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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Too long for Face Book...

Now to share my thoughts on politics - everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is one of the founding concepts of this nation. Until we are willing to do something about that opinion, to take action on it to make it real, it is nothing more then fantasy. Talk about the politicians till you are blue in the face but until we are willing to act to take away their power we will see no change. They will do nothing to endanger their power and the system that creates it, that is why it is up to us "we the people" to get up off out of our materialistic malaise, figure out what WE want and make it happen. Until then all I hear is wind blowing into the sails of THEIR ship going where they will it.

Changing the name doesn't change the regime. You can put the name Porsche on a Pinto but it doesn't make it a sports car. You can call vinegar wine just don't try and drink it. So why do we suddenly think that simply changing the President will change the Government? I don't know but if you look real hard it hasn't changed anything in the last 20 years and it won't do a darn thing now.

The key to this nation was the RESPONSIBILITY of the populace to keep government in check. We are part of the checks and balances. The minute we became to busy to care about what they were doing we gave up some of the basic rights of the constitution. One cannot exist without the other. Our rights cannot be claimed when we don't take the responsibility to hold on to them. At this point the effort it would take is almost beyond comprehension.

It is my opinion that we have no hope of really changing anything. They rule, they have the power and the brute strength to hold on to it. We have been lead into a cage with the promise of free everything in a system where nothing can be free. The cost is our freedom and our lives, both of which will be spent as they see fit including spilling our and our children s blood overseas for oil and profit.

So go on. Keep up the good work of bitching and moaning. In the end it is the anesthetic with which we all will by euthanized.

Oh and for the record this is why I don't talk politics with most people.

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