a tense situation between Jim and her so he has been holding off bringing me in so as not to spoil my chances.

I know I shouldn't ask this question because it is never going to get answered but it still begs to be asked.

Why do ignorant people always end up in management positions?

The same thing happened at Toys "r" Us on a regular basis. Every year we would get new managers in some sections and they were always moronic. In most cases they had never spent even one day working in a store as a regular employee. That still makes no sense. If you want to run a store well you have to understand the basic operations I would think.

Anyway it could be up to two weeks before I can go in. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I was really looking forward to this. On the one hand I would be working again, something that may sound weird but I really miss working. The second is that Christmas is coming and although I know that everyone says not to worry about it as far a presents go, I like getting gifts for people.

It is just really frustrating, and it only exasperate my other problem. No there is no solution on that front either. One day I will let everyone in on what it is, but for now it remains my secret burden. Well at least until Mikey and I get a chance to sit down without playing a video game and talk. Yes Mikey I plan on talking to you about it as soon as possible.

On a better note I worked out today. I spent 30 minutes on the "Dread Mill" and then jumped on a bike for 15. Then we hit 6 machines. My arms are okay but I am sore somewhere else.

Who knew your ass could be sore from working out? Yeah even now my left hip area is in pain, walking is worse. I hope it dose not screw up my sleeping.

Oh yeah we went bowling! I had a good time and it probably helped my ass to walk around as much as I did. Well it didn't feel that way at the time, but it might. Here is hoping because I am not sure that I like posting about my ass hurting. It seems just a little creepy. And if I ever and I mean ever post anything about my bodily functions you are under a friendship order to SHOOT ME!!!!! I will buy you the bullet. I will not become an old person that does that, even if I have to end my life. It is disgusting in a degree that there is not word for........Yet!

Anyway I have typed enough and the hip is tingling so I am out of here. Hope everyone is doing okay. Nicky I am burning a candle for you while you quest for your grades. Say hey to anyone that knows me and everyone else count it as an preemptive hey for when I get a chance to meet them.

Yeah that about covers it all. I am not depressed just frustrated, it will pass. I just want this job!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May the Force be with you.


1 comment:

Ben said...

I've got a post like this on my blog Matt. Basically, think of managers like Dr. Phil. They don't exist and make money because they're some sort of genius, they exist because then people can blame them for their mistakes. The dumber, more ignorant, more idiotic the person, the easier it makes it to blame them for all your problems.