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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Matt-Man Meets His Match

Hail and very well met

WOW! (and I don't mean world of warcraft)

I just don't have the words right now so I will keep it short and sweet.

I met someone this weekend. She walked into my life at a friends party and and walked out with my heart and soul.

I can say with no hesitation I am in love with her. And I know she feels the same.

Eyes are the window to the soul, and I saw all I needed to.

Yeah I have several phone calls to make.

Just when you are ready to lose all hope and your faith is slipping from your grasp in walks the answer to everything. It may have taken 36 years but I can say it was worth it.


May the Force be with you


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Matt-Man and tjhe Big Empty

Hail and well met

Ok I spent an hour typing here in the loft only to have it eat my damn post so here it is quick and dirty.

Went to the Double Door last night to see "Statements Lost". Drove with Andrea and Amanda. Had an awesome time. Thanks Andrea and Amanda for a great trip and time. Hope to do it again soon.

Statements Lost rocked and I love their music. Props for the TMNT TV vintage theme cover. I love it.

Right now I feel like shit inside. I am alone and it is slowly killing me. I just want to end this pain sometimes and I don't mean that in a constructive way either. I cannot block, ignore or deal with it anymore. OH and as far as quitting smoking...FUCK THAT! When I get this solved maybe but until then I am a goddamn chimney. Sorry for all those that I am letting down but it is either that or other shit.

Ok that is it. I am done and this damn post had not dissapear.

May the Force be with you


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Matt-Man and The Divinci Code

Hail and well met

Well it is time that I threw my hat into the ring of red faced, raving lunatics who seem Hell-bent on railing against this movie and book. I won’t so much as speak about the movie (which I saw) or the book (which I haven’t read), as I will comment on the social hysteria that is prevailing. If you feel that what I am about to say is offensive then all I can say is simply…LOOK AT SOMETHING ELSE. No one is making you read this and as such the only person you can or should be upset at for being offended is you for reading on when you know it will piss you off. I am not here to appease you or anyone else, what I say is mine and I have a GOD given right to say it. So in the end if you don’t like what I say TALK TO GOD cause he is in charge.

Ok here is your final warning I will begin my rant in 12 lines so last chance to look away and read something else…Hell play FreeCell it is an excellent mental exercise as everyone is supposed to be solvable and is free on almost every windows computer.






So here is my take on the whole thing. In truth what is everyone so worried about? A man who has some interesting ideas decides to put them into a book Now he takes some names and ideas from history and ties them together to make his STORY. So people are now all upset cause history is distorted. Um have we all LOST OUR FREAKING MINDS HERE! This is a work of FICTION (it is where you will find this book in every library and book store in the world). I don’t think that anywhere in the books description will you find it saying it is factual or based on true events. Yet we are running around as if this is exactly what he has claimed. Again and again I read or hear about how he has twisted facts…again what part of FICTION do we seem to not understand. So if we are so pissed off at the misrepresentation of history in this matter then I wonder where all the hysterics were when a little film hit the screens a year or so ago. Did anyone see “National Treasure”? Yeah that one played havoc with history. Yet I don’t remember anyone saying one word about it. So we can put the cop out of it is not historically correct to rest and realize that the real problem is the lack of faith that people have.

Yes this is the real problem. You are screaming bloody murder because your faith is so shallow that a work of fiction that doesn’t even attempt to proclaim it self as “gospel” (pun intended) can make it crack. It just proves to me that you have no real understanding of God and can only relate to him when someone else tells you what he says and what you should do in his name. Thus it seems to me that the real problem is not with any part of this books historical or theological message but one little concept at the end, which I have to read the book and see if it is there as well (but given the opinion of those that have read it I would figure it is there). It comes at the end when Langdon says something to the effect of “All that matters is what you believe”.

Ah ha here is the heresy that has them in an uproar. How dare they even purport the idea? That an individual’s beliefs are more important than the collective authority of the established church. If the church says it you must obey cause it is the will of god cause we say so. (And I am not just speaking of the Catholics either but all churches) The church hierarchy is closer to god they you so you only believe what we say, you have no right to believe anything else. What a load of unmitigated BULLSHIT. If they weren’t so afraid of losing control, power and money they would see that it really doesn’t matter what this movie/book says.

If that were not the case then would you explain how the “Left Behind” series has avoided your scrutiny? Many churches believe that the “Rapture” theory is heresy. Yet this series has three movies on video and not one word is spoken against it. Why? Because nowhere in it does it purport that the individual can be closer to God then the Church. It does not give the importance to what the individual believes or suggests that we all examine what we believe and test it for ourselves. No this is the reason for the hype people. Don’t let yourself be fooled.

I mean in truth if you find it offensive then okay I have no problem with that. If I find something offensive towards my personal beliefs I do something about it…I DON’T SUPPORT THE PERSON OR ITEM. I don’t go running around carrying signs or holding sit ins at movie theaters. Now I am not saying that you shouldn’t. Feel free to express your dislike for the film. I am sure that the movie company also feels this way, since all you end up doing is glorifying the thing in question. It is proven fact that the more you all protest something the more popular it becomes. No movie, book or personality has every really suffered from such activity. In fact many individuals and franchises have seen record profits because of it.

Andrew Dice Clay was disliked and protested against and it made his career. Not that he wasn’t funny but his was a singular wit that should have passed quickly but held on for more then a year and earned him a movie deal. Would he have been so successful if everyone had just ignored him? No he wouldn’t, he would have had his fifteen minutes of fame and then would have been gone. By going crazy over his obviously offensive humor you only helped fuel his image and made everyone want to see what could drive people to do such things.

Those that protested him only succeeded in promoting him. Bad press is still press and sometimes it is more press then something deserves. Which begs the question; whom are you really supporting? Where is your power going? What is your true faith in?

I mean if your faith can be shaken by a stupid movie, then how strong is it really? Let’s face it people there is no way to be sure that we have a true account of what happened with Jesus’ walk on this earth. The book has been around for hundreds of years. It has been translated and redefined and updated so many times that you cannot tell me that it still is in its original form. Can you say for certain that you know that every word is exactly what was written in the original texts? For that matter can you provide proof that who is said wrote it actually wrote it? If we are to be totally honest, since none of us was there, the answer must be no.

But what does that matter? Is your god so weak that only a written book can reach people? I hope not. My God is a God of miraculous things. He created everything in the universe and Beverly Hills. (Laugh cause it was funny cause some of those boob jobs are suspect) He made every atom, particle and ray that bounces around this place. Which means that the very substance that we are made of came from him. He is in us as any creator is within his creations. And a movie can shake your faith in him?

People, God is not looking for zealots. He has had enough of those proclaiming his will in their slaughter and barbarism to make him sick. If you want to dislike the book then have the guts to simply take responsibility for it and say, “I don’t like the book.” Leave it at that. Let everyone make up his or her own mind. If this work of FICTION can shake the faith of someone then in truth they never had any real faith in their beliefs in the first place.

God does not want parrots and sheep. He already created those on his own. He wants those that will have a relationship with him. It is the driving force behind my belief in the Force (God’s presence in all of us or the Holy Spirit) and my reason for walking the path of a Jedi (have to post on that soon). The Force does not control you; it guides you. The Force does not lead you; you walk with the Force. This is what God seems to keep looking for. All he finds are those that don’t want to be responsible for their lives and use him as the reason for everything they do. God doesn’t need a 4.5 million dollar building, people do. God doesn’t need a TV show that costs 100’s of thousands of dollars an episode, egomaniacs do. In fact God doesn’t want money at all, so why do we keep acting like he does?

Matthew 22

19”Shew me the tribute money.” And they brought unto him a penny.

20And he saith unto them, “Whose is this image and superscription? “

21They say unto him, “Caesar's”. Then saith he unto them, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”

It would seem to me that God doesn’t need or want mans money. His desires are of the spirit and soul. I don’t want to digress but we should seek these first and foremost in our lives and let the cares of money pass us by. In that matter let the foolishness of the world pass us by. If you truly know God then you know that this world is of little importance and the goings on even less.

Yes Jesus was the Son of God. But he was also a mortal man. He was sent to walk as we do and as such earn our freedom from the oppression of the devil. He had to face every temptation that man has to face. So to say that he avoided the matter of sex and female companionship seems a little foolish. It is one of the biggest hurtles that a man has to face so it seems only natural that Jesus would have had to face it. And for anyone to think that being with a woman or having a wife and child makes him less divine then they don’t think that much of God’s creation. Since it was God that gave Woman to Man as a helpmate. So if being with a Woman is “dirty” then God is a “dirty” God.

It doesn’t lessen his divinity. He still died on the cross and rose again transforming his dead body into a usable one. This is the Son of God that I believe in. Not the dying victim on the cross but the risen King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Believe what you will and do what you will. Just don’t do it cause someone else says it; do because you truly believe it. That is what faith is all about.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

May the Force be with you


Monday, May 22, 2006

Matt-Man on Stuff

Hail and well met

Well it has become apparent that something is up. Certain people are having trouble in various forms. Many others are concerned for them in different ways, including me and feel helpless because there is nothing we can do.

It sucks but that is what being a friend means sometimes. Just being there and standing by while a friend smashes their head against a brick wall is not easy, but if they are going to do it they are going to do it. All we can do is be their friend when they are laying on the ground in a dazed state and help them up (after we have adorned them with a mustache and glasses with a permanent marker:) That is what friends are for.

It is never easy to just sit back and let someone do it, but stopping them would not help. No I don't mean leave them totally alone, tell them you don't like where they are going or what they are doing. And if the moment arrives don't hesitate to give them a swift "Stupid in the head" (a smack in the back of the head). In a friendly and loving way of course. We all stumble and fall from time to time, hell anyone that has stuck around with me for the last several years knows that is the truth. All of you stuck it out with me, and I was no picnic to be around.

In conclusion I will say it again and again until my dying day. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to. My ear is always open as is my heart. You cannot burden me beyond my capacity, God gave me really big shoulders so use them.

Either way we, your friends, are going to stress about it. Better that we know what is up and can stress about the real problem not the million that we imagine out of ignorance.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge
There is no fear; there is understanding
There is no ego; there is fellowship

May the Force be with you


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Matt-Man Takes the Test Act 2

Hail and well met

Yup just got back from taking the second test for the Post Office. This one is based out of the Frankfort office and is only for the Frankfort office. They are expanding at an explosive rate and need people badly. I like the area and I know it well enough.

Felt better taking it this time as I had taken a similar test before. The memory part was again the worst part. Still with my system feel that I did good. Don't want to say anything else as I don't want to get caught by the Test Police. It is the government so they take this stuff seriously.

Right now I am off to work off some of this excess energy from the experience. After that I am stopping at the loft to work on finishing assembly of my Hordes army now that I have the missing pieces. Maybe I will paint on some of my other stuff as well.

Studiously compiling ideas and info on the Web-site idea. Thanks Mike for the site, it is helping a lot. Giving me some ideas on content and layout, not to mention some cool things I had not thought of. Not gonna jump the gun on this one. Want to make sure that I know what I need to before taking the first step. Of course money is a big part so I will have to make sure the funds are available or know where I can get them. A lot more is also needed and I am still not sure what it all is. As I figure it out I will probably ask some or all of you if you can help.

Ok well the gym calls and my body aches for it (Yeah it aches alright). Have had a good couple of days with everyone home and hanging out. Someone mentioned a BBQ to celebrate the beginning of summer and I think that is an awesome idea. Of course it would be nice if the weather would cooperate on this and give us a decent temperature instead of this unseasonable cold. Not that I am asking for 90's and humidity to match, I think high 70's or low 80's and reasonably dry would be fine.

Also it would be cool if the pool was operable. I love swimming and getting a tan would be awesome. Just remember that Ben needs help with the start up and some cleaning so keep your ear to the ground for the call.

Okay now that is all I have to type right now. Whew I never seem to be able to make a small post.

May the Force be with you


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Matt-Man makes some changes....

Hail and...Hey watch where you are putting that! And please for the love of God and your own body stop the DAMN HAMMERING!!! I am trying to blog here people!

Hey just a little warning that I am changing things up here and so it could be crazy for a short time. Please bear with me as I do this and know that I am a professional so don't try this at home...Hell who am I kidding?

Anyway I will be at this for the next few days as I tweek my template and get everything up to my standards.

See you around.

May the Force be with you


Does anyone know the movie I reference in the opening lines?

Matt-Man has a BIG idea

Hail and well met

Well I have to say that I have one big idea. Yeah it is vague and I don't want to just jump on this one without just a little research first, but I do know that I won't be able to do this one alone. No matter what just one person will not be able to pull this one off.

I mean it is BIG. A real gem of an idea that I got today, well last night in truth. No matter when I got it I did some digging and found that it is something that is lacking. I mean their are things that are similar but much more stringent and formal. I want something loose and fun.

Ok Ok I will just spill the beans. I have been reading CAD and Penny Arcade as of late. I mean really reading them. These are people that know their industries but are not a part of them. They are casual observers who comment on the products and practices of their industry on a daily basis. People read them for this and their opinion matters. Well everyone's opinion matters but they are the ones putting it out their for all to read.

Anyway I was thinking so I did some searching and found that no one does the same thing for the RPG/card/tabletop/board gaming industry. So I have been pondering the idea of such a thing. A website devoted to my hobby that allows me and others (Where you all would come in at some point) to voice our opinions on things.

Yeah Yeah I know that the two sites I mentioned have online comics. So what? Are you saying that we cannot do an online comic? We have talked about it enough. So we all say that we cannot draw, well in truth no one starts out drawing well. Someone out their has to have an interest in drawing. Hell I am going to start sketching and see what happens.

All in all it seems a good way for me to express my love for imagination and creativity. After all is not Matt-Man the un-masked defender of such things? I think so!

Well I hope to hear everyone's opinion of this harebrained idea. Please don't be silent for the sake of my "feelings" I am far to old to have any of those. I would prefer if someone just kicked me in the head right now instead of waiting for me to make another mess of things and then do it. Not that I am saying it wouldn't work, cause I know it would. I just don't want another Gameopolis happening with someone saying afterward "Oh hell I knew it was a bad idea" cause this time I will kill you! YOU BASTARD! You know who you are...grrrrrrrr.

Okay well I have to get started on several thing and of course have to run errands...YUCK! Why cannot I just be allowed to do the shopping on my own? I can get it done in like 20 minutes by myself. Oh well it is the price of free room and board. GOD I WANT TO MOVE OUT!!!

May the Force be with you


Monday, May 15, 2006

Matt-Man versus the Retail Machine known as Wizards of the Coast

Hail and well met

I just had to post this cause it will cause great consternation, weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will also empty the wallets of many before it is done. You have to read it for yourself so here is the link in the form of a teaser...

Star Wars Spaceships

Yeah that says it all. I just don't know if I can handle that. The mini game wasn't to bad because the figures were small and crapy. But this is different. It is space ships. They almost always look good. GRRRRRRR I am still broke people so stop making shit I want until I am broke no more.

Oh well just had to share the grief.

May the Force be with you


Matt-Man and the alarm clock of DOOM!

Hail and well met.

This is a quick post to say nothing really important. I hate over sleeping. Yes I said I hate it. I like sleeping and I like sleeping in but not when I need to get up. I had a plan for today and it required me to get up at 9. My alarm was set I know that cause I double checked it last night. So I can only assume that when it went off this morning I turned it off and crawled back into bed.

I knew that I needed to get up. On many occasions before I have woken up before the alarm has gone off. Why doesn't it work the same way all the time? No nothing I was going to do was earth shattering. All I had planned was doing some stuff around the house and then working out before going to see "Silent Hill" with Todd, Impervia, Chris and some others.

Oh well just a moment of bitching to vent my frustration. I will live. I can work out either later or tomorrow. I just don't want to slip into complacency about it cause it is a good thing. I enjoy my workouts. I feel better for them. So why all of a sudden am I shying away from going? See I guess that is the real problem. I was supposed to go on Saturday, but that didn't happen. I decided to go on Sunday then...Nope. I need to figure out why I am all of a sudden just not going.

Grrrrrr I just have to make myself go. Once I get back at it I know I will keep it up again.

Ok well enough of that diatribe. Wasted enough of you time on stupid shite. Must get ready to go see the flick.

May the Force be with you


Friday, May 12, 2006

Matt-Man Reunited

Hail and very well met

I know, I know. This post is a week in the making, but things take time and they take as much as is needed. Besides if I had posted any earlier I would have made a fool of myself and damaged something that is precious to me, a friendship.

As most of you have probably saw with my last post someone left a comment. First off I want to thank everyone for not jumping all over the commenter and rushing to my aid. Next I want to say that I have spoken to him and we have made peace.

I would like to introduce him to all of you here on my blog as I expect to hear from him regularly. Everyone say hello to Mike. He is an old and dear friend hailing from my high-school life an has been a part of it every since. I was a groomsmen in his wedding. We have been on several adventures together. All in all I have to say that we are soul brothers.

Which was the problem. You see during the talk last night I realized that our relationship was one where I look up to him as a big brother. I have always looked up to him, and for the last several years I pulled away because I wasn't living up to example that he set. He has always been a hero to me and he always will. I was ashamed of what I wasn't doing which was STUPID. That is over now. I know what is up and I will deal with it cause I am not losing him.

I know that I have said this many times before and I will say it until the breath has left my body. I love all of you and always will. Just please feel free to kick me in the ass or smack me in the head if I am being stupid. If any of you need anything just ask. No matter how big or small I will do all in my power to help cause that is what really matters. In the end all we have is each other, nothing else matters cause it won't last.

Ok well on to some updated information. I am still waiting for my test results, no big surprise. The real big surprise is that I received a test packet from when I applied through the Frankfort office. After checking it out I have decided to go and take it as well. Apparently it cannot hurt my standings or come back to haunt me so why not. I would prefer to go to work in the Frankfort area anyway. So given that it arrived sooner then the Gary one I wonder if the results will arrive sooner as well...Who knows.

I am deciding on something else but it is taking a great deal of processing cycles and the decision gate is still a ways off. No reason to dump it here until all the committees have chimed in.

Iron Kingdoms is going well and we should be in position to go on hiatus in a week or two. After that is Star Wars. I hope everyone is as excited as I am. I promise that it will be good this time. I have a good story lined up and it is simple. It should be fun.

Jeez this was a long one. But there was just a lot to say. Hope everyone is doing well. I am looking forward to seeing all soon.

There is no ego; there is fellowship

OH yeah I am still working towards that Jedi thing. Probably will post on that soon.

Until then...

May the Force be with you


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

He's back, he's bad, he's Matt-Man and he is...

Hail and well met one and all

I am sitting at the Matt-comp 5000 in my place to sleep and keep my shit.

The trip was in a word...AMAZING!

I think I have said that to several people already but it deserves to be said again.

I will give a play by play of the trip sooner or later but not now. I am just posting to say hey to all and to let the world know that I am back.

I don't have much time to type right now as I have stuff that I have to get done. You know pay bills and get stuff and see people. The usual kind of thing when you have been gone on a vacation.
I do want to say this though. Everything looks different since I got back. I don't know if I can explain it in words that will make sense, but I will try. Everything seems in focus for the first time. The colors of things seem...I don't know...Clearer or cleaner. Sharper is the word I think that best fits the bill. I feel different I think. I hope it makes sense to you, cause if it does please feel free to explain it. I like it but I want to understand it.

Ok well that is all I really have time for right now. I really need to get this stuff done so I will go and hope to see everyone sooner then later, unless you are at school or somewhere else. Then I hope to see you as soon as possible and I will type at you when possible.

May the Force be with you
