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Monday, November 14, 2005

Late night or early morning

I have just read and commented on a friends journal.

She had a quote up that talked about trust. It said that it can take years to gain trust but only suspicion, not proof to destroy it.

Trust is an interesting thing to think about. especially when you consider that trust is another word for faith. What do you believe in? In what a person says and they call it trust. In what a person dose and they would call it faith. Which interestingly segue right into my real point about this.

Perception and point of view.

whether we trust in someone has to do with several variables. But in the end the real clincher is what we believe. Do we believe in the person more then the suspicion? Where dose our faith lie? In the days, months, years that we have known someone or the hearsay that constitutes most suspicions.

All of these are predicated on our point of view. How we see the world around us everyday. It is the only real choice we have, and with it the only real power. If our point of view is centered in fear then we would probably jump on the band wagon and toss our trust out the window. We might even fall into angry words and actions towards this person.

If our point of view is centered on love and understanding, well then it changes everything. The same suspicion will lead us to talk to the person involved and find out what is going on. From thee we can decided what to do.

These are but two possibilities of where a point of view can come from. There are as many of them as there are grains of sand on Earth.

Choose wisely and it will carry you far, and if you don't like yours then try a new one. There are plenty to go around.

Food for thought.

Now maybe I can go to sleep.

May the Force be with you.


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