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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Matt-Man Gets Hot

Hail and well met

Things have gotten annoying. My car is giving me a royal pain in the ass. Yesterday it decided to overheat while I was working. Luckily one of the other subs could come out and drive while I delivered the mail. When I got back and started my car it was fine, on the drive home it was fine. No sign of over heating at all. This morning when I went to work it was fine. Then I started delivering the mail and it overheated again. So I had to deliver the mail with the heater blasting, what fun. So it appears that something is wrong possibly the fan or something else. Anyway it has totally screwed me. I was supposed to go up and be with Terri for her Relay for Life in Antioch. That is out. I was also hoping to get out to Lansing, that is also out. So here I get to sit on my ass with nothing to do.

Well that is about the size of it. My car is going in on my first day off which is Tuesday. I hope it is cheap cause right now I am getting really close to broke. I was trying to save some cash for GenCon but at this rate I will not even bother going. Dammit this really sucks.

The biggest thing is that I cannot go see anyone. Time is running out for hanging out, let alone maybe trying to play a game.

Well I hope everything is going well with everyone.

May the Force be with you


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Matt-Man...What were you expecing.......Nixon??

Hail and well met one and all

Welcome to my blog.

Yes Yes I know that it has been here for awhile and I have posted a number of things here but every once and awhile it is important to stop and realize that maybe some people have stumbled on this blog and do not know me in person like most of the readers do. Of course they should go running and screaming in terror at what they read here cause I am a crazy lunatic but hey if they happen to share my insanity then welcome aboard, feel free to say hi or anything what so ever.

Also it is important to make a distinction between what came before and what will come after. Yes I have done this before but it usually accompanied me totally tossing away my blog and starting a new one. Well not this time. I have no reason to change the blog just because I have changed. But what you might ask has changed?

I have discovered my passion. Oh I have spoken on numerous occasions about how I am the defender of creativity and the champion of imagination. Well true as that may be it is also a fact that I have done little or nothing to aid that cause. That is about to change. I discovered a whole pile of stuff that I had acquired to make games with. Games that I made or were making. I have realized that my most happy moments (aside from the time I spend with Terri and my friends) are when I am plugging away at a game. From designing the story or premise to actually formulating the rules I love it all. I feel complete when I am doing it and I get a sense of satisfaction from it as well.

Now don't get me wrong I intend to keep my day job, although it may not be needed if things really take off. Oh and don't think I don't hear the naysayers "there is no market for that" "It is just a pipe dream". Yeah maybe it is but it was also the pipe dream of a little man that wanted to write stories and publish them. Stan Lee is one of my greatest inspirations and a hero of mine. He never set out to do what he did, he didn't go to school to do it and he had no training in it either. If he can do all that he has done then I can do what I dream as well. Again it won't be easy but I will make it happen!

So please realize that I am serious and I will not brook any down playing or nay saying. I don't have time to defend my choice nor am I inclined to. If you don't like it then either keep it to yourself or expect to be ignored. No I don't believe that anyone really wants to do either of those but just in case there is the warning. No one can sue me for not taking the proper precautions with hazardous matt-erial.

HA HA yes I said it and I meant it.

So I am just back from having 300 dollars I don't have ripped from my ass for my brakes. What really sucks is that I just had them done not more then a month an a half ago. Well it appears the motherless sons of mutant lame goats didn't do a good job or a proper job. Anyway my mechanic fixed it but it is going to hurt. I may have to curtail my outside activities which sucks. The one things I cannot forgo is the Relay for Life this weekend with Terri, I promised to be there and I will.

Yeah I know again a Sunday that supers may not happen, but from the way people were acting I don't think anyone really cares about it anyway.

So I am going to be blitzing this all over. August the 5th I would like to invite anyone and everyone to join myself and my good woman at the Bristol Renaissance Fair. Now I know it is short notice but it is a chance for a large group to go (since people are going back to collage). I was thinking of heading up Saturday night and people could camp out or sleep inside (remember Terri has 2 cats and 1 dog) Then an early morning jaunt up to the fair and a good day had by all.

Let me know cause if it won't work we can move it back to the 19th.

Ok that is all the time I have to type right now. See everyone soon.

May the Force be with you


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Matt-Man is ALIVE....HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Hail and well met

Ok Matt-man is not dead, maybe a zombie but not dead.

The Force is not a dream nor is it stupid

Oh yeah and there is a God and he hates when you say there isn't one.

No I wasn't visited by an angelic being that made me see that I was being a dumbass. I was just sitting watching "That 70's Show" and I realized that things are what they are and I need to get off my butt. Yeah there are things that are not cool in my life but they aren't going to fix themselves nor will sitting around feeling sorry for myself and whining about how things suck going to get them done. Yeah it is hard when your energy is sucked out of by life but that is the way it is.

I am not giving up. It ain't going to be easy and I have a shit-ton to learning to do but if I want my dreams to become reality I have to make it happen......


I hate that phrase! I really do. It was the crappy catch phrase at Toy's R Us back in the day. It was so annoying to hear those lazy managers stand there and spout off all this crap that we had to do and then top it off with "So lets make it happen.". Such hypocrites cause they would then go and hide in the managers office or the SKU booth to avoid actually working. I hated them so much, almost as much as that phrase and here I am using it.

And meaning it, and understanding what it means! CRAP!

Ok that really depresses me. Takes all the wind out of my sails.

Well I can tell you one thing. I may "make it happen" but dammit I am doing it my way. NO TIES! NO UGLY SMOCKS! AND NO FUCKING GIRAFFES!!!!!

Yeah take that, no giraffes.

Well this post has gone way off target but I feel better.

I will talk to everyone soon, and I will post a more post....damn that sounds stupid but what else can I call it...Oh I know a word thingy!

Yeah like I can be lucid, ha who am I kidding.

May the Force be with all of you


Friday, July 20, 2007

Matt-Man...What we talking about?

Hail and well met

Well I know I have been out of the loop. It has been real hard to run the routes I have been running, getting up at 6 to be to work by 7 and then work until 3 or 4 (on a good day that is). I get home and find I lack any energy to do much of anything but doing a few thing around here and then get to bed for the next day. I was hoping that I would be getting better at it by now but it does not seem to be working out that way.

I would normally apologize here for being gone but that is not going to happen. I am not sorry just...I guess the word is disappointed. It appears that I have been under some delusion about how life could (or as I believed, should) work. Now I can see that any idea of being my own anything was stupid. I am just a cog in someone else's machine and that is all I can ever hope to be. I don't have the skills or talents to break out and leave the slave pits behind. When I should have been learning such skills and garnering such talents I was "having fun". Stupid! I am so dumb.

I could list off a number of things that I am pissed at right now. The biggest problem is that the only one that really sticks is ME.

Yeah I thought I had come so far. Had reached such pinnacles and left these thoughts behind. Well it appears that all I was doing was lying to and disillusioning myself. I am a loser of the first magnitude and a failure to rival my Father.

Way to go Dad! You succeeded in making a better dumbass then you. GREAT!


There is no God.

The Force is a stupid dream

and super heroes are for children or lunatics.

Matt-Man is dead.....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

?????Ok it appears that I cannot enter a title for this post????
So here it goes the old fashion way.

Matt-Man is on the Job!

Hail and well met

Well things have been a bit strained as of late. I have been working which is good. On the other hand it has been insanely hot when I worked and it has been kicking my ass (quite literally but I won't go into details). It has affected my ability to do much of anything. Working on my move has come to a complete halt, well almost I did accomplish some things today but not nearly as much as I need to have done by now.

Yeah I know all things take time but this is just getting to me. I mean I need the money (boy that is an understatement) but I also need the time to get the things done that I have to get done. I guess the big problem is just the physical affect it is having on me.

I also have been dealing with the fact that I have not been able to spend the time with Terri that I need to. Oh yes believe me it has become a need and a want. I like being around her, I like the way I think around her and the way she makes me feel (no sickos I don't mean that way...but that is amazing as well) I know that I love her and I want to do the best I can to make it possible for us to be together, and that is the other half of the problem. I don't think the Post Office is going to allow that to happen. I don't know if I can explain it in words but I just have this sinking sensation that I cannot depend on this job to see me though. Maybe it is just my past experiences creeping in to my mind but it is there.

Meh I am not getting anywhere with this and I know that it doesn't resolve anything. I have to make some decisions and take some chances. Boy that is tough given my past. Ah yes old wounds never really do heal you just forget about them until they come up again and it all comes flooding back. The pain the loss and the crashing of dreams.

Again I am saying meh. I am going to do what I have to do cause the other option is to give up on having a life with Terri...well if she wants one with me.

What is going to happen will happen and there is nothing I can do about it but enjoy the ride. Maybe I can choose the seat I am sitting in? I used to sit in the back but maybe now is the time to sit in the front?

May the Force be with you


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Matt-Man on a Mission

Hail and well met

Well I have been digging into the background of that mysterious trailer at the beginning of Transformers. What I have found is little to nothing.

The production company for the film is Bad Robot. This is the same company that did the TV series Alias and Lost. They are also the company behind the new Star Trek movie.

From what I gather it is a giant monster movie as I figured, but not Godzilla. The film is going to be shot from a first person perspective using home video cameras. The way it sounds there will be little or no shots of the monster in question only the carnage and madness that ensues. Sounds interesting and I would go see it. I will keep my ears and eyes open on the subject.

Oh and by the way it is being called CLOVERFIELD as a working title for security and secrecy reasons. Apparently there was a Youtube video of the trailer but it was pulled by Paramount for copyright issues. Yeah like that will last more then a couple of days before it shows up again.

Anyway it sounds intersing and I have to say the trailer caught my attention and peeked my interest. In fact I would have to agree that it is one of the best trailers I have seen in a while.

Ok that is all for now. I have to get ready and head out to the loft for the PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

May the Force be with you
