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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Title of the Gods

Hail and well met

I sit here this cold December morn wondering what to type about. I do have some things to share but I am not sure that I am ready to drop these bomb shells just yet. It is a big one and thus there will be fallout. Not ready to deal with it just yet. Maybe after the new year rolls in I will do it.

So I am still left without a subject for this post. Not much has happened to me lately. Well nothing worth typing about. And some of it would be inappropriate, -low tone- stupid dreams.

Well I guess that leaves me with a crappy post that really says nothing. GREAT! No wait I have an idea. There was something that I saw on someone's journal that I can put here. -rummages around- Hold on while I find it.
-rummaging continues-
Ow! How put that there?!
-more rummaging and moving of objects-

Eureka I have it!!!

So here is a little ditty that Miles had on his journal and so I do my duty here (NO I DON'T MEAN POOP)

In 2005 Have You…
Gone to a party?: Yeah the loft at New Years
Tried something new?: Yes I have, believing in my self (soundsconceitedd but I never did before)
Had someone change your life? : Yes and it just keeps on coming
Kissed someone?: NO, a mistake I intend to rectify!
Told your family & friends you love them?: Yes many times, but never enough
Bought something extravagant?: Ummmm no not really. Need money to do that
Done something nice for yourself?: That seems kind of like a personal question...Oh wait it says "for" not "to"! My mistake. Yeah I went to GenCon
Done something terribly wrong?: Don't I always? Its me!
Moved?: NO! Another mistake I intend to rectify
Gone to a concert?: DAMN IT! NO! I have a lot of shit to rectify don't I.

The Best of 2005…
Party: Aw come on, New Years eve. Although there are some to come that might jusout shinene it
TV Show: My name is Earl!
Cd: Crimson - Alkaline Trio
Movie: NO WAY I am not picking one movie to rule them all. Sorry. Here is my list of my top three in order of how I saw them.

1) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
2) Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
3) King Kong

Song:Okay I waffled on the Movie so I will buck up and pick a single song. Wake me when September Ends - Green Day
Experience: Um didn't have one. At least not yet;)
Concert: See above!>:(
Book: I, Jedi - Michael A. Stackpole (Thanks Nicky!)
Month: Ha a month. November
Day: Saturday November 19th

During 2005…
Where were you when it began?: The Loft walking around in the cold
Did you stay up?: Duh!
What was your new year wish?: To be rid of this armor of flesh that I have worn for too long.
Have any crushes?: Yeah
Care to mention names?: No!
New friends?: Yes Ben Rodgers, Scott Harshberger, Mike Renneker, some people from carbondale I think I can call friends (acquaintances at least) and some people from Monmouth as well.
Had to say goodbye?: Um Yes. For the first time. It hurt but there is no pain, only growth
Missed anyone?: Yes
Win anything?: Not yet
Best place you went to?: Uh well GenCon was cool but the best place has to be E-con. It was there that I met Ben Rodgers and also got to see one of my favorite people in the universe as well as several runners up.
Worst place you went to?: Inside myself
Happiest moment?: Talking to someone that I thought I had lost
How was your birthday?: What is a birthday?
Best present?: LAPTOP! Thanks all of you.

Hopes for 2006…
Predict something that you believe will happen: I will move on and up in my life, and I won't be alone!
What do you hope for yourself?: Tha t I fulfilll my desire to be a part of the Gaming Industry
What do you hope for your family?: That they can move on with their lives instead of sitting in neutral
What do you hope for your friends?: That they can find that which they seek, and that what they need is what they find.

Well there you have it. If you have any questions you know how to get a hold of me.

If I don't post before the party Friday the I will see you all there.

May the Force be with you


1 comment:

dnomlas said...

Matt, I love your blog. I thought I was the only one out of our crew but you've been doing this since January. I'm adding it to my bookmark and I will link to it from my blog. Can't wait to see what happens next...