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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Matt-Man Vs The Survey

Hail and well met

I was sent a survey recently and decided to take it. Instead of emailing it I decided to post it here so anyone that reads it would see it. So without further ado here is ...THE SURVEY!

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Clerk at Toys "R" Us
2. Assistant Manager at 3D-House of Games
3. Manager at Game-opolis
4. Rural Carrier Associate (Post Office guy)

Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Raiders of the Lost Arc
2. Star Wars
3. Noises Off
4. Van Helsing

Four places I have lived:
1. Park Forest, IL
2. Park Forest, IL (Different address)
3. Lansing, IL (Hey I lived at the store, plus there is the Loft)
4. Um...Yeah that is all. I am boring.

Four of my favorite TV shows:
1. The Big Bang Theory
2. Babylon 5
3. Greatest American Hero
4. Firefly

Four places I have been:
1. Wal Mart...In Carbondale!
2. Lothorian
3. Mel and Val's Apartment
4. Universal Studio Theme Park Orlando Florida

People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Terri
2. Aunt Rebbecca
3. My Space
4. Crazy ad people

My favorite foods:
1. Orange Chicken
2. Real good hamburger
3. Pizza
4. Roasted Corn

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Carbondale
2. Lansing
3. Lothlorian
4. Atlanta

Four friends I think will respond:
1. Not sure who is
2. left, so I would
3. have to say
4. anyone that wants to

FOUR Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Seeing the guys from St Louis
2. Being able to wear shorts and sandals (I hate the cold)
3. Something I cannot say cause I don't want to jinx it
4. Hopefully going back to Lothlorian (unless it has been overrun with stupid people)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Matt-Man...Out Of Gas?

Hail and well met

Yeah it is worth a laugh. It appears that the only thing wrong with my van was a lack of fuel. The gauge is off so while I thought I still had about a quarter tank I was on E.

My Dad went to see Frank (the used car guy) and he was upset that the car was not working. He called his mechanic and had him drop everything and get to work looking at the van. After several hours of finding nothing Frank called the previous owner who informed him that he had replaced the fuel pump but the gas gauge didn't work right after. Frank called and told the mechanic to get some gas and presto it started and he then drove it around to make sure that it was ok. It has a clean bill of health and I am back in buisness.

I want to thank those that responded to my post. There are some calls I will be making in the future. It is a great comfort and a bit humbling to be reminded just how many friends I have in this world. I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Now I have to start treating them better.

All in all I laughed for several minutes when I learned about the van. I needed it and I feel better now. What is really interesting is that even with all this going on I didn't find today to be stressful at all. I mean I had a shit-ton of mail to deal with, more then usual in my opinion and of course those wonderful penny savers. I got out of the office at almost 1 and was back by 4:20. Then I was out of the office by 5:30, so a long day but I didn't feel it at all. I actually think I enjoyed the day.

Maybe I am just growing up.

What me grow up!? I must be crazy.

Tomorrow I am on my regular route and the same on Wednesday which will be fun and easy, especially with my NEW VAN!

I will post when ever possible and get those calls going soon.

Thanks again for everything.

May the Force be with you


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Matt-Man Thinks....

And the angels cried.

Hey and well met

I sit here and type in preparation for going to work tomorrow. Now there is the usual conflict with having to be in the office on a Monday and all that comes with it but on top of that are two things.

First is the fact that I am going to have to use my old van again. I say old because last Friday I (with the help of my Father) purchased a newer van, well it is the same year but you know what I mean. Now the reason I have to use my old van is that 24 hours, almost to the minute, the new van stopped working.

So now it is sitting at the used car lot waiting until tomorrow when my Father will go and speak to the owner (someone that he knows which is why I we bought the car from him). Of course I am not able to do it because I am working (ok that makes three things I hate about tomorrow).

The second is that I have to face my boss. That is not usual except that on top of everything else my phone was not working last week so I missed some calls from the office. So I am sure I am going to get a talking to about that. I don't think I am fired cause I would have known that Saturday but I am not really looking forward to facing this. I really don't like conflict in any form, but you all should know that by now.

Part of the problem is that on some levels I am not freaking out. I know isn't it weird. I am usually the first one to jump on the freak out band wagon but not this time. I am just going with the flow. It is strange cause part of me is freaking out and another part is freaking out that it is not freaking out. Can you say "conflicted"?

Part of this is probably is tied to the fact of what has happened recently. Nothing in this world really seems all that bad since that day. I mean it hurts but worse then that is the fear. No not fear it is more dread. The dread that I am destined to be alone. Oh boy is it starting again.

All the thoughts and feelings that I have felt before coming back and having a solid foundation in fact. I don't want to start blathering on cause it sucks.

That is all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Matt-Man IV: A New Dope

Hail and well met.

Just another good day and I have decided to try and move away from saying anything about "IT".

So here for your viewing pleasure and fun....

So yeah if the Empire had gone this route I would have joined up! Hubba Hubba.

May the Force be with you


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Matt-Man Lost In Transition

Hail and well met

Well it is about time I posted on current events. It is not easy at all considering what I have to impart. To be totally truthful it is quite painful.

There is a lot of information that goes into what I am about to say but I don't feel like putting it here. I don't even guarantee that if you ask I will tell you.

Terri and I have ended our relationship.

I don't want anyone bad mouthing Terri (not that I think anyone would but some of you can be very protective as friends)what happened between us was talked over and mutually decided upon. We are still friends and don't roll your eyes and tell me that it is not possible, it is and we are. She is still dear to me and I care about her.

It is a simple matter of reality. Right now we are not in a position to be what the other wants or needs. Staying together would only make things worse cause we would both be trying to fit the square peg in the round hole...(oops that didn't sound as good in type as it did in thought, but it is me :P ).

Yes it hurts. Quite a bit more then I thought it would but I will endure. Right now all I can do is live day to day and hope one of them will not begin with me realizing she is not with me. The struggle against depression continues with good days and bad days. This is a good day and it is why I am posting today. Trust me a bad day would not be good (kinda reminds me of the self indulgent bull I was typing a couple of years ago).

I know I made some mistakes. I know I failed on many levels. I know I let her down. I don't plan on focusing on those because they are not going to change. All I can do is try and learn from them and move forward.

Yeah way easier to say then do.

So that is what is going on for the most part. Well I am working on my games again and a trip to see the guys in St. Lois is in the works.

May the Force be with you


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Moments of Trasitions

Quoted from Babylon 5 Season 3 episode "Z'Ha'Dum" Spoken by G'kar played by Andreas Katsulas

"It was the end of the Earth year 2260, and the war had paused, suddenly and unexpectedly.

All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath . . . waiting.

All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments of revelation. This had the feeling of both.

G'Quon wrote, There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way.

The war we fight is not against powers and principalities – it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender.

The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.

No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."

This speaks volumes. This is where I am. Now I must wait for the universe to exhale.

May the Force be with you
