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Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Passion of the Title

I have posted many things on this blog and other journals. One thing that I have never touched on was my personal beliefs.

Do I believe in a God? Yes I do. There is no way the universe just happened by accident. No everything is to perfect to be by happenstance. Someone has to be behind it all. The simplicity is to symetrical to be anything but divine intellect. I won't go into details it would take a thousand pages of this and many other blogs. Besides this is what I believe, and that requires little proof just faith.

Do I believe in a Devil? A strange question too ask. There are some people that run around saying yes and some saying no. Personaly I say yes. But to be truthfull there is something about that that is different then the rest. I believe in a devil, but he is not the opposite of God. He is not even close to being equal to God. He is a stupid spoiled brat. He had power once and it was taken away from him. Now all he can do is try and twist us into using the power that God gave us to his needs. To steal, kill and destroy, that is all the power that the bible says that he has. He seeks to steal out power, kill us and destroy everything God created. But what power is it that we all have that he wants?

The power of creation. It exists in all of us. The divine power to see what is not there and make it real. Immagination is one aspect of that power. In the long history of the bible the devil has never created anything at all. No where is he shown to have made anything, no he just lies and decieves others to do his dirty work. He is a coward and a wretch. Fear is one of his greatest tools, as is anger. He gets us so wrapped up in our fear of everything that we will do anything to be free of it and he is jhonny on the spot to tell us what we have to do. Things that might sound good, but all they end up being are veiled deceptions that cause us more grief and thus we need more of his help. No in the end he has only the power to lie to us to accomplish his goals.

This is why I have taken such an interest in the gaming world. I see it as one of the only avenues that hopes to expand the immagination and cultivate creativity. I will stand by this belief until the day that I am expunged from existance.

Now I bet some of you are wondering how all this fits into my "Jedi" walk. Well it ain't that hard to explain.

God created us all. Having created somethings in my day I can tell you that part of me is in everything that I create, thus a part of God is within all that he created. In me and you and this computer and the trees outside as well as the air and the rain that is falling. The Force is described as existing in all things, binding us together and growing from us. Well as God exists in us and we use our power to create new things we are adding to his existance in a way, thus he is growing like the Force. When I say "May the Force be with you" I am also saying "May God be with you". But I find that the "Force" is often taken with more acceptance then saying "God". I don't blame anyone for this, except those stupid fanatics that feel the need to destroy and kill everyone and everything that does not fit their view of what holy or God is. When God sent his only begotten son here he sent us a pattern to look at and emulate. Jesus walked this earth and he did so as one of us. So as I looked at his life I saw that he gathered a throng of close FRIENDS to his side for companions. No he did not go to the "Bible" scholars, in fact he tore down the two biggest doctrines thruout his life. So I figure that if he wanted a one on one relationship will us that indicates that God was saying that it all comes down to a one on one with him. Jesus was not noted for praying in church, no he seemed to be in constant contact with his Father at all times. He did not need a man to tell him what his Father was saying or doing, he had a direct line. If had it so can we. This is also part of why I follow the path of the "Jedi" for the Force guides them. Thus I am open to the "Force/God" guiding me everyday. Somedays are easier then others, more difficult lately but that is my fault.

I am not perfect nor do I expect anyone to understand this at all. I just want to put here what is in my heart. Take it or leave it. If part of it makes sense the take it, whatever doesn't you leave. The bible has a verse that speaks "We see through a glass but darkly". So we all see something of what God intended, but we all don't see the same spot. If we share our spots with others then we begin to put pieces together and the spot gets bigger. Like a puzzle though, not all the pieces fit together right away and it can be confusing.

But faith is not about being easy, it is about believing is something that is not easy and sticking to it.

Well that is all for now. I will post more later. I have to get to bed now and prepare for the party of the year....




May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Ben said...

Good read Matt, fairly similar to my own thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Oh and yes, New Years eve at my place. Woot, Woot indeed.