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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Garbage Title Kids

Wow it has been just a little while since I really posted.

Well here is an overview of what is going on. I went and worked out with Chris and Val on Tuesday. It was amazing! Thanks guys for going in it with me. I really know that I would not push as far if I was on my own. We have to talk just a little more though. Either that or I am bringing my CD player and listen to music. But I would prefer to shoot the shit with you guys. Oh Chris we need to talk about all that stuff that you mentioned, you know making a schedule and workout plan and all. Dude if you know about all this stuff then please enlighten us novices.

After working out I went down to Bourbonois to see my other friends down there. We watched the remake of Bad News Bears with Billy Bob Thornton. It rocked! I was leary that it might be as raunchy as Bad Santa, but it was alright.

Today I ran around with my Dad getting him a card for Bally's and then did some light Christmas shopping. Mostly DVD's for mom and family. Tomorrow I need to hit Borders for some books and one other store for one more present then I am done. I have blown my budget and had to sneak some of my Christmas money to pull it off but damnit I like giving people stuff. I am selfish when it comes to being generous. Sue me.

Well then I met up with Jim and we worked out again. I am crazy but it feels good so I keep doing it. I went 25 minutes on a ski machine. OH MY GOD! If I though that walking or riding was a workout I was mistaken. This thing was insane. You stand on two floating pads and then start a walking motion, but there is not ground. You just keep going around and around. Then you grab the handles and that is even more crazy. They are attached to the pads so as you walk they go back and forth. You have to use your arms to stabilize the motion or you just keep going faster and faster. So you are in a running like motion with your arms working back and forth to keep everything under control. I was sweating worse then I ever did on the Dread mill or a bike. The great thing is that my knee, which had been bothering me just a little and was getting worse, started hurting and then quit. It felt better after about 10 minutes. I walked better after the workout too. All in all I will be using those things all the time. Woot! Not to mention that I went over 2 miles (although I have no idea how it calculates the distance, since it was monitoring RPMs and not MPH). Did some weights after that and then went to Jim's house.

Well that brings us up to date on things that have happened. Now on to what should be happening soon. Jim had some good news for me on the job front. The bitch is out, most likely by Friday of this week, but possibly a few days later. Apparently she got into it with the shop steward and pissed him off enough with her shit that he made a couple of calls. Well that is the end of that. So as soon as she is gone and the original supervisor is back I am in like Flynn (can some one explain that one two me. Who is this Flynn character and why is he in things? I wonder about these things)

So with that and the impending arrival of several people back from school and up coming parties I have a very full schedule. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. This is going to rock.

Well that is all my arms can stand as far as typing is concerned. I have to jump on WOW now. Love to all and see you soon.

OH YEAH don't forget the work going on at the loft this weekend. All hands would be appreciated.

May the Force be with you


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