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Monday, December 12, 2005

Title with Love

I just got back from seeing The Chronicles of Narnina: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.




Everything was perfect. The fauns perfect! The centaurs, perfect! Aslan, perfect!
It was almost as good as what I imagined the first time I read the book. I am still tingling from the roar. If you haven't seen then see it. If you are going tell me cause I will give blood to see it again. I really loved the movie and I hope you do to.

And if you haven't read the books then....well....not to be harsh but


As great as the movie was and as stoked as I feel after seeing it, there is a lingering sadness. A question that echoes in my heart.

Is there no magic in the world?

But the sadness gives way to the knowledge that the answer is YES. It is an old magic that surrounds all of us. No it is not flashy or spectacular. It dose not call down lightning or create fireballs. No it is a subtle magic. It is a smile at the right time. A gentle touch in a moment of pain. The encouraging word given to a weary heart. We all carry this magic within us and it can move mountains. It can heal old wounds that still ache. Drive off fears that paralyize us. Calm a raging heart.

It is love.

Just knowing it exists in the world is a comfort. But knowing that people have abbandoned it hurts. Don't turn away from the magic. Don't believe that you can do nothing. Stand up and act. Only when we use it can its power truly be felt and it grows. It is this time of year that we all start to feel its power. Take up its banner and charge into the fray. It is yours to use as you see fit. Wield it wisely, but freely.

I love you all and it is that love that has been the wind beneath my wings.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

Ben said...

Damnit, I loved these books as a child, and am scared to death of going to see the movie because I'm afraid it'll wreck what is a cherished childhood memory.

People keep alternating, telling me the movie is utter crap, or telling my its genius. It makes it so hard to go see this film.

I will make one observation, it seems like most of the people don't like the movie are upset at the blatant Christian references. Thats a pretty ignorant thing to say considering the book is almost a parable of Christian life in many respects.

Maybe I'll go see it eventually, but I'm still holding off until I hear more.