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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Matt-Man Has Had It!

Hail and well met

Ok here I sit and I just cannot take it anymore! Over the past week and a half I have been doing two things...
1 - waking up every morning at around 6ish then waiting till 11 for the post office to call.

In the past I would normally get at least one call during the week and yeah I would be pissed off but that was because I usually wanted to do something and had to put it off because of the call. Who wouldn't be pissed? But now that I have spent close to 10 days waiting every morning I am really pissed off. No not because I am not working, although it comes in a close second, no I am pissed because I feel like some arrant school boy waiting for the headmaster to call. It is belittling, degrading and down right humiliating to be treated like this. Oh and if those mysterious internet watchers are reading this I am not bad mouthing the Post Office, it is a good job and I do love it, otherwise I would have dropped it like a hot potato...why would you be holding a hot potato anyway? Strange saying in my opinion. I mean was it like some game for the poor or something, throwing around a hot potato seeing who dropped it first?

Sorry I digress. That is just the point, I love my job. I actually enjoy delivering the mail. It is kinda cool driving out in the middle of the country following the route. Now if this was more city or urban I might not feel that way as I have driven those routes and don't much care for them. Give me the long country roads and I am in heaven. Ok I am not bashing the Post Office, just this current lack of work.

So with all this time on my hands I have been doing a couple of different things which leads us to the second thing on my list...
2 - trying to stay calm and sane by working on my campaign while in between bouts of genius watching some TV shows on Hulu and Veohtv.

Why is this pissing me off? Well it is simple. On Hulu you can watch any number of shows and movies with limited commercial interruptions. I understand this and have never and will never complain about it. No what gets to me are the commercials themselves. Most of them are you common fare but then you have those others.

First off all the environmental (and I stress "mental") ads. Save the planet. What a load of crap. I have only some simple questions that exposes that phrase as the glib tripe it is.

1- How old is the planet? Oh only 4.54 billion year roughly. It has seen ice ages, massive earth quakes that reshaped the surface, meteorites crashing into it that have purged all life that was on it and a host of other things but MAN is going to kill it. RIGHT...SURE...if you believe that then I have some land to sell you as well as a bridge or two.

2- How old is mankind? Well here is can of worms just waiting to be opened. Ok I am going to use the "intellectual" sources for this one only because it best serves the argument. This is not about philosophical ideals or personal beliefs but an argument. They say human kind has been around for close to 250,000 years and only in the last 10,000 or so have we been out of the cave so to speak.

If we can just compare the numbers I do believe that we amount to little more then a slight rash on the arse of good ole' earth. If anything we should be sweating our future and not Earths. It has a good history of moving on with little care or worry about the extinct species that have died on it. Come on people be honest and stop all this tree hugging. If we don't stop all the crap that is being done WE ARE GOING TO DIE OUT!


Anyone out there?

Does anyone listen?

No they all go running around trying to be all selfless and saintly by not caring about humans and caring about "mother earth". Hey I love the earth, but I care about my own arse just a little more cause I am going to kick it one day and the Earth is going to kick me to the curb like a cheap bar ho when business is done (I am referring to sex, the nasty kind that you have with people you pick up when drunk cause they looked real good with a fifth of vodka in your brain but after you sober up a bit....WOAH!) The Earth could care less and you know why? IT IS A HUNK OF MINERALS FLOATING AROUND A BALL OF GAS! IT DOESN'T THINK OR FEEL OR CARE.

So basically you are trying to save your collective butts but don't have the balls to say it out loud and look like self serving bastards. Well I am calling all of you on it! (no not you cause I know all of you are not like that but those other yous out there) Grow a pair and fess up. It might just shock some people to really hear the truth and make them wake up to their impending dirt nap.

The second set of ads that really gets my goat are these "cyber-bullying" ads. They have kids in social situations saying some nasty things about other kids in the area. Then it says "If you wouldn't say it in person then why type it"...well duh! First of all when was the last time that anyone really stood up in a crowded place and told someone how stupid or ugly or slutty they were? It doesn't happen all that often and when it does it usually includes alcohol in mix. No they wait until they are on their own, in their little clicks and do it.

Where are the ads that proclaim that as being wrong and hurtful? Oh thats right the kids being laughed and degraded aren't in those clicks and don't have a chance to hear what they are saying (except when it is repeated by the kids that stand next to the click but are not apart of it so they don't care if they snitch) so its ok.

But the internet can be read by anyone (by that I mean the parents, since kids are most likely to just get depressed and start wearing black proclaiming their angst in bad poetry) so don't do it cause it might be seen and hurt their feelings (by that I mean embarrass the parents that their little angel is a social outcast which looks bad for them...ok just a little cynical but if you are googling your name you are that shallow in the first place) . Just save it for the hallway at school or the gym or the lunchroom, like they did in the old days. Just not the beloved pure internet. What a load of crap.

I just have to wonder what the hell we are paying our government for when this kind of money can be wasted telling kids to play nice on the internet. They are not going to play nice period. Where was this be nice attitude when I was getting my ass torn apart on the playground? I was a fat kid. I am still fat. I don't care what anyone thinks about it. You know what taught me that? Having those stupid sniveling worms call me those names and basically ostracize me my entire educational career.

It taught me that they have little substantive material to work with and the best that they could to in their pathetic attempt to raise themselves above the crowd was point out something that a blind mole rat would have been able to notice. I was fat. Ooh such powers of deduction. Like I would want to spend time with lame brans like that. Oh and for the most part it wasn't even original, just the long line of parrots repeating what the one said before it. Which explains how they managed to do so well in the basic education system where recitation of knowledge is considered learning. Can we say "Monkey see monkey do". Can we say "Garbage in garbage out"!

And we wonder why our society is falling apart and decaying. Wow how blind are we anyway.

Maybe if we started teaching our kids to stop trying to better themselves by stepping on the backs of others and instead taught them to STAND UP for themselves, things might start turning around. Well that and somehow got ourselves off this insane materialistic addiction we are on.

You know I was reading something where a Russian from the old USSR made a comment about the "Decadent imperialist Americans". Funny how we have always screamed that we weren't those things...yet we seem to have run right out and become them. Just like a teenager who swears at 18 he won't be like his father only to discover 20 years after that oath that he is just like his good old Dad. Someone just buy me the bullet, please.

Sorry for the ranting but I just get sick and disgusted with the namby pamby way we as a society have decided to try and fix our problems. Well that and sitting here with nothing to do every day but wait for a phone call. God I feel like some pathetic needy (I would say girl here but that is just a little sexist even for me...Todd no but me yes) person waiting for their partner to call, where that partner is a carousing philanderer/slut who is never going to call after that night of drunk sex...HA I managed to draw a line from an earlier metaphor, I am so cool....and lonely.

Ok enough from my peanut gallery and time for me to do the third thing I have been doing to pass the time on these crazy days...NO I DON'T MEAN MASTURBATE! Sickos! Thats fourth, Master of Orion is third.

May the Force be with you


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Matt-Man Almost Wants to Be EVIL?!

Hail and well met

Yeah you read the title right. I have just watched the second installment of Dr.Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog and I LOVE IT! It is amazing and funny and cool and OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!

Uh hum yes sorry about that. Had a giddy school girl moment there. Not common but they do happen every now and then. As I was meaning to say Dr.Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog is amazing.

You must see it. I mean it.

As a self professed super hero I must say that it so completely grasps the troubles that we in the tights and cape profession face. Although written from the prospective of a would be villain I can see many parallels. So many that I have to wonder what is the defining point that keeps Matt-Man on the side of the cape and not the cowl.

I will have to ponder that one...while I wait for the third and final act of Dr.Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog.

So go and see it now or I will have to get a freeze ray and icicle your arse! I mean it.

May the Force be with you


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Matt-Man Has Seen The Future And It Is HORRIBLE!!!

Hail and well met

Long time no post. Well things have been...confused. That is the best word. Not all that busy but something kept me all bound up inside my own head. Sitting here at the computer watching anything and everything I could find on Veohth or Hulu, some pretty bad stuff let me tell you. Yet I sat here and sucked it all into my once fertile brain. I kind of look at it as my kind of bender, cause you all know that I am not that big on drinking (yes I do it and like it but I know my addictive nature too well) even when I want to...GRRRRRRRRR.

Anyway I have been told about Dr.Horrible's Sing-a-long blog before now, I just never made it over there. BIG MISTAKE! I just watched the first act and I almost lost it. I would tell you more but I would rather you stop reading and hit this link to see its wonderful goodness yourself...

Dr.Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog!

Ok now that you have seen it and if I know everyone that reads this you will have loved it, bookmarked it and added a banner or two to your own websites.

I am running short on time right now so I will refrain from rambling on about how awesome it was and all that. I will say that it does give me ideas, I may never see them realized but having them is a good thing.

Well I have to finish a time line for my supers game. Yeah I never realized how much more work it was to plan a campaign that is going to last longer then two or three months...feels good.

Type to all as soon as I can. Hope to see everyone soon. OH and if you ever decide to clean the keys of your keyboard, don't lose the spring under the space bar and try and make a replacement. It never works the same again.

May the Force be with you


Friday, July 04, 2008

Matt-man Addendum

Hail and well met

Ok well in accordance with the previous post I must alter it slightly. I am running a SuperHero game done it Silver Age Sentinels but NOT D20. It will be the original Tri Stat System presented by Guardians of Order. After looking at both it seemed smarter and smoother to run it in its original then the D20 alteration.

So let me know who wants to play and when. I am looking for about 5 players not much more...well maybe 6 but thats it. I would even be willing to run separate groups of 3 or 4 around on different days if it comes to that. Anyway I will talk more the next time I see everyone.

Oh and getting sunburned sucks big time!!!

May the Force be with you
